Lord of Nine Stars

Chapter 786: all of you

Rong Taotao was completely dumbfounded, but he could only see the information and data provided on the inner vision soul map, and did not know what really happened on the battlefield.

At this moment, in the empire, above the Ice Hall.

The jade sculpture is gradually shattering, and the crystal-like jade skin is covered with cracked lines, which burst out with dazzling light.

For a while, the light of the promotion was even comparable to the light emitted by the imperial lotus!

Mythic level... is simply not a quality that mortals can expect.

Even for the vast majority of creatures in the world, there may not be a quality concept of "mythical level" in their minds!

The top of the snow is the seventh level epic level from beginning to end.

If the quality of soul beasts is roughly compared to human soul warriors, then the epic level means the great soul school.

A higher mythical level... This must be a soul general level, right?

Although Rong Taotao has traveled far and wide, has a wide range of experience, and is exposed to high-end combat power, he has only a general concept in his mind for the highest-level Soul Warrior.

He only knew that his mother was a ghost general, the old principal Mei Hongyu was a ghost general, and old professor Hua Maosong might be a ghost general.

But what exactly can they do? Body data geometry?

Rong Taotao did not have a clear understanding, and the crux of the problem was that there was a huge gap between the soul generals and the soul generals.

Nancheng Soul General and Mei Hongyu Soul General have both disclosed in their words.

In any case, after possessing this mythical-level soul pet, Jinyu will definitely be able to use her own strength to help Rong Tao Tao to understand this concept.

For Rong Taotao, who is thousands of miles away, the change of Jinyu is just a change of information on the soul map of the inner vision, while for the entire empire...

Their emperor exploded!

It's not the body bursting and the fire radiating in the true sense, but the turbulent soul power that destroys everything around it, even more terrifying than the ice cubes of Xuejinglong.

Crystal Dragon's ice cubes smashed down, at least there were entities. Humans and orcs could see the imminent danger with the naked eye.

However, the spirit power of Jin Yu rippling was different, and the invisible air wave actually smashed the ice hall under her feet!

The picture seems miserable, but it is actually beneficial. At least after the building is broken, the air waves released by Jinyu are no longer invisible.

"Boom rumble..."

Fortunately, Jinyu was in the Ice Palace area. If she were in a civilian area, she might not know how many creatures she would crush.

This is a terrible thing, and she had no intention of hurting anyone. But just like when humans walk without paying attention to the little ants beside their feet and inadvertently trample them to death, people are also unintentional...


"Emperor!" The confidants Xueyue Snake Demon, Song Xue Zhisuo, and members of the Jinyu Demon clan tried to investigate, but they were all overturned by the wind.

The huge ice palace collapsed suddenly, huge ice cubes and shards of ice shards collapsed everywhere, smashing a group of soul beasts, leaving shallow or deep bloodstains on their bodies.

Others don't know what happened, but Jinyu knows that she has broken through the shackles of the race!

As long as this is the world of immortal cultivation, the catastrophe will inevitably come.

However, this is the world of Soul Martial Arts. Jinyu herself did not suffer a catastrophe, but all the living beings beside her suffered a disaster.

"I broke through the shackles, Taotao." The jade man, who was shining brightly, muttered to herself, saying that people may not believe it. At this moment, she has completed the world-shattering feat, and her mind is full of Rong Taotao's figure.

She was still asking Rong Taotao for help just now, and asked where he was and when he would come back, and now...

In the dark, Rong Taotao seemed to have heard her prayer, giving her unprecedented energy and full of hope!

There is no doubt that Rong Taotao helped her break through the shackles of race. When she entered Rong Taotao's soul trough, she felt it clearly.

For Jinyu, the quality improvement in the real sense seems to be the blessing of Rong Taotao in secret.

Above the ruins of the Ice Hall, the rays of light on Jinyu's body became more and more dazzling, and the figure continued to expand, and then expanded...

It's not so much "promotion" as it is "evolution".

Just like Rong Ling in the past, when he was a little fat man riding a dog, he became a teenager in the blink of an eye, and in the blink of an eye, he became a majestic ghost general...

Meanwhile, the North Central Command compound of the Empire.

A group of people stood on the roof, and although their sight was blocked by the lotus that covered the sky, it did not prevent them from seeing the dazzling light that lit up in the south.

