Lord Highlander

Chapter 987: 973. Rebel Camp

   Chapter 987 973. Rebel Camp

  Samira was walking by the river, and the dense trees almost hung down into the river. This is a low-lying plain, and the river flows extremely slowly.

Several older children stood barefoot on the branches of trees stretching into the river by the river, holding a long-handled harpoon made of daggers and wooden sticks in their hands, waiting for the fish in the river to swim over and eat them under the shade of the trees. The frog legs hanging in the river, the swimming fish in the river are not too big, but they are very stupid, and swimming fish will come up from time to time.

  The boy plunged the long-handled harpoon into the river, and there was a 'boom' on the water.

   "Damn it, let it run away again..."

   The boy cursed.

  Then pulled the long-handled harpoon out of the river, squatted on the horizontal branch again, and waited quietly for the swimming fish to come up.

  A fish basket woven with wicker was hung around his waist. Judging from the heavy weight of the fish basket, there should be fish in it.

Samira stood by the river and said to the boy: "You can't catch many fish like this. Not only is it not accurate enough, but the speed is not enough, and the range of motion is too big. The moment you make a move, the fish on the water surface The reflection has already betrayed you."

  The boy frowned and turned to look at Samira.

  Seeing that it was a strange woman not a few years older than him, seeing that she was wearing an exquisite black leather armor with magnificent and strange patterns on it, and a sharp bow behind her back, she immediately put away her contempt.

  But still a little unconvinced and said:

   "You said it lightly, do you want to try it?"

The long leather boots stepped firmly on the horizontal branch protruding into the river. Samira stood beside the boy with excellent balance, looked down at the fish swimming in the river, and took out the sky strike bow on his back. , shook the boy and said:

   "I use this..."

  The child looked at Samira's sharp bow enviously, and said, "Compared to your long bow, mine looks like a toy."

   "It's a toy, why do you still say it looks like a toy?" Samira looked at the boy with a half-smile.

  The boy pursed his mouth angrily, unwilling to talk to Sami LS Mira and didn’t care, he drew an arrow and looked towards the river.

   "Are you a ranger?"

  The boy was once again attracted by the golden-decorated dagger on her thigh, and couldn't help asking.

   "That's right!" Samira didn't say that she was a second-turn Hawkeye.

  Suddenly, two water flowers appeared on the slowly flowing river surface. The two water flowers appeared almost indiscriminately at the same time, and the shiny scales seemed to be clearly visible in the water flowers.

  Samila shot the arrow in her hand almost at the same time like lightning. It was obviously one arrow, but when it shot out of her hand, it turned into two arrows.

  The arrows diverged in the middle, and hit the two water flowers a little lower.

  The arrow entered the water, bringing up a string of white bubbles. After a while, the wooden arrow surfaced with two not-so-big swimming fish, and slowly moved along the river towards them.

  The boy quickly picked up the fish from the river with the long handle in his hand, and asked in surprise:

   "You are so cool, how did you do it?"

  Samila took the wet arrow, unwrapped the fish on it, and threw it into the boy's fish basket, rinsed the arrow in the river water before putting it back into the quiver.

   "You asked me a question just now, now it's time for me to ask you." Samira said.

  The boy said impatiently, "Then ask!"

   "How long have you lived here?"

  Samira asked the boy with a smile.

   "It's been several months..." The boy thought for a while before saying.

  Samira said it was very good, and then said:

"This is archery. You need constant practice to achieve such accuracy. First, your hands must be very steady. Second... let me see... your arm strength is not enough. At the same time, you need to practice your eyesight. It’s not enough to just stare at the fish in the water, but also to observe the birds in the sky…”

  Samira asked again: "Where are you from?"

  The boy replied without thinking: "The town of Longhild is just south of this jungle."

   "How can I improve the strength of the arm?" The boy asked seriously.

   "Straighten your two arms like this, and then hang two rocks on your wrists that you can hold on to. Do it for an hour every morning, and soon your arms will become strong..."

  When Samira and the boys were exchanging their new archery experience, other boys who were fishing by the river also came together...


