Lord Highlander

Chapter 884: 871. The Mermaid in the River

   Chapter 884 871. The Mermaid in the River

  Suldak held his wine glass, raised his hand towards the slave owner Zazaks, and said casually:

   "Actually, there are still some kobold slaves in my family's territory. It is a long journey to transport slaves from Hailansa to the Bailin plane, and there will be many troubles along the way..."

   "If you have kobold slaves here, I think kobold slaves are actually pretty good."

  The laws of the Green Empire do not prohibit the sale of slaves, but they prohibit the use of various means to persecute the poor and homeless people and turn them into slaves, and it also prohibits the capture of indigenous tribes and mountain people in remote mountainous areas.

  In fact, according to the decrees of the Grimm Empire, slaves can only be enemies captured on the battlefield, and the other party can redeem themselves with money or materials...

   Sub-races such as kobolds, jackals, murlocs, and arakkoa do not belong to this category. These sub-races cannot be regarded as human beings, so they cannot be regarded as slave transactions. This kind of transaction is legal.

It’s just that many nobles and lords are so repelled by these low-IQ sub-races that slave traders are not willing to trade these cheap goods. Once they are smashed in their hands, they cannot be sold. one game.

  Zazacs said euphemistically:

   "Kobold slaves, you can only have them now when you open up a new plane."

   Seeing that Suldak was not moved at all, he said again: "You want slaves who are good at mining, but goblins are also very good."

  Businessman Malakom interjected again: "Forget it, goblins still have the brains to mine?"

"If you have a real dwarf here, you can send someone to inform Malakom." Suldak said to the slave owner Zazaks. While speaking, he noticed a familiar figure quickly walked out of the corridor on the left, looking at That figure looks a lot like Marco.

  Zazaks said to Suldak very readily:

   "Don't worry! If there are dwarf slaves, we will definitely send the news to you before the auction!"

Suldak nodded slightly, and then he paused, before saying to Zazaks: "In addition, I would like to give you a kind warning, if possible, try not to traffic the Nanai aborigines, do this Thing... Actually, it’s not worth it at all. On the Maca plane, as long as you spend 30 silver coins a month, you can hire very good Nanai young people, but buying and selling Nanai native slaves is easy to be accepted. Nai warriors bear grudges."

"Is there anyone in our business who doesn't get hated by others? If you do this calculation, I don't have 10,000 enemies, maybe a few thousand. If I have to be afraid of doing anything, it would be better Just take this money and sneak to a completely strange plane to start a new life." Zazaks said with a self-deprecating smile.

  Suldak can only say this to the slave owner Zazaks. The reception is not over, but many nobles have already left one after another.

  Suldak didn't buy a suitable dwarf slave, and he didn't want to stay here.

   Then he asked the waiter to send the two Nanai aborigines he bought to the front yard. He took the two somewhat hostile Nanai aborigines and walked out of this seemingly quiet manor with Malakom.

  It was almost midnight at this time, and occasionally there were magic caravans passing by quickly on the street.

   Malakom sent Suldak back to the hotel before leaving in the magic caravan.

  The two aboriginal slaves of the Nanai nationality seemed to be in good spirits, and they were still somewhat vigilant about the unfamiliar environment.

   But the clothes they were wearing were a bit horrible, it looked more like a piece of cloth, and the air was leaking all around.

Suldak asked the two Nanai aborigines for a room in the hotel, and asked the hotel waiter to find two sets of clean clothes for the two Nanai aborigines, and asked them to take a good bath and change clothes. After putting on clean clothes, they were treated to two roast chickens and a piece of scones. It was not easy to find so much food in the hotel at such a late hour.

   These two Nanai aborigines are no different from normal people except for a shining slave collar around their necks.

   But their imperial language is not very good, and it is a bit difficult to communicate with Suldak.


  In the early morning, Suldak got up early, and after having breakfast in the hotel, he took two Nanai aboriginals and set off for Dodan Town.

Suldak came to Wilkes this time in a magic caravan with Hathaway and Beatrice. He did not bring any entourage when he came to Wilkes this time. Both Mira and Andrew remained in Dodan.

  He didn't want to sit in the magic caravan when he returned to Dodan this time, so he bought three more Guberai horses at the horse market.

The three of Surdak set off from the horse market on horseback, heading to the north gate of Wilkes City, and detoured along the inner river of the city to the north gate. At this time of the morning, there was very little traffic on this road , basically no pedestrians.

   This inland river is completely a circle in Wilkes City. There will be a small pier not far from the city. The river is not deep, and only some small canoes and flat rafts with a shallow draft can pass in the inland river.

  There are arched stone bridges everywhere in the city, the span is not very wide, and the **** of the bridge deck is not very steep.

Suldak walked this road once, but when he passed here in the morning, the delicate branches and leaves of the weeping willows by the river were all hanging down into the river, and from time to time there were small fishes spitting out a small bubble in the river, which disappeared after turning over a splash up.

  Riding a horse and walking slowly along such a beautiful river, if it weren't for the two stupid Nanai natives behind him, which made him feel a bit unsightly, in fact, the journey was quite pleasant.

When passing through the three-fork intersection of this inland river, Suldak rode his horse and just boarded the arched stone bridge, when he saw a waterline in the quiet river. This waterline moved very fast. Go under the stone arch bridge where Surdak is.

   When he got closer, Suldak could clearly see the dark red and orange colors on the cyan fish tail.

  A head of smooth, wet long hair almost covered the entire pale back.

  Suldak was shocked at first, and thought: how could this Janna mermaid run into the inland river for a morning swim this early in the morning...on second thought, no!

This is the three-way intersection of the inland river. One waterway leads to the eastern half of Wilkes, and the other leads to the exit under the northern city wall. However, a very strong iron fence is also set up at the exit of the inland river. Large fish are very Difficult to pass.

  Suldak took a look into the river, and saw the Janna mermaid hiding under the bridge in a panic, with a little duckweed on its pretty face, looking extremely embarrassed.

  Those clear eyes seem to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

   It reminded Suldak of the first time he met Signa, he seemed to have the same eyes in a trance, like a frightened deer...

  A group of well-equipped knights chased along the river mightily, and the one chasing at the forefront was the noble lord who spent 2,700 gold to buy the Janna Mermaid last night.

When he chased to the bridge with a team of cavalry, he looked at Suldak suspiciously, and asked Suldak with a stinky face, "Hey, why are you here? To a Janna swimming through here?"

  Suldak turned his head to look at the two Nanai natives behind him with a blank face, and asked casually, "Hey, have you seen a Janna swimming past here?"

  Because Suldak's speech was too fast, the two Nanai natives couldn't understand at all, and they would shake their heads blankly when they didn't understand the question...

   Then Suldak also turned his head, shaking his head seriously.

  The noble lord said angrily, "Send people to guard the exits of the various waterways. She can't escape this inland river. Let's go to the East District to find..."

   After finishing speaking, he led a large group of cavalry to chase forward along the river, and the cavalry behind also carefully looked under the bridge, but did not find any clues.

  Suldak didn’t stop on the bridge either. He rode his horse and led two Nanai natives towards the north city gate...

  (end of this chapter)

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