Lord of Nine Stars

Chapter 316: mercy?

"I went back during Chinese New Year, Mom."

"Well, don't worry, I'll take him back with me"

On the hospital bed, Rong Taotao opened his sleepy eyes, turned his head to look in the direction of the sound from the right, but saw a tall figure, looking out the window, talking on the phone softly.

"I understand, I understand." Gao Lingwei hung up the phone, leaning on the window sill, looking at the vast snow outside the window, she couldn't help sighing softly, "Alas"

Rong Taotao asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Gao Lingwei said lightly: "She is very boring to stay in Songbai Town, I can hear it, and it's all because of me"

As she was talking, Gao Lingwei stopped talking and turned her head abruptly. She also saw Rong Taotao's appearance, so she couldn't help but glared at Rong Taotao: "When did you wake up?"

Rong Taotao looked at the sky outside the window and said, "Just now. What time is it now?"

Gao Lingwei leaned back against the window sill, crossed her arms and circled in front of her: "December 18, two o'clock in the afternoon."

"Oh, I haven't slept for a few days." Rong Taotao tried to stand up, shifted his butt, and sat on the head of the bed, "It feels so comfortable."

Gao Lingwei raised her eyebrows slightly: "Huh?"

Rong Taotao: "The mind is very clear."

Gao Lingwei was surprised and asked in confusion, "A clear mind?"

Rong Taotao stretched out his palm, and in an instant, a three-petaled lotus flower appeared in his palm.

"As you said, this lotus flower is indeed very gentle." Rong Taotao's face showed a smile, looking at the flower bones gradually blooming in his hand, "It seems to neutralize the 'sin' of the sin lotus."

Gao Lingwei's heart moved, Rong Taotao had just woken up, and his condition was not very good, but his comfortable posture and warm smile made this picture look so beautiful.

Does his temperament seem to have changed a bit?

Gao Lingwei was silent for a while, quietly looked at Rong Taotao, and said softly, "Then?"

Rong Taotao shrugged his shoulders, the pleasant smile on his face was suddenly broken, and his original shape was revealed.

Gao Lingwei: "Huh?"

Rong Taotao organized the language and said: "Giving people comfort is kindness, and removing people's pain is compassion."

"Compassion?" Gao Lingwei was stunned and thought about it, as if recalling the feeling at the beginning, and said, "It does seem to have a trace of sympathy and pity for this world."

Rong Taotao suddenly said, "Let's call it Huilian, shall we? Glorious Hui?"

Gao Lingwei didn't care about its name, but more about the impact it had on Rong Taotao, so she asked, "You said just now that the new lotus petals neutralize the anger in your heart, is this a good or bad situation? Will you change some of your thoughts and behaviors during the battle?"

What are the two facing?

It is a ferocious snow spirit beast, and it is a vicious poacher.

In this kind of life-and-death battle, if Rong Taotao was influenced by the lotus petals and played a "compassionate" drama, the fun would be great.

"No way?" Rong Taotao looked strange and said, "When I only owned the sin lotus, it didn't turn me into a domineering and reckless master?"

Gao Lingwei: "That's good."

Although the soul warriors look very tall, there is no doubt that everyone who grows up is full of blood.

Take Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei, for example, in the corpse tide at the bottom of Qianshanguan Canyon, they killed them again and again, and countless snow corpses and snow ghosts died in their hands.

If Rong Taotao becomes a merciful and compassionate master, then don't improve his training, just sit at the bottom of the canyon every day and cut flesh to feed the zombies.

Rong Taotao scratched his hair and said, "Seriously, if one day, my realm can reach the level of sympathy and compassion for poachers, then my life will be elevated.

I don't want to cause trouble to Xuejing, so don't hesitate to chop me up. After all, there is no room for me in the world, and I have to become a Buddha on the spot. "

"Haha." Gao Lingwei glared at Rong Taotao with a smile, "Sympathy and pity are good things, it's enough to distinguish the object. Just like when you used the sin lotus, those arrogant and domineering, you only gave the enemy, not the enemy. your friends."

"Yes." Rong Taotao nodded in agreement.

Leaving aside the sin lotus and Huilian, just talking about the prison lotus.

Is Rong Tao Tao greedy? Of course greedy!

He was always thinking about the lotus petal of Sihuanian, and even at this moment, he could smell the scent of the lotus flower in Sihuanian and pinpoint exactly where she was.

