Lord of Puluo

Chapter 56 Rules and Proportion

"Mother-in-law!" The man in the mandarin jacket smelled the smoke first, and then his whole body burst into flames. Only then did he know that he had met an enemy.

No wonder the man in the red suit knows so much about oil repair.

No wonder he even knows my killing move.

It turned out that Yu Nan had given him some advice.

Yu Nan did mentor Li Banfeng, otherwise Li Banfeng would definitely suffer a big loss if he encountered such a rare Taoist sect as Oil Cultivator.

Oil repairmen are afraid of fire, and using fire is the most correct tactic to deal with oil repairmen.

But why didn't Li Banfeng use fire in the first place?

Because the right method must be used at the right time.

The reason why Li Banfeng succeeded in the sneak attack was because he was concealed. If he approached the man in the mantle with a torch, the man in the mantle would knock Li Banfeng down immediately.

During the battle, why didn't Li Banfeng use fire?

Strike a match halfway through striking?

Li Banfeng thought so.

But the man in the jacket was not a fool. He would not give Li Banfeng a chance to strike a match. Even if the match was famous, the man in the jacket would not let the match burn him.

Let alone Li Banfeng, even Yan Xiu Yu Nan found it very difficult to set fire to the man in the mandarin jacket. When they first fought, the man in the mandarin jacket did not even give Yu Nan a chance to light up his cigarette.

Even though the arson was successful, the man in the jacket was not unable to deal with it.

He immediately collected the grease on his body, rolled on the spot, and quickly put out the fire.

But after he put out the fire, Li Banfeng came over with a sickle.

The man in the mandarin jacket lost an eye and had burns on his body. He had very little energy left and could only wait for death without using any oil.

What about oil?

The smoke is all around, and once the oil is used, the man in the jacket will still catch fire and will still wait to die.

He was in a desperate situation, from which there was no way out.

The man in the mantle, who saw no hope, shouted loudly: "Boss Yu, what happened in the past was my fault. If there is anything we can discuss, we can discuss it."

“Discuss?” Yu Nan sneered, “Rong Jinan, why didn’t you discuss with me when you killed my brother?

Why didn't you consult with me when you smashed up my shop?

You insulted the sisters in my shop, why didn't you discuss it with them? "

It turned out that the man in the mantle was named Rong Jinan, and Li Banfeng silently wrote down his name.

Rong Jinan defended: "Our shopkeeper discussed some things with you, but you didn't agree, so I burned down your shop. I did it openly, unlike you who did it secretly. You are evil." Break the rules of the world!"

Yu Nan stepped forward and kicked Rong Jinan in the face, leaving a red and black shoe mark.

Rong Jinan wailed: "Shopkeeper Yu, I apologize to you. I can kowtow to you, but please spare my life."

But there is one thing. Let me remind you. You are a shop owner and have to live in Ligou. If you are angry and get revenge, the matter will be over.

If you really get things done, you will also have no way out. You know what the Geng Family Pharmacy does. Behind them is Jiang Xiang Gang.

You have been slipping on the road for these years, and it is wrong to stab someone in the back. You know the rules and the appropriateness. I will say this, you can decide for yourself. "

Yu Nan rubbed his index finger and middle finger up and down on the cigarette, with an extremely solemn expression on his face.

What Rong Jinan said was somewhat reasonable. When he took action in Yu Nan's shop, he acted openly and openly.

But now that Yu Nan is taking action tonight, it can be regarded as a stab in the back.

Doing this really breaks the rules.

Just killing him like that was too much.

While Yu Nan was hesitating, Li Banfeng walked up to Rong Jinan and asked, "What did you mean by saying this just now?"

Rong Jinan sneered: "You don't understand this? Is it your first day out in the world? What do you mean, you have to judge for yourself!"

Li Banfeng said: "I've judged it. According to my understanding, you have finished saying everything you want to say."

Rong Jinan was stunned: "What does this mean?"

"You don't understand this? Now that you've said your last words, it's time for you to get on your way." Li Banfeng waved his sickle and cut the throat of the man in the mantle.

Rong Jinan used his right hand to parry, but unfortunately he had no time to use the oil, and his forearm was chopped off by Li Banfeng.

Rong Jinan, who had broken his hand, gasped: "Little brother, you are also paid to do things. The master didn't say anything, so you took action now, which is against the rules."