Not to mention, he locked his eyes on Jinyu, even the huge ice palace was completely blocked by the lotus pod, and everyone couldn't see it at all.

No one knew what happened until Song Xue Zhisuo said with a trembling voice: "The Emperor Jinyu has been promoted! She is still in the process of being promoted, and the guards want to step forward to protect her, but no one can get close to the emperor!"

"Promotion?" Mei Hongyu rarely showed a stunned look on his face. In his knowledge, apart from the mighty Dragon Clan, none of the creatures in the Snow Realm can break through the epic level.

In what Mei Hongyu has seen and heard in the past, the most powerful other than the dragon creatures is the commander of the soul beast army, Su Jia.

But even Su Jia is a hybrid-variant, but relying on mutant-type soul skills to make a fortune, it seems that he has not been able to break through the shackles of the epic level.

Can this emperor Jinyu really break through the shackles of race? Is she really that special?

As expected of the emperor of the First Empire...

The depths of this vortex also opened the eyes of the old principal Mei Hongyu!

Having said that, it remains to be considered whether the Snow Realm Dragon Clan is above the Epic Rank. To this day, no one can figure out what rank the Snow Realm Dragon Clan is, and according to the latest information, the Dragon Clan creatures are most likely not creatures in the Soul Martial World, but belong to another power system.

Mei Hongyu was surprised, but Gao Lingwei was moved!

She knows why Jinyu can advance to the quality!

The monarch of the empire in the depths of the whirlpool? No, that's just a name.

Whether Jinyu has reached the epic level with her own efforts and potential, or she has a very high status and sits in the position of the emperor of the empire... All of this is like a resume, a Submitted to Rong Taotao's resume.

Jinyu made herself eligible to enter the eyes of Rong Taotao, and then, Jinyu achieved today's achievements!

"Commander-in-chief, according to the information gathered by the Feihong Army troops inside and outside the city and in the snowy forests on all sides, there is a high probability that there are only two snow dragons coming to the empire this time." At the rear, the Feihong Army officers and soldiers reported loudly.

"Are you sure?" Gao Lingwei asked in a deep voice.

"It looks like this at the moment, but it doesn't rule out that there are other dragon races who are straying from the wind and snow around the empire and have not yet participated in the war."

"It should be two!" Song Xue Zhisuo said hurriedly, showing his own value, "We understand the temperament of the Snow Realm Dragon Clan, it is impossible for such creatures to stay outside, the first time they find the empire, they will definitely All go to war, go all out to attack.”

"Okay." Gao Lingwei responded and turned to look at Mei Hongyu.

Principal Mei still looked at the dazzling light in the south, and felt Gao Lingwei's searching gaze, he said in a hoarse voice, "We only have one chance."

This is also Mei Hongyu's first positive response. How much is the price to be paid for the use of his soul skill, An Hedian!

In fact, everyone has seen that Mei Hongyu has a feeling of "more than enough but not enough".

When Xu Hunjiang above the Dragon River, when he used his soul skill, An Hedian, to transform himself into a giant, he could move freely, and he could easily send thousands of soldiers into the vortex gap.

However, when the old principal Mei Hongyu used An He Dian to protect the sentient beings in the empire, not only was he only 23 in size, but he even knelt on the spot and did not move from beginning to end.

And the old principal's words can be regarded as an admission. Incarnated as a frost giant, it is not that he does not want to move, but it is difficult to act.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are topics that no one can escape, even if you are a soul general.

In the final analysis, this is not a world of immortal cultivation. The older you get, the more demons you can only be reflected in wisdom, not in the physical level.

Mei Hongyu, in his old age, must have been declining in strength, and his body and energy were going downhill in an irreversible manner.

He is getting old and should have been enjoying his longevity. Every time he performs an Anhe lay, his body is likely to be running at a load, and it may even accelerate his aging process...

However, since Mei Hongyu came to the empire and sat here, he did not intend to evade responsibility!

Greed for life and fear of death?

Then he wouldn't support a bunch of old bones and plunge into the vortex with a group of young offspring!

To a certain extent, the existence of Rong Taotao, including Qingshan, Feihong, Longxiang, Songhun, etc., has produced a large number of talents and prosperous strengths from all sides of the snow, which undoubtedly greatly accelerated the progress of the Huaxia snow industry.

