Lord Highlander

Chapter 875: 862. Letter from Marquis Luther

  Chapter 875 862. Letter from Marquis Luthor

  The several large-scale speeches given by the magicians in the square made the public opinion of the people of Wilkes City turn to Christopher magician in just one night.

   Immediately afterwards, a group of magicians from the Magic Union led nearly ten thousand citizens to hold a grand demonstration in Wilkes City.

At the door of the hotel where Suldak lived, there were some citizens holding protest plaques. They didn't know whether they were employed by the magic union or organized activities spontaneously. However, these protesters didn't have any radical words or actions, just There was a silent protest with protest signs behind the railing across the road.

  Wilkes Daily also published an article about territorial disputes between noble lords and magician nobles.

  This report is relatively positive, explaining the role of noble lords and magician nobles in the Green Empire, and the disadvantages of noble lords and magician nobles in opening up new territories.

  In fact, after magicians have been promoted to nobles, the territories assigned to them are often in name only, basically remote and barren mountainous areas, and magicians seldom actually develop those lands.

  This makes the benefits of magicians more like a burden.

  Noble lords have more freedom to open up new territories, but the premise is that these noble lords must have private troops.

However, for a magician with a good reputation in Wilkes City, who is also a director of the Alchemy Guild, and the territory owned by the magician Christopher, can he choose Invercargill Forest of Warcraft? Many citizens think that he can choose. Territory... Then there is no reason not to choose?

  But before the election, the Wilkes City Hall should come forward to communicate this issue.

  That is to say, whether you apply for a territory or apply for the development of an unknown area, you need to do it in advance. It is impossible to do it first and then make up the ticket. This is not in line with the process.

   It is precisely because the citizens who hold this point of view are the mainstream group, so everyone supports Christopher Magician to get the Invercargill Forest of Warcraft.

  The Consul of Florian proposed: let Christopher Magician and Viscount Suldak sit down and discuss the ownership of the Invercargill Warcraft Forest. In fact, such a large forest is more than enough for several noble lords to share equally.

  The magic union ignored it, and instead publicized Christopher the magician, who is also an excellent alchemist, and his great contribution in Wilkes City.

   Nowadays, when magic herbs are scarce, the profession of alchemist has gradually appeared in everyone's eyes.

  The second reconsideration of the House of Representatives was quickly approved, and the territory of Invercargill Warcraft Forest belonged to Christopher Magician.


  Suldak also left Wilkes City with Nika and Samira on the same day, and the group returned to Dodan Town along the way they came.

  According to the orders of Chester Great Swordsman, the garrison in the northern area of ​​Bailin Plane has begun to fully expel the magicians in the territory, and some adventure groups with magicians are leaving one after another.

  On the road leading to Wilkes City, there will always be some adventure groups riding in carriages heading towards Wilkes City.

Suldak rode in front on Gubolai war horse, while Nika and Samira sat in a magic caravan. Nika was not good at riding, nor did he have enough strength to ride on horseback for seven days in a row, while Samira simply didn't want to bask in the scorching sun with a hood and light gauze.

  He was in a bad mood. He didn't expect that he had worked so hard to open up the Invercargill Forest, but now he said that this land belonged to a magician.

Then the magic contract signed with the indigenous tribes in the Invercargill Forest became a pile of waste paper. The most embarrassing thing is that I also drove the four indigenous tribes out of the Invercargill Forest. Everything turned out to be a farce.

  Although Chester Great Swordsman said that this matter is not over yet, Suldak feels that this matter may be irreversible.

   I didn't expect this to be the case.

Leaving Wilkes City and stepping into the vast grassland, his gloomy mood gradually improved. Suldak rubbed his numb face with his hands vigorously. After he returned, he still had to muster up the courage to meet the natives The chief of the tribe, this meeting should think about what to say after meeting, we can't keep talking about the weather...

   At this time, the magic caravan behind caught up and paralleled Suldak.

   Nika pushed open the window, poked her head out, and said to Suldak:

   "Master, when I was wandering in Wilkes City these two days, I heard something related to the Christopher magician."