  Suldak walked to the edge of the camp, where a group of women were dealing with a mess of bushes in the forest. After cutting these bushes, they cleared out a clearing.

  Several men climbed up to the high canopy with hatchets and cut off some branches and leaves on the top of the canopy.

  These trees are too dense, and without cutting down a little, the light will not penetrate at all.

   When there was enough light, the men moved some logs and started to build a tree house with these trees as the main support frame.

  They first proficiently propped up three pillars to form a square platform connected with the big tree, and laid a layer of thick wooden boards on the platform, and then continued to use some wooden boards to surround the wall.

  They are very skilled in building this kind of wooden house. A wooden house has three rooms and a terrace overlooking the distance. The spiral staircase is also built on the trunk of a big tree, which is strong and beautiful.

  When the roof is added, the trunk of the big tree will also be avoided to prevent the tree house from leaking...

  The men are continuing to build the wooden house here, and Suldak is standing in the glade below.

  He roughly counted the camp. There are more than 200 wooden houses of this kind in the camp. With the construction speed of these men, two wooden houses can be built in one day. At present, the accommodation problem of everyone has basically been solved.

   "Why do you still want to build these tree houses?" Suldak raised his head and asked the man standing on the platform and hammering nails into the wooden boards with a claw hammer.

The man raised his short and thick eyebrows, glanced at the woman who was clearing the bushes over there, showed a wretched expression that everyone knew, and said to Suldak with a smile: "Of course the house is not enough to live in. No one wants to squeeze in In a room."

  The partner working with him on the other side also pointed his head at this time and said:

   "And there will be more people living here."

  Suldak continued to ask: "Do you mind if I come up and take a look?"

  The man spread his hands and said very casually: "Whatever, if you can bring up the two logs below, we will be very grateful..."

  Suldak lowered his head, carried two pieces of wood on his shoulders, and walked along the spiral ladder to the platform.

  The man took the two pieces of wood, looked at Suldak wearing decent leather armor, and asked Suldak, "I don't think I've seen you before..."

   "Oh, I came from outside with Edgar." Suldak explained.

   After finishing speaking, he stood on the platform of the tree house and looked around. This kind of tree house really has an atmosphere that is very close to nature.

   Smelling the aroma of the oil among the trees, it seems that the whole person has relaxed a lot.

   "Are there often wars here?" Suldak asked the man.

   "Not here, usually we have to drill out of that mountain to see the lord army." The man pointed to the other end of the plank and asked Suldak to help it.

  Suldak nailed the board to the tree trunk in a colorful manner, and said, "Life here seems to be good..."

   Seeing that Suldak didn’t hate it at all, and knew how to help, the man chatted with him: “It’s just that the camp here is relatively primitive, and the supplies of daily life are relatively scarce, but it will gradually get better in the future…”


  A group of rebel fighters travels down a river, hunting everything they encounter in the jungle along the way.

Birds perched on the treetops, eggs in bird nests, badgers and hedgehogs hiding in the bushes, snakes hanging on vine branches, everything that can be seen will be grabbed, and all who can bleed will be drained The blood in the chest, hanging on the waist...

   There are almost two hundred people in this pair of rebels. They specialize in hunting in the woodland and provide food for the entire camp.

  Because of their existence, the area within one kilometer around this woodland has at most a little more mosquitoes, and it is difficult to see even a grouse.

  In order to hunt more prey, they have to go farther.

  Sometimes I go out in the morning and return the next evening.

  Sia soaked in the upstream river, submerged her head into the water to avoid people seeing her three-colored fish tail, and did not resurface until the group of hunters had completely moved away from the river.

   With such a deep enough and wide enough river, she can swim a few laps in the river to her heart's content and stretch her body well.

  On the other side of the river, there is a low bush full of berries. A group of women are squatting in this bush with baskets, picking these reddish berries.

A large tree that has been deliberately cut down lies across the river. The branches on the top of the tree have been cleaned up. The trunk is covered with a layer of planks, with handrails on both sides. There is a meter-high tree root on one side Climbing the ladder, this design concept combined with nature makes this wooden bridge full of fun.

