Lord Highlander

Chapter 983: 969. Mermaid

   Chapter 983 969. Mermaid

   Probably this kind of battle scene is already used to Stone in the rebel army.

  After they cleaned the battlefield, they lit two huge fires at dusk.

  The firewood burned quickly, billowing with thick smoke, the flames and thick smoke devoured all the corpses on the firewood pile, and there was a disgusting smell in the air.

   There is basically no wind in the valley, which makes the smell of corpse oil more intense.

  The rebel scouts who ran out to investigate ran back to report that the cavalry battalion chose to leave the mountainous area overnight and did not stay nearby.

  It was completely dark, and the women and children in the camp were also responsible for lighting the fire and preparing dinner. The dinner was to cook horse meat, and the wounded also needed some broth, and these horses that died on the battlefield belonged to the cavalry regiment of the Lord's Army.

  The rebel soldiers have no feelings for these war horses, so eating these horse meat does not have any burden on their hearts.

   They can quickly stabilize their emotions after a battle. Most of the rebel fighters are sitting in the camp to rest at the moment.

Several large tents were set up in this camp, and there were more than forty simple wooden huts. Before this battle broke out, there were almost 1,200 people in this camp, including the bearded Edgar who brought him from Takale Town. Three hundred town residents came back.

  After a battle, there are less than 700 people left in the rebel camp, including more than 300 wounded.

   A group of rebels were sitting next to the iron pot. Everyone was holding wooden bowls. The blood on their bodies had not completely dried up, and they were eating horse meat from the soup.

  The atmosphere was somewhat silent, and a rebel soldier whispered to his companions:

   "I thought I couldn't make it through today, Guy, Herman, and Maslow are all dead..."

   "If it weren't for the help of the magician's followers, we shouldn't be able to stop those cavalry!"

  The companion picked up a large piece of horse meat from the wooden bowl and said vaguely.

  The surroundings became quiet again.

  A young woman poured a pot of cut horse meat into the tumbling soup pot, and I don't know who said in the crowd:

   "Acelia, sing us a song..."

  The young woman did not shirk, she put down the tub and sat in the crowd, and said to everyone: "Then I will sing Scarborough..."

   Immediately, protests came from all around: "Don't listen to such a sad song!"

   "That song is not as good as the red-haired girl..."

   "Yes, let's sing the red-haired girl!" Everyone echoed.

   Soon there were bursts of melodious singing in the camp.

   Even Suldak could hear clearly in the tent.

  The wounded lying on the treatment bed also opened their closed eyes, and their tense mood gradually eased.

  Singing at night is probably one of the few seasonings in their lives.


  Life in the rebel camp was very difficult, and supplies were also quite scarce. The wooden houses in the camp were old and decayed, and mushrooms almost grew on the edges.

This kind of wooden house is very simple to build in the forest area. You only need to dig a square pit in the woodland, use logs to support a shelf, and then spread some arms thick logs, and finally spread thick moss on it. Become a wooden house that can shelter from wind and rain.

  There are several large iron pots outside the wooden house, and the horse meat soup boiled in it exudes a faint fishy smell.

  The bearded Edgar introduced to the magician Avid that the situation here would actually be worse if the rebel army hadn't just attacked Takale Town and obtained a large amount of living supplies.

  Of course, most of the materials seized in Takale town have been transported to the rear. This camp is just a stronghold of the rebels here.

  Suldak has been busy in the tent, too many people were injured, he almost never left the tent.

  At the beginning, only Siya was helping Surdak, and when Samira packed up the spoils, he joined in.

Obviously, Samira is more experienced in this kind of thing. He not only lined up the wounded outside the tent waiting for treatment, but also made a detailed screening of their injuries. Those seriously injured who were about to die could be carried to the Come ahead.

  She will also make some preparations in advance, such as checking the specific injuries of the wounded, and taking Xi Ya to clean the wounds.

  With a water magician by my side, it is really much more convenient to do these things.

  Sometimes when I met some wounded rebels with wounds on the lower abdomen or thighs, Sia would feel a little embarrassed when seeing the dejected third leg.