"You don't have so many rules?" Li Banfeng slashed the man in the mandarin jacket again. He was originally going to chop off his head, but the man in the mandarin jacket struggled to dodge and one of his ears was cut off.

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"Don't talk about the rules, let's talk about the truth. You and I have no enmity or enmity..."

"How can you be so reasonable?" Li Banfeng slashed again, originally about to cut his neck, but Rong Jinan continued to dodge, and Li Banfeng slashed through his left shoulder.

"I, I am from Jiang Xiang's gang..."

"It turns out he's from Jiang Xiang's gang, so he needs to be punished with a knife." Li Banfeng slashed again.

"I, I am not considered a member of Jiang Xiang's gang, I am the Geng Family Medicine Store..."

"Then why did you lie to me just now?" Li Banfeng slashed again.

The last knife stabbed into the chest, and Rong Jinan could not move.

Seeing this scene, Yu Nan, who was still hesitant at first, could only accept the reality.

The two discussed it, Li Banfeng was responsible for collecting the bodies, and Yu Nan was responsible for disposing of the traces.

Qin Xiaopang has been rescued by the guys from Yujia Cloth Shop. Yu Nan said: "Master Qi, come to the cloth shop early tomorrow morning to find me, and I will take you to visit Boss Qin."

Li Banfeng nodded, picked up the body of the man in the jacket and turned around to leave.

Yu Nan saw the blood of the man in the jacket flowing out and onto Li Banfeng's red suit. Even if he didn't look carefully, he couldn't see any traces.

Is this why Li Banfeng wears a red suit?

Was he determined to kill someone from the beginning?

Yu Nan sighed and said, "Master Qi, you really don't follow any rules or sense of propriety."

Li Banfeng turned around and asked in surprise: "What exactly are rules and propriety?"

Yu Nan was stunned, not knowing whether Li Banfeng was really confused or pretending to be confused.

After a moment of silence, Yu Nan smiled and said: "Rules and propriety are the rules of the world."


So profound?

not understand.

Li Banfeng never thinks too much about things he doesn't understand.

He walked deep into the alley and found that no one was around, so he took Rong Jinan's body into his home.

He moved very gently for fear of waking up the record player. When he placed the body next to the copper lotus, he found that the lotus petals were open and there were three lotus seeds in the heart of the seven-hole lotus.

Li Banfeng peeled off the lotus seeds.

The two lotus seeds were refined from the corpses of Decai and Demao.

The other lotus seed was forged from a vampire dagger.

Not long after waiting, two lotus seeds exploded, each exploding two red elixirs. Li Banfeng collected the elixirs.

Li Banfeng now has eight red pills in his hand. Based on the efficiency of producing two pills per layer, Rong Jinan's corpse will also produce two pills, so there will be ten red pills, but Li Banfeng I still don’t know what the red pill is used for.

Li Banfeng was still thinking, and Rong Jinan's eyes moved slightly.

He was not dead. The moment Li Banfeng stabbed his chest, his heart was filled with oil and the knife cut across his heart.

Now that the man-in-law is gone, only this stupid boy is left.

Rong Jinan planned to save some strength and kill Li Banfeng.


The last lotus seed exploded.

Three rust pills exploded out, and Li Banfeng quickly put away the pills with his gloves.

In addition to the elixir, a pendulum exploded out of the lotus.

Li Banfeng knew this pendulum. It was Luo Yuni's relic.

When did this thing enter the Copper Lotus?

Li Banfeng touched the edge of the pendulum, which was very sharp.

What's the use of this thing?

Li Banfeng looked at Rong Jinan: "Do you know what this thing is used for?"

Rong Jinxin's head trembled and he didn't dare to say anything.

He deceived me, I can’t be fooled!

"You endure the pain and I'll give it a try." Li Banfeng slashed at Rong Jinan's head with the pendulum.

Rong Jinan's head quickly emitted oil, but it was too late.

The traveling speed was so fast that the pendulum was already embedded in his skull.

Rong Jinan's body twitched violently, Li Banfeng stared at Rong Jinan's wounds and frowned.

Strange, why doesn't he bleed?

PS: Because of the intense updates, the number of words in Puo’s book is about to exceed the range of the new book. Dear readers, please leave another message for Shala and vote for Shala, so that Shala can make another run at the new book list!

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