The prison lotus is always reminding Rong Taotao where the prey is. But how could Rong Taotao take action against Si Huanian?

Even a few days ago, when he and his brother Rongyang sent Dawei to the hospital, in the corridor outside the ward, Rong Taotao actually said something like "Let's do him a vote".

It is unrealistic to say that the prison lotus in the body did not affect Rong Taotao.

But emotions are one thing, decisions and behaviors are another.

When Rong Taotao faced the big businessman in red, it was completely different from when he faced Si Huanian. It was really a decisive killing without any ambiguity.

Rong Taotao said: "Right now, we seem to only know Huilian's passive effect, but we don't know what the ultimate move is like."

Gao Lingwei asked, "You don't know about the prison lotus, right?"

Rong Taotao frowned and said, "Actually, I know, I was chased and killed by Beauty Frost before, and I have personally experienced what the effect of Sin Lotus is like.

But I always feel that something is missing, and my connection with the prison lotus is not close enough.

Si Jiao said before that Soul Wei can use lotus petals, but now it seems that she is talking about pure experience. Each petal of the lotus is different, and specific problems must be analyzed in detail. "

Gao Lingwei walked over with her long legs, sat sideways on the edge of the bed, and comforted softly, "Don't worry, we have time."

"Hmm." Rong Taotao nodded again and again, but his expression was still solemn, as if he was thinking about something.

"are you hungry?"

In a word, Rong Taotao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he got out of the state of thinking about the problem, and hurriedly said: "Hungry!"

Gao Lingwei leaned over on the ground and picked up a plastic bag full of snacks: "Eat first, I'll pull the needle out for you"

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a "click".

On the back of Rong Taotao's hand, a small lotus flower was suddenly covered, like a Band-Aid, covering the needle opening on the back of his hand, and shattering the needle.

Sure enough, as soon as the master's mind moved, Huilian automatically exerted its effect.

You said that the lotus petals are actively displayed, but Rong Taotao did not specifically ask him to bandage and heal the back of his hand.

But if you say that Huilian is a passive effect, er, before Rong Taotao's thoughts were moved, the needles were well inserted under his skin and in his blood vessels, it was amazing.

Rong Taotao thought to himself: When I train next time, I have to test how powerful Hui Lian can be. Don't be afraid if I get cut by a thousand swords!

You must know that Hui Lian's stitching effect was amazing when he arrested the free man, the red-clothed businessman. Even if the red-clothed businessman was cut off by Si Huanian, he could immediately sew it up.

and many more! Swannian! ?

Thinking of Sihuanian, Rong Taotao suddenly felt bad!

It's over! If nothing else, with Huilian's help, I might really not be afraid of being chopped by a knife and axe!

Wouldn't this provide an excellent entertainment channel for Swana? Am I going to be a sandbag?

To be reasonable, just because of her bad taste of cruelty to vegetables, she encounters a sandbag that you don't have to worry about missing, isn't it?

At this moment, Rong Taotao finally realized the seriousness of the problem!

Gao Lingwei leaned over and picked up the dripping needle, lifted it, and inserted it into the nutrient solution bag above, and also noticed Rong Taotao's preoccupied appearance.

Gao Lingwei was very puzzled, how could a hungry person like Rong Taotao be indifferent in the face of a bag of snacks?

"Tao Tao?"


Gao Lingwei: "What's wrong with you, what did you think of?"

"Ah, I'm thinking about how to use the lotus petals." Rong Taotao forced a smile, tearing open a bag of shrimp sticks in dejection, grabbing a handful and stuffing it into his mouth, as if he was still thinking about the future possible suffering.

Eh? what is this? Rong Taotao actually found a jelly in the bag of shrimp sticks.

What brand is this, it takes a lot of work?

I see dear?

Um, is this name instigating me to do something?

You should have instigated me earlier, how can I be in the mood now?

Gao Lingwei stood by the bed and processed the nutrient solution, then looked down at Rong Taotao and said, "You rest for the past few days, my soul technique has advanced to four stars."

Hearing such good news, Rong Taotao looked up at Gao Lingwei and handed over the shrimp sticks, finally feeling a little better: "Really?"

"Of course." Gao Lingwei pinched a shrimp stick.

"Good thing!" Rong Taotao sorted out his emotions and said, "You finally caught up with me."

"Oh?" Gao Lingwei's eyes lit up, "Your Heart of Snow is also four-star?"