  Carrying the wounded into the tent, when the two came out, Samira raised her pale red eyes and asked Siya strangely: "Siya, are you really the Jana Sea Clan?"

"Huh?" Sia looked up at Sami LS Mira in puzzlement and approached her ear with a wicked face, her hoarse voice was slightly magnetic: "Since you are Janna, why do you see a human body? Still blush?"

  Sia immediately lowered her head, blushing so much that she wanted to bleed.

  However, she then asked Samira in a low voice, "Don't you feel embarrassed?"

   "What's so embarrassing, half of my blood belongs to elves..."

  Samira turned her head away, raised her chin, and said to Siya proudly.

   After finishing speaking, he walked to the end of the wounded in line...

  Siya secretly rubbed her flushed cheeks, took a deep breath, and kept hinting to herself: 'Siya, you are Janna, you are Janna...what's there to be shy about, um! do not be shy…'

   "Siya, hurry up, give him a hydrotherapy, this guy's wound was bandaged without cleaning it... Do you still want your leg..."

  Samira's voice was hoarse, and she scolded so much that the rebel soldier didn't dare to answer.

  When he was in the Independent Cavalry Battalion, Samira had nearly a thousand archers under him.

  Most of these archers are young people from indigenous tribes without any rules at all. Samira often scolds them to let them know the rules in the barracks.


  The bearded Edgar always thinks of the magician Avid, and asks him to live in the wooden house in the camp.

   Seeing that both Samira and Siya were serving as Suldak's assistants, they arranged for a young woman to take care of Avid.

  At night, another group of more than 300 rebel troops rushed here and filled the camp again.

  In the tent, Suldak tightly wrapped the two pared planks around the thigh of the rebel army with a linen bandage, and firmly fixed his fractured place.

  Seeing with his own eyes that under the Holy Light technique, the flesh on his thigh healed quickly, and the rebel soldiers completely believed that they would recover soon after breaking this leg.

Suldak warned the injured rebel soldier: "Attention, try not to exercise during the period when the leg injury is not healed. Once the bone joints are misplaced, the leg will grow crooked, sometimes it will be bow-legged, and sometimes it will be crooked. It’s a duck’s leg, if it’s serious, the misalignment of the bone stubble will cause the spurs to grow out and affect your walking, and every step you take will hurt your heart, and you may have to break it to reattach it…”


  The rebel soldiers were a little dumbfounded by Suldak's words, and they lay on the bed and dared not move.

  Suldak finally wiped the blood stains on his hands with a handkerchief, and said to the rebel soldiers:

   "Okay, let's do this for now!"

  Then he walked out of the tent and called his companions waiting outside to carry the rebel fighters out.

   "Thank you, Sir Knight!"

  Before leaving, the rebel soldier thanked Suldak.

   "Easy to do!"

  Suldak pinched the corners of his eyes tiredly, and shouted to the outside: "The next one..."

   Stayed until the moment before dawn, and all the wounded who needed emergency treatment were all treated.

   After Suldak walked out of the tent and stretched his sore and stiff arms at the door, he found that the door of the tent was full of various things, not only wild fruits, flowers, bird eggs on the mountain, but also some gold and silver ornaments, etc...

  Seeing that Suldak was done, Samira jumped onto a big tree without looking back, without taking off her leather armor, and lay on the hammock that had been prepared long ago.

  Siya rearranged Suldak's tent with a tired body.

  There is still a large pot of boiling water on the campfire outside.

  Jana has to take a bath twice a day, morning and evening, so as to keep their skin from drying out.

   When she came out of the tent, Surdak stood outside and said to her:

   "Do you want to rush?"

  Siya stood beside Suldak, blinked her charming blue eyes, pointed to the other side of the woodland, and said to Suldak:

   "I saw a mountain stream over there, can I take a dip in the stream over there?" Sia asked.

   "Yes! But be careful..."

  Suldak agreed without thinking.

  Sia asked more cautiously:

   "Can you stay over there?"

   "Um, okay."

  Since the little girl followed him in the tent all night, although Suldak wanted to sleep very much, he could only bite the bullet and agree now.