Siya had enough of swimming in the river, so she found a hidden place to go ashore, turned into a human, put on a black robe, her long wet hair was scattered behind her, and she stepped on the slightly damp rotten leaves with her bare feet. On the soil, the dead branches on the ground are a little prickly.

   However, she didn't wear shoes. The boots were wet, and when they walked on her feet, they would make a sound of "嗤嗤嗤嗤", which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

  Holding the skirt under the robe with one hand, she walked into the women stepping on the berries with bare feet, her steps were as elegant as a princess.

  Her eyes are so clear that even women find it difficult to have any hostility towards her.

  Squatting next to the bushes, she watched a young girl picking berries with a smile on her face, imitating her movements, picked a few berries from the branches and held them in her palm, and asked softly:

   "Are all these fruits edible?"

  When the young girl saw Siya, her eyes froze slightly, then she generously raised the basket in her hand and invited Siya:

   "Yeah, would you like some to try?"


  Sia took out a berry from the basket and threw it into her mouth. She took a bite and the sour juice overflowed. She closed her eyes and swallowed it into her stomach.

Siya, who is a member of the Jana Sea tribe, cannot accept such sour fruits. In contrast, she would rather find something to eat in the river, such as aquatic plants, river mussels, and snails. When she fled, she was hungry I have also eaten.

   "You guys picked so many fruits, can you eat them all?" Xi Ya couldn't help asking when she saw that the baskets in the hands of all the women were filled with these sour berries.

   "Of course, there are so many people in the camp, besides...even if you can't finish it, you can cook it into jam." The young girl skillfully threw a berry into her mouth, chewing it with relish.

   Then she asked Sia: "Are you new from outside?"

  Sia nodded and helped her pick berries together, but then she never dared to throw them into her mouth again.

  The young girl looked at Xiya's seaweed-like green and dark purple wet long hair, and said enviously:

   "Your hair is so beautiful, I've never seen hair of this color before."

   Then she handed out the invitation very enthusiastically: "Do you want to join our picking team?"

  Sia hesitated for a moment, but still said: "I haven't decided yet whether I want to live here, but I can try to learn to collect these wild fruits now..."

  The young girl feels that she and Siya are very close, as if she has endless things to say.

"what's your name?"


   "Did you just come from outside?"

"Well, they came from the town of Takale. They were fighting with the lord army in the town. Many houses in the town were destroyed by the catapults of the lord army. A team of lord army wanted to trouble us, so we I ran out with Edgar." Xi Ya said casually.

   "Why do the lords always do this..." Hearing Siya's words, the young girl's eyes turned red, as if she remembered something sad.

   Seeing the young girl's agitated mood, Xi Ya carefully put away the siren song.

  Without this layer of temptation, the girl calmed down, and she was still a little surprised, how could she become friends with such a beautiful girl.

The women in the camp usually collect berries and wild fruits in the surrounding woodland, and also plant some wheat in a clearing that has been opened up. However, there are very limited places in the jungle that can be opened up into fields. This part of the wheat field alone Can't feed everyone.

   We were busy until dusk, before Xi Ya and the women returned to the camp...


  Suldak was brought back to the camp by Edgar at noon.

   There are still so many wounded in the camp, Edgar hopes that Suldak will help them treat them again.

  Although it was just a tentative request, I didn't expect Suldak to agree readily. Edgar suddenly felt that Suldak, a paladin, had a really good character...

   Check the injuries of these injured soldiers, it doesn't need to be as tiring as treatment.

   Despite this, Suldak made some preparations in advance, returned to his wooden house to start the sacrifice ceremony, and blessed himself with the "Eye of Reality".

   In this way, at the very least, you need to use the sacred breath to enter the opponent's body, and you can see the injury at a glance.

  Other rebel fighters saw Suldak treating the wounded with such dedication, and then realized that since this knight had mastered the Holy Light Art, Suldak's reputation in the camp instantly increased.

   You must know that on the battlefield, everyone will inevitably be injured.

  If there is a knight with Holy Light in the camp at any time, the combat power of the entire team will be significantly improved.

  Suldak walked out of the wounded barracks residence, and immediately felt being pointed at. Almost everyone knew that he was a knight who knew the Holy Light.

  (end of this chapter)

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