Lord Highlander

Chapter 870: 858. Territory dispute

  Chapter 870 858. Territory dispute

  The last time Surdak passed by Wilkes City was exactly two and a half months ago.

His only impression of Wilkes City is that the city is so big, and his impression of the Wilkes City Military Headquarters is also very limited. He just remembers that the Military Headquarters is located in front of a square. When he came last time, the entire Luthor Legion The soldiers were all standing in this empty square, waiting for the garrison mission from Chester Great Swordsman.

   This time he took Samira and Nika into Wilkes City again, and his mood was completely different from last time.

  Holding the application form for the Viscountdom in his hand, he felt as if he was holding a key to unlock the door of wealth.

  When I found the Red Dragon Treasure, although I was very excited, it was a surprise, and I didn't have the joy of harvesting the fruit at all.

  Suldak didn't inquire about the location of the military headquarters all the way into the city, but also called a magic caravan and tied three war horses behind the magic caravan.

  The magic caravan quickly pulled Suerdak and others to the military gate.

  At this time, the guards at the entrance of the military gate hurried over and sent several horses of Suldak into the stables behind the military headquarters.


  The military headquarters in Wilkes City is a separate three-story ring building.

  The yard is full of practice wooden figures, and even a few young officers are slashing the knight's long sword in front of the wooden figures,

Suldak walked directly into the main entrance, and the guards at the door saluted Suldak one after another. This place pays attention to military rank and title. As the commander of the local garrison, Suldak is not necessary for these guards to salute. A noble viscount, this shows that he has a great future, so naturally he behaves better in normal times.

When Suldak submitted the territory development statement to the military department, because Suldak's independent cavalry battalion belonged to the Luthor Legion, the whole process went very smoothly, and soon Suldak's application was approved by the military department. approved.

  Hold the parchment that can be stamped with a red seal in your hand, and get the smell of mimeograph tattooed on it close to the tip of your nose, feeling very happy...

  He was not in a hurry to go to the Territorial Administration of the House of Representatives to make territorial notes, so he went straight to the door of Chester Great Swordsman's office. Chester Great Swordsman was standing on the edge of a wall, discussing something with several officers behind him.

  Hearing movement at the door, Great Swordsman Chester immediately turned his head to look at the door, and found Suldak actually standing at the door, and quickly greeted him with a smile.

   "Why did you come to Wilkes City at this time, what happened in Dodan Town?" Great Swordsman Chester asked Suldak.

  Suldak walked in and saluted the great swordsman Chester.

  Half-elf archer Samira wore a worn thick canvas windbreaker, which completely wrapped the salamander leather armor on her body.

   "I'm ready to open up the land north of the Thorn Mountains in the northern part of the plane. This time I'm here to submit an application to the military department and the House of Representatives." Suldak reported to Chester Great Swordsman.

   "How is everything going well?" Chester Great Swordsman asked with a smile.

  Suldak nodded and said, "Very well!"

   "That's good... How about it, do you have any plans for coming to Wilkes City this time? Do you need me to get a portal pass for you?" Great Swordsman Chester asked him seriously.

  Suldak quickly waved his hand.

  He is going to go directly to the merchant Malakom about this matter, he has the regular right to pass through the portal.

  The most urgent task now is to go to the Bailin Territorial Administration of the House of Representatives to submit the application for the Viscounty and the description of opening up the territory.

  He had never gone through this kind of procedure before. He went to the White-collar Territory Administration and found out that the government officials here seemed very lazy.

   During this period, we still have to wait for the land bureau surveyors to conduct on-site surveys and reviews. Usually, these surveyors will also enter the Invercargill Warcraft Forest with the legion.

But this time, Suldak was in the Territorial Administration, and he waited from noon until all the Territorial Administration had to leave work. However, Suldak's application for the Viscounty was delayed, and it was obvious that there was some kind of problem. The public official repeatedly ran upstairs and downstairs of the Territorial Administration for a long time, but in the end the matter could not be resolved.

  Suldak finally couldn't wait any longer, and when the public employee ran back, he knew what the problem was...

  There were two overlapping territorial applications. One of the territorial applications was for Suldak, and the other was for the Magic Union.

   Ordinarily, at this time, as long as the public employees cooperate with one party to put pressure on the weaker party and induce the weaker party to give up the territorial application, it will be fine.

  The territory application from the Magic Union was approved a month ago. Now the application for the Viscountdom submitted by the military is a bit late. The public official originally found some problems, so he took the opportunity to cancel the application for the territory.

  But after a whole afternoon of busy work, they did not find any problems with the application for the Viscounty.

   Now the public servant can only find Suldak and say to him tactfully: "This territory has been selected by a magician nobleman. I hope you can maintain a bit of noble dignity and give up applying for this territory."

  As a magician nobleman, after earning enough meritorious service, he has the right to choose an unclaimed territory on the plane.

  Because the magician has no army, it is acquiesced that the magician can apply for some unowned land in the plane. Many magicians choose remote undeveloped territories, and the Territory Administration will also release them.

   Now the trouble is coming. The land development statement submitted by Suldak and the thirty-seven agreements itself mean that this territory was developed by Suldak.

  According to the 433 Territory Allocation Law, this territory already belongs to Surdak.

  But he was chosen by the magician first... This is a mistake in the work of the Territorial Administration.

   It is said that the two sides can negotiate, and the public officials of the Territorial Administration found the middle-aged magician immediately, but the magician did not agree to give up the forest land. The other side did not agree to change the territory, and the public officials wanted Suerdak to change their minds.

  How could Suldak give up Invercargill Forest of Warcraft and resolutely refused.


  Suldak waited in Wilkes City for three days in a row, but unfortunately the territorial application could not be processed.

   Originally, Suldak planned to go through the portal to visit Hathaway and Beatrice in the city of Bena, but now he was also disturbed.

On the third day, when Suldak went to chat in the office of Great Swordsman Chester, he realized that the House of Representatives had suppressed the application for Viscountdom of Suldak... Great Swordsman Chester listened to Suldak Then he flew into a rage.

  When the Luthor Legion entered the front of Bailin, there was an incident of defection to the plane in the Tarapakan area.

If it wasn't for this beast horde, and for Suldak to have the opportunity to open up a territory in the Bailin plane, Marquis Luther would have even called off this garrison mission, but before this territory is opened up, It was actually taken first by someone, and it was even possible to pick the fruit of Suldak. The Great Swordsman of Chester immediately reported the matter to the Wilkes City Military Department...

  The Wilkes City Military Department also applied to the Wilkes House of Representatives for reconsideration.

  (end of this chapter)

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