Suldak turned his head suspiciously, looked at Nika, and motioned for her to continue: "There is a student next to Magician Christopher. His name is Joel Singh. He is a magician who just graduated from the Wilkes School of Magic. , He disappeared at the beginning of this month."

"The family, fiancée and friends of Magician Joel Singh are all looking for news about him. When I was visiting the Magic Clock Tower in the Magic Street that day, they happened to be carrying a portrait of Magician Joel Singh around. Ask people on the street."

"I didn't pay attention at first, but I heard that his last trip was to go to the Invercargill Forest of Warcraft with Christopher Magician. At that time, his friends saw him off, and he happily told his family and friends that he would I'm going to get rich."

   "But according to what Christopher Magician said after he returned from Invercargill Forest, he and Joel Singe probably separated after they left Wilkes City because they were responsible for different tasks."

"The family of Magician Joel Singh didn't believe this statement, because before Magician Joel Singh left, he said that he was going to take Christopher Magician to Invercargill Forest, and said that Magician Christopher Never been to Invercargill Forest."

Suldak held the horse's rein with one hand, patted his forehead vigorously, and said: "If this matter involves the magician Christopher, it can't be solved with a fine, after all, the other party is also a magician." noble."

Nika stuck her head out of the window and said excitedly: "If they go to Invercargill Forest, they may not necessarily go through Dodan Town, but they must pass through Kieran Town, and unfortunately there is only one town in Kieran Town. A hotel, we can check it out in Kieran town..."

  She pointed to the road ahead, and said to Suldak: "Master, let's go to Kilan Town!"

  Every time Nika calls 'Master', Suldak always feels as if someone is tickling his soles. It's hard to describe that feeling.


  The next day, after Suldak arrived in Kilan Town, Nika immediately ran to the only hotel in the town.

Coincidentally, the waitress at the front desk of the hotel was Nika's little sister. Nika got into the service area of ​​the front desk, and the two chatted for a long time inside. Not only did they find out the information about Christopher and the magician living in the hotel, It was also found that the magician Joel Singh found two street girls in the town that night, and it is said that he destroyed two sheets in the hotel...

   Christopher Magician is lying.

   Magician Joel Singh did not disappear, and he did not return to Wilkes City with Magician Christopher. He was probably killed on the way.

   Christopher Magician concealed the truth. There is a high probability that he is the murderer who killed Joel Singh.

  Suldak remembered at this time that he was clearly alone the night he met Christopher Magician in the southern part of the Invercargill Forest mine.

  Although this matter seems clear at a glance.

   But it is not easy to investigate.

  The main reason is that no one knows the whereabouts of Joel Singh except Christopher Magician, but there is no way to interrogate him.

   What exactly to do, made Suldak fall into deep thought.

  I thought that I might be able to return to the town of Dodan and return to Wilkes City with Selena. The dark goddess Celine is in charge of everything in the dark, and the dream is one of them. Maybe I can go to the dream of Christopher the magician to understand the situation.

  But then Suldak thought that it would be impossible for him to get close to Master Christopher now.

  Leave Kieran Town Hotel.

   When he closed the door casually, he heard the jingling sound of the wind chime at the door. Suldak touched his neck subconsciously. The fingerbone of Viscount Fornak was tied to a rope.

  He took the phalanx in his hand, turned around and returned to the hotel with Nika and Samira.

  Walking to the front desk, he said to the waitress with broken braids, "Help me open two guest rooms, preferably the one where Christopher the Magician used to live, and prepare a pot of good afternoon tea for me by the way..."

  The waitress quickly completed the formalities, took out a bunch of keys, and bounced upstairs to open the door for Suldak.

  Suldak asked Nika and Samira to live next door, and walked alone into the room where the magician Joel Singh once lived.

  After sitting in the room for a while, the waitress knocked on the door with a tray of desserts and black tea. Suldak walked to the door, took the tea tray, and tipped the waitress a silver coin.

  The reason for tipping so much is purely because he has no change in his pocket.

