Lord Highlander

Chapter 951: 937. The Brawl in the Teleportation Hall

  Chapter 951 937. The quarrel in the teleportation hall

  The great swordsman Quintus frowned, and asked the great swordsman Chester:

   "Chester, why did you bring a magician with you for this mission? Don't you know that the quota for this operation is very strict?"

  The great swordsman Chester smiled, and said softly to the crowd: "She will walk on waves, this magic can help us get out of the battlefield as soon as possible..."

  Everyone looked at Siya, who was covered with a black veil, in surprise, and Siya quickly hid behind Suldak in fright.

  The great swordsman Quintus heard what the great swordsman Chester said, and he didn't have any doubts immediately.

  Waved his hand casually and said: "Okay, okay, Suldak, you brought her, and the responsibility of protecting her is up to you."

  However, when his eyes fell on Gullitum, his expression immediately became very relaxed, and he even said with an expression of appreciation:

   "The other Mr. Ogre..."

  The two-headed ogre is still dominated by Gullitem. He puffed up his chest and said politely to the great swordsman Quintus: "Just call me Gullitem."

   The ogre's voice was a little loud, making the surroundings quiet.

  The half-elf archer who had been standing silently behind Suldak also said lightly at this time: "Samira!"

  The great swordsman Quintus said: "Gulitum, you will act with the assault team."

   "Samira, you go with the scout team..."

  The half-elf archer nodded without any opinion.


  The gate of the teleportation hall in Bena City is surrounded by guards from the military headquarters, and the outermost part is full of knights standing in the guard battalion.

  The entire teleportation hall can only be entered and exited after 9 am. Fortunately, there are very few people in the teleportation hall who can usually pay the teleportation fee, and there are basically no people in the teleportation hall.

  The three assault teams stood in three columns in the teleportation hall.

This building is very ornate, the floor is covered with frosted marble, and the courtyard door and porch columns are also polished with smooth bluestone. There are three portals in the hall, one of which connects to the imperial capital, and the other portal It is connected to Haiyinsi, and the portal in the corner can be connected to a temporary portal.

  The space magicians of the Stargazer Union hold the space beacon of this portal in their hands. No matter where they are, as long as they calculate according to the correct space beacon, they can arrange a temporary portal.

  Suldak felt that the expensive teleportation price of the temporary teleportation array was probably caused by the industry monopoly of the stargazer union.

  At least the plane transfer fee is not that expensive...

  The magician who built a temporary portal on the Ganbu plane will also go to the Ganbu plane with everyone this time, and he has another task, which is to find a chance to repair the portal in the center of Mukuso.

  The magician in charge of this teleportation is another one. He wears a black magic robe and counts the number of teleporters with a poker face.

The assault teams of the other two legions all had the required number of people. When they arrived at the Luthor Legion, the magician frowned at the end and asked displeasedly, "Why do you have five more people in your team?" ?”

Chester Great Swordsman smiled, put his hand on the magician's shoulder, and communicated: "We have recruited a lot of second-rank powerhouses this time, hehe, but if we go to more people to perform tasks, the success rate will be higher." Can be higher..."

  The magician shook his shoulders, shook off the hand of the great swordsman Chester, and then yelled in a low voice:

   "You don't know how many magic crystals you have to bear if there are five more people?"

  The Great Swordsman Chester squeezed out a smile and asked:

   "What do you mean by that, you think we have too many people and waste your magic spar?"

  The magician said very stubbornly: "The above stipulates that there is a team of ten people. You have to lose five people before I can send you there..."

The great swordsman Quintus pushed aside the great swordsman Chester, stood at the front, looked down at the thin magician, and asked, "You mean... if we don't reduce our personnel, you are not going to send Have we sent it over?"

   "Too many people, the temporary array is overloaded..."

   Before the teleportation magician finished speaking, the great swordsman Quintus turned around, waved his thick arms, and shouted at a group of second-rank fighters behind him:

   "Then let's go, you think we are willing to dry the cloth plane!"

  The second-rank swordsmen of the Luthor Legion followed behind the great swordsman Quintus and walked towards the entrance of the teleportation hall without saying a word.

  A noble officer in charge of maintaining the teleportation hall saw Quintas the great swordsman coming out of the teleportation hall with the second-rank swordsmen, and shouted loudly: "Quintas, what are you doing...?"

"When the second-rank fighters of the Luthor Army were summoned to Bena City, no one said that the number of people should be limited to ten people?" The majestic Quintas swordsman roared angrily: "Just say yes Gather the existing second-rank fighters of the legion, and you can also have magicians accompanying the regiment, now we have all the manpower, but what is the point of losing five people?"

  The noble officer said with a smile: "The transmission fee given by the above is so much... If the number of people exceeds the budget, why not subtract it? What is there to argue about?"

   "...You do what you want, call the second-rank strongmen of your legion to come over now, I saw that there are not a few people from your legion at the military headquarters today!" Quintas the great swordsman said without giving in.

  The officer was so choked by the words of Quintus the Great Swordsman that he didn't know what to say.

   "Okay, what are you arguing about here?"

  The crowd quickly parted ways. Marquis Jonson walked into the teleportation hall from the outside with a dark face. Seeing the second-rank strongmen of the Luthor Legion standing at the door, he felt a headache for a while.

   Marquis Luther himself had reservations about the arrest operation of infiltrating the Ganbu plane, but he still agreed to participate in this arrest operation in order to take into account the overall situation of the main combat faction.

  Now the teleportation hall proposes to limit the number of teleportation places. It’s really dozing off and sending pillows. They can’t find a reason to refuse this action. Now there is…

   "Let them pass..."

  Marquis Johnson paused for a moment, and gave instructions to the magician who opened the temporary teleportation array.

The magician's face was as black as ink, but he didn't dare to refute the words of Marquis Jonson, he just said in an extremely depressed tone: "This temporary teleportation array will be opened again in forty-eight hours, it won't wait... "

After speaking, he stuffed the magic crystals into the grooves of the gems one by one, and a trace of magic elements poured into the portal. The original mirror-like portal finally rippled, rippling outwards in circles. After a while, A huge vortex was formed...

  The assault team of Jonson's Legion entered the portal first, and the magician who came back from the Ganbu plane was sandwiched between them and passed through the portal together.

   Immediately followed by the assault squad of Norton's Legion, followed by the assault squad of Luthor's Legion...

  Watching all the second-rank fighters walk into the portal, the teleportation magician took out the magic spar that was almost drained of magic power from the gemstone groove with a sullen face, and put it in his pocket...

  (end of this chapter)

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