But at the same time, this has also accelerated the rate of decline of the ancient era and the generation that pioneered the world.

Whether it is Mei Hongyu at this moment, or Hua Maosong, who is thousands of miles away and rushed here to take over the post without hesitation.

Under the circumstance that the older generation still has the ability to protect sentient beings, this group of ancient masters is duty-bound and still exudes the only afterglow.

The so-called national scholar, nothing more than that!

"I'll do my best!" Gao Lingwei jumped up and climbed onto the Moon Leopard. A strange light flashed across her beautiful eyes, and there seemed to be lotus petals faintly emerging.

On the huge moon leopard, three figures "swish, swish" came up: Xia, Yan, Hong!

"Be careful, Ling Wei." Gao Qingchen said, this was the first time in such a long time that Gao Qingchen called a girl "Ling Wei".

At this moment, he is not the deputy commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, but a father.

While speaking, Mei Hongyu had already rushed out.

Compared with other people's legs flying, Mei Hongyu is only light on the toes. With the help of the highest level, epic level, Snow Dance, Mei Hongyu is as light as a feather, even without the assistance of soul skills, Xue Ji drill , he is about to become a lightning bolt!

Between three steps and two steps, Mei Hongyu looked up at the ferocious roaring dragon in the sky, and the frost and snow all over her body quickly pieced together!

"Let's go!" Gao Lingwei's heels tapped the soft fur of the Moon Leopard.

"Lu..." Yueyue Leopard, carrying the suicide charge team, made an extremely dangerous hunting sound, and the figure rushed out with a "swoosh".

At this moment, above the night sky.

The coiled crystal dragon roared loudly, and it was still facing the direction of the collapsed Ice Hall, where Jinyu was located.

Although this Jinglong was aimed at revenge on the empire and never attacked a specific individual, Jinyu's sudden promotion inevitably caught Jinglong's attention.

To be honest, at the very beginning, Jinglong thought that someone in the empire was against the water, and that there was an imperial traitor who wanted to submit a certificate.

After all, even Jinglong himself didn't have time to take care of the Ice Hall. The Supreme King's Hall, which symbolized the power of the empire, was actually destroyed by someone?

For the so-called traitors of the empire, Jinglong originally explored the target with a disdainful attitude, but it turned out that the reality was very different from what it thought!

Where is the traitor?

This Nima... this this this...

For the Snow Realm Dragon Clan, all living beings are ants.

And the despicable human race is just a fluke!

Human life is only a few decades, and the aliens above the Dragon River will always die one day.

The day Xu Fenghua died was the time when the dragon race rushed out of the vortex to make a fortune!

However, the dragons miscalculated, and they failed to wait for Xu Fenghua's death decades later.

It was twenty years later that the new generation of human generals Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei who had grown up brought a group of small human races into the snow vortex!

What is even more hateful is that while Jinglong is enjoying the process of destroying all beings and beings at this moment, immersed in the sound of buildings collapsing and the cries of human orcs, the emperor in the Ice Hall actually wants to transform from a tiny ant. For a god?

Are you dreaming! ?

Forget about the despicable human race. Twenty years ago, we really lost to her!

But now, even you snow orcs dare to challenge my majesty?

"Ho... roar!!" The anger of revenge is far less than the rage brought by the threat of status. Countless huge ice cubes fell from the sky and smashed into the Ice Hall.

This time, it is no longer a general revenge that destroys everything!

This time, it's a personal grudge!

Emperor Jinyu? You don't want to live... eh?

The crystal dragon is circling high in the sky and attacking aggressively, and the firepower is densely covering the Ice Hall, and at this moment, a frost and snow giant rises from the ground!

The imperial lotus that covered the sky suddenly turned into a small flower beside the giant's knee.

The majestic giant is still in a half-kneeling posture, the difference is that his pair of frost and snow giant palms are grasping. To the crystal dragon coiled in the night sky!

"Hi!!" Seeing that something was wrong, Jinglong hurried out, but it was already too late!

Shuangxue Hongyu suddenly became bigger, and all the strength of the whole body seemed to be gathered in the palm of your hand!


"Kacha!" The two huge frosty palms grabbed the head and tail of Jinglong!