"Uh." Rong Taotao opened the soul map of the inner vision and looked at it, and felt it carefully, and said, "Almost, it is still the peak of three stars, but absorbing the lotus petals has greatly improved my soul cultivation. almost."

The benefits of absorbing lotus petals are indeed getting less and less. On the other hand, Rong Taotao's sleep time is getting less and less.

Back then, when Rong Taotao absorbed the lotus petals for the first time, the soul spell level directly crossed a large rank!

At this time, before he absorbed the lotus petals, the soul method was the peak of Samsung, and it is still the same now.

Of course, we can't just compare like this. After all, when Rong Taotao absorbed lotus petals for the first time, his soul spell was one star at the lowest level, and of course the improvement was huge.

What's more, Rong Taotao's soul magic was only a few days after he reached the top of the three-star peak, and he was promoted in the process of using the sin lotus ultimate ultimate move. After he woke up, he followed the teachers to hunt down the poachers.

Therefore, it took only a week and a half from the time when the soul method was promoted to the peak of three stars to the present.

Gao Lingwei smiled and said, "Then I'll wait for you to advance to four stars, and then go to Xia Jiao's soul skills together?"

"Wait for what I do, you learn first." Rong Taotao threw the packaging bag into the plastic bag, turned over and got out of bed, "No, I still have to eat, I'll wash it."

While speaking, Rong Taotao put on his slippers, took out his clothes from the closet, walked to the bathroom, and asked, "What soul skill is the Four Star Soul Technique suitable for?"

Gao Lingwei tidied up the bed, and while making the bed, she said, "The ice barrier is full of snow."

"Only two?"

As for the ice barrier, Rong Taotao had seen very few times. When he was chased by Beauty Shuang and Xiao Ziru, Xia Fangran used it once, and it could be seen that the soul skill had greater requirements on the terrain.

Rong Taotao had seen the soul skill, snowy ocean many times.

It will make the thick snow surge like a river, engulfing everything in it, even if a Snow Realm Soul Warrior can step on the snow, it is possible to be attacked, even if it cannot drown the Snow Realm Soul Warrior, at least it will let the other party. action was greatly hindered.

Gao Lingwei: "The four-star soul method, the target soul power level is the young soul school.

Its level is already moving from the mid-end to the high-end, and there are not many soul skills for self-cultivation. "

Rong Taotao turned on the shower and shouted: "I remember the soul of the soldier"

Gao Lingwei: "Soul of the Soldier, Da Xuebao, and Bingwei Ruyue are adapted to the five-star soul technique. The Frost Prison is adapted to the six-star soul technique."

"Ao" Rong Taotao felt a little pity in his heart. The Soul of the Soldier was the huge weapon with a length of 2 to 30 meters, and it was an advanced version of the Soul of Snow.

He has also seen Bingwei Ruyue, it should be an advanced version of the Pillar of Ice, the soul warrior will use the eight huge icicles to resist the spirit ability that falls from the sky. Teacher Cha Er and brother Rong Yang have used it.

As for the big snowstorm, it is a "snow rug". Li Lie and Xia Fangran often use it, which is very suitable for relief.

The last soul skill, Frost Prison, adapted to the six-star soul method, was used by Chen Long and Fu Tiance.

That time, when hunting down poachers on a wall, Fu Tiance banned the soul power of the Hoshino Soul School, giving Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei a chance.

The four-star soul technique is compared with the young soul school~www.readwn.com~ with two self-cultivation soul skills.

The five-star soul technique was compared to the soul school, but instead there were three soul skills that could be practiced independently.

The six-star soul skill was marked with the soul school, and there was only one soul skill left for self-cultivation.

The seven-star soul method is not something that can be learned by oneself.

From this point of view, can Rong Taotao infer that Cha Er stayed the longest in the rank of Zhonghun School? So the research results are the most and the most convenient?

Of course, such barbaric straight-line benchmarking is actually unreasonable.

After all, the soul skill level of soul warriors is generally lower than the soul power level, so the soul skill of the middle soul school may not be able to reach five stars, and they are still wandering around four stars, so they can only learn and use lower level soul skills.

Hot water was poured down from the top of his head, Rong Taotao was washing his head, thinking to himself: the four-star soul method is a little bit less suitable for soul skills, no, I have to think of a way to come up with a few soul skills to play with.

Well, don't care, do the rice first, and then study it after the rice is done.

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