Sure enough, through the woods, there was a small stream not far away. Xiya took Surdak upstream for a while and found a low waterfall. The water here was deep enough and very clear. Xiya couldn't wait to slip into the pool.

  Suldak found a rock by the pool, sat on the rock, and looked around...

  Sia turned into a mermaid.

The body of more than three meters flutters in the small pool, and the huge colorful fish tail is very beautiful. She maintains the appearance of a mermaid, with light green scales on both sides of her arms and ribs, as if she is wearing a delicate tights. Only the neck, chest, and lower abdomen are covered with delicate skin as white as jade, and that face is full of pure taste in the mermaid form.

   This small pool is not too big, and she is somewhat unable to writhe in it.

  So she soaked her **** fishtail in the water, her upper body was exposed, and her arms rested on the rock where Surdak was resting.

  Blinking her big lake-like eyes, she said to Suldak with admiration:

"I've never seen a lord who is so easy-going to you. In my hometown, all the noble lords look aloof, and I don't know how annoying they are with stern faces, as if they don't put on that It looks like it's not the lord."

  Suldak was a little sleepy. He was sitting on a boulder, adjusting the divine power in his body.

  After becoming a second-rank powerhouse, he discovered that his body could directly absorb the sacred elements from the outside world when he released the 'power', which was unexpected by Suldak.

   Originally thought that the power of the elements needed to pass through the body of the elemental contract partner as a bridge to enter the body of the caster from the elemental world.

  But when Suldak was promoted to the second rank, for some reason, he didn't sign a contract partner at all.

  Now, as long as the sacred power in the body is consumed, he will release the angel, so that the body can be quickly filled with the holy power...

  So this night, apart from being exhausted, the divine power in his body was not exhausted due to overuse.

  At this time, Xi Ya leaned on the boulder with her upper body and came over to chat.

  Suldak had no choice but to turn his head and said to her:

   "Well, shouldn't noble lords be like that! And sometimes you have to show the majesty of a lord to convince your subordinates..."

  In the early morning before dawn, a light mist gradually formed beside the mountain stream.

   "Can I call you captain like Samira and the others?"

  Siya raised her head and said, her lips pursed slightly, like attractive flower petals, but they moved up a little bit.

   When Suldak lowered his head, he happened to see...

   "Eh?...Of course!" Suldak felt that he had even been a little down just now.

  His heart was beating so hard that he turned his head away.

  Thea's lips were close to his cheeks, and the hot, moist and fragrant breath that spewed out made his ears itchy.

  Xia took the opportunity to whisper in his ear again: "Captain, I think life in the sea is quite boring. I like this kind of adventurous life. I don't want to go back to the Seventh Sea for the time being. Can I stay and be your follower?"

   "I am good at water magic, and I can endure hardships..."

  The archangel in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness prayed with his hands in front of his chest, exuding a faint divine radiance.

  Suldak woke up...

  When Xi Ya said these words, there seemed to be a trace of siren singing in his voice, which made him irresistible.

  But she didn't seem to have any bad intentions, she probably just wanted Suldak to agree to this request.

  Suldak reached out and stroked Xi Ya's seaweed-colored soft and thick wavy long hair, and said:

"If you really want to stay, of course I welcome it. Who would refuse a water magician! But when you return to the barren land, you will know how luxurious water is to the people there. The environment is not suitable for you..."

   "I heard from Gullitum that you built a large dam over there." Xi Ya smiled like a crescent moon.

   What an ogre with a broken mouth!

   "Well, anyway, I won't be returning to Hailansa City for the time being, and you will tell me later if you regret it..." Suldak stretched out his hand to Siya, and said, "Then you are welcome to officially join us, Siya magician!"

  Who knew that Xi Ya didn't shake hands with him at all, but held his hand and let his hand caress her slippery face...

  ‘The etiquette of the Jana Sea Clan is really special! '

  Suldak inevitably thought in his heart.

  The morning breeze drifted through the forest with a faint mist, and footsteps and voices could be heard not far away.

  A group of women from the rebel camp came to the stream to draw water.

  Sia then turned around and turned back into the pool...

  (end of this chapter)

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