Lord of Puluo

Chapter 70 Rare Purple Pill

Who burned down the Geng Family Medicine Store?

Yu Nan was lost in thought, but the clerk in the store didn't have so many ideas. ͓̽u͓̽x͓̽.͓̽c͓̽o͓̽m͓̽

They were shaking their fists, they were roaring, and many of them were in tears.

Wang Xuejiao was the first to shed tears: "Old man, did you hear that? The Geng Family Medicine Store was burned down, and that bastard Geng Zhiwei was burned to death.

Laoba, I don’t have the ability to avenge you. God opened his eyes and let the gods from the sky come down to earth to avenge us. "

People around him shouted: "Geng Zhiwei, this birdman, has done all kinds of bad things, God will definitely take him away!"

"As soon as he attacked us, the Geng Family Medicine Store caught fire. This is the cycle of cause and effect, this is retribution!"

Everyone was getting more and more excited, but Yu Nan hadn't figured out the answer yet.

The Geng Family Medicine Store has become domineering over the years and has indeed offended many people. There are indeed many people who want to take revenge on Geng Zhiwei.

But the Geng Family Medicine Store is backed by Jiang Xianggong. How many people really dare to take action against the Geng Family Medicine Store?

Four major families?

Impossible, they look down on a character like Geng Family Medicine Store.

Three major gangs?

It's impossible. They generally won't get entangled with Jiang Xianggang. It would be a loss of status and they wouldn't be able to make any money.

Li Qi insisted on staying in the old house last night, and now that the old house was burned down, it is estimated that Li Qi must have fought against Geng Zhiwei.

Could it be that Li Qi broke into the Geng family medicine store single-handedly and burned down the medicine store?

This is even more impossible. Song Baiming, the head of the Geng family (Dahuyuan), is not a vegetarian. He also has many elite soldiers and generals under his command, but Li Qi alone cannot be their opponent.

Or maybe Li Qi had a lot of connections and led people to burn down the Geng Family Medicine Store and kill Geng Zhiwei?

If he had this ability, he wouldn't have made Qin Xiaopang suffer so much, let alone hide in the Yu family's old house.

If this matter is really related to Li Qi, it will completely subvert Yu Nan's understanding of the entire world.

Zhang Shiquan, the old treasurer, reminded Yu Nan: "Shopkeeper, hurry up and get on your way. Geng Zhiwei is dead. People from Jiang Xiang's gang are bound to take action. If the matter is so big, they will definitely not be able to let us go!"

The old warehouse manager was right to remind him that this was serious business. Yu Nan quickly took the people and set off, trying to reach the new land before dark.

After taking a bath and having dinner, Li Banfeng took a nap in his portable home. He was really not used to sleeping anywhere else.

After waking up, the copper lotus flower opened and four lotus seeds appeared inside.

The first three lotus seeds each exploded with two red pills.

Li Banfeng originally had ten red pills in his hand, but now he has sixteen. There are so many things that Li Banfeng himself doesn't cherish them very much.

But according to Yu Nan, this pill is called Xuan Chi Pill, which can be exchanged for ten days of practice, and one hundred and fifty thousand pills.

Sixteen pills can be sold for 2.4 million. Adding the previous savings, deducting the expenses during this period, and deducting the money spent on treating the fat man and buying yellow paper, Li Banfeng has a total family fortune. Three hundred, two hundred and eighty-one thousand one hundred and twenty-two dollars, eight cents and four cents.

This money is enough to buy a house in Yuezhou.

Of course, the premise is that you can go back to Yuezhou.

Can I use this money to buy a road guide?

I guess it's not a big problem, as long as you find the right way.

Is this money Li Banfeng's entire property?

of course not!

When Geng Zhiwei and the two martial arts cultivators entered, they still had a box of oceans and four boxes of banknotes in their hands.

"You said you could just come and bring so many things..." Li Banfeng felt a little embarrassed.

He opened the box and counted it carefully.

There are only 812 boxes in total, which is not too much.

But if you convert it based on the odds of 500 yuan a piece, it's 460,000.

How much are the four cash boxes?

The first box contains 860,000, the second box contains 920,000, the third box is less, containing 730,000, and the last box contains 970,000.

The four boxes add up to a total of 3.48 million. Any box is worth more than that box.