Facts have proved that Mei Hongyu can move!

Not only can he hold onto the head and tail of the crystal dragon, he can even stretch it viciously in the air!

Such a terrifying picture is presented above the night sky of the empire, and the chaotic empire seems to have been pressed the pause button at this moment.

In the dead silence of the empire, all living beings seem to have lost their voices...

Only the crystal dragon in the night sky, the ferocious roar disappeared without a trace, and at this moment there is only a miserable mourning sound: "Hey... woo woo ~ woo woo ~"

The crystal dragon was not torn apart, and the frozen snow giant's posture was frozen.

This seems to be the most perfect answer that Mei Hongyu can hand in.

And the crystal dragon, who was constantly mourning, although his voice sounded extremely miserable, his movements of resistance never stopped.

The huge ice block that fell from the sky no longer slammed into the Ice Palace, but aimed at the frost giant beside him. Even if the ice block was likely to hit Jinglong himself, it would not hesitate!

Not only that, while Jinglong struggled with all his might, a large amount of cold mist was spit out from his mouth, and he sprayed heavily on Shuangxue Hongyu's wrist.

Really worse!

Facts have proved that Jinglong's mouth spitting ice breath can freeze frost and snow again, then Mei Hongyu's wrist...


Suddenly, one side of the originally invisible skirt showed its original appearance under the swallowing of the crystal dragon's ice breath.

In an instant, the long skirt actually wrapped the huge faucet!

Snow Realm Soul Skill, Mythical Rank, Silk Mist Clothes!

In fact, what people should be really shocked by is not that the 100-meter-long dragon head is wrapped in the skirt.

You must know that Jinglong is now at an altitude of 1,000 meters, and Mei Hongyu, who is half-kneeling on the ground, stretches his hands straight, and is imprisoned in front of his knees.

And the position where Jinyu casts the silk mist robe is in the ruins of the Frost Hall, that is to say, she is standing on the ground at the moment, and the invisible skirt can even stretch for kilometers away!

And this is not the limit of Jinyu. As for how much area this mythical-level Siwu Mishang can cover, no one knows for the time being.

"Death." Jin Yu spit out a word, looking up at the night sky, her jade fingers gently twisting.

Although her words were plain, there was a gleam of hatred in those snow-like eyes.

Before that, she didn't care that the empire was destroyed, because the empire never belonged to her.

But today is different from the past. Now the first empire is hers. Rong Taotao put her on the throne of the emperor, but her homeland has been destroyed again and again, right in front of her...

Under the tight wrapping of the silk mist, the beautiful crystal dragon head has a tendency to shatter?

There were a few crisp "clicks", and the long ice crystal dragon horns actually shattered!

"Woooo~" Jinglong didn't dare to spit out the breath of ice. Under the covering of silk mist, it couldn't freeze everything, but it could only freeze itself.

In the severe pain, Siwu Mishang was tightly stitched together, covering the entire crystal dragon head, and also crushed the appearance of the crystal dragon's head.

Between the miserable mourning, the crystal dragon with frost and snow lines in the eye sockets was printed by the silk mist, and the pair of crystal clear dragon eyes, through the silk frost mist, seemed to see a little moon leopard lying on its side. in front of you?

Yes, the moon leopard was lying in front of its huge dragon eyes through a layer of silk mist.

The moon leopard doesn't matter, the key is the human girl sitting on the moon leopard!

In those dark eyes, a beautiful lotus bloomed...

The illusion and soul skills are useless to the Jinglong family?

The spiritually connected crystal dragon, has the whole clan help to resist?

It's just...beautiful!

Then let your whole clan~www.readwn.com~ come to taste the taste of the nine-petal lotus, Zhulian!


It hurts to kill you! Killing your whole clan is terrifying!

In the Lotus Execution World, Jinglong looked around in horror, looking at the towering lotus petals like a mountain, and also saw the human girl in the air who was looking down at her.

The long ponytail fluttered behind her head, and in those beautiful eyes, there was an aura of endless majesty and majesty!

Suddenly, the rain of flowers appeared in the sky.

Through the floating lotus petals, Gao Lingwei looked at the crystal clear dragon eyes and said solemnly:

"You, your entire clan, are guilty!"


Five thousand two hundred words, ask for some monthly passes!

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