   After the waitress kept hinting that she could do more services, Suldak closed the door and locked the door.

  He put the tea tray on the coffee table in the living room, then walked to the window and pulled up the thick curtains.

  The room immediately became a little dark, and then he took out the finger bone, put it in his mouth and blew gently...no sound.

The surrounding air suddenly became cold, and Suldak found some **** marks appeared on the wall, a little bit of blood seeped out from the wall, and then a **** wattle drilled out of the wall, like countless crazily growing trees Vine, these dark red tree vines form an arch on the wall.

  A big boned hand pushed open the broken wooden door, and quietly appeared in front of Suldak.

  When the door behind him quietly closed, Suldak saw through the wooden door the vast land formed by countless white bones.

  Howled by the dark wind, countless skeletons crawled out of the Land of Bones, forming an army of skeletons, and walked slowly into the distance.

   "Good afternoon, Suldak... Oh, I was actually promoted to Viscount, which is really beyond my expectation!"

Count Funak took off the hat on his head, floated to the front of the sofa, sat down casually, stretched his head forward, sniffed the steaming black tea in front of him, and said to Suldak with a smile: " It’s been a long time since I drank black tea, this taste is really nostalgic!”


   On the second day after Suldak left Wilkes City, Miss Hathaway rushed to the Wilkes City Military Headquarters with a letter from Marquis Luther.

   (Ten days ago, Chester Great Swordsman wrote a letter to Marquis Luther in the Tarapakan area about the dispute in the Bailin plane)

   Unexpectedly, Marquis Luther sent a reply letter so soon. Luther not only replied a letter to Chester Great Swordsman, but also wrote a letter to the Consul of Florian in Wilkes City.

  At the same time, Hathaway and Beatrice passed through the portal of Bena City, and delivered the two letters from Marquess Luther to the Chester Swordsman in the army.

  Marquis Luther said in the letter:

  ‘I am inconceivable that the Wilkes City Territory Administration can assign the Invercargill Warcraft Forest to Christopher Magician during the beast tide.

  The aristocratic lords are willing to station troops in the border towns of the plane. It is definitely not simply doing good deeds, but accompanied by a series of related interests, so that the noble lords are willing to come to the plane to garrison.

  Obviously, the citizens of Wilkes City have forgotten who allowed them to live a happy life at this moment. For residents of such planes, the Luthor Legion announced that they will completely withdraw from the Bailin plane at the end of this month.

  I ordered: Chester Great Swordsman immediately summoned the Legion Herald to issue a troop recall order to the Luthor Legion in the northern occupied area. The Luthor Legion is preparing to evacuate the Bailin plane before the end of this month. '

   This letter was brought by Hathaway Luthor herself.

  Marquis Luther publicly stated in Wilkes City that the Luther Legion supported Suldak, which greatly cheered up the Wilkes Army.

   But the troubles that followed made them extremely distressed.

  Although the Luthor Legion blocked the beast tide north of the Bailin plane, the Luthor Legion is about to leave the Bailin plane.

Which legion will succeed Luthor's legion in the future is really a big trouble. Even the local aristocratic lords of the Bailin plane are unwilling to undertake the garrison mission in the northern region, because everyone knows that the undeveloped land north of the Thorn Mountains is about to change. into the domain of Christopher the Sorcerer.

  So the noble lords shouted in the House of Representatives: Since the magician is going to open up the territory of the Invercargill Warcraft Forest, it is up to the magician to garrison there.

  Consul Florian personally went to the military headquarters to meet Great Swordsman Chester, trying to persuade Great Swordsman Chester to suspend the decision of the Luthor Legion to withdraw from the Bailin plane.

  In order to avoid the Consul of Florian, the Great Swordsman of Chester had already taken the order of Marquis Luther and personally ran to the small towns in the northern region to issue evacuation orders.

  At this time, everyone remembered that the Luthor Legion was the private army of the Marquis Luther, and that the Marquis Luther, as the leader of the main war faction in the province of Bena, was definitely not a good-tempered person.

   The second is more likely to be later...



  (end of this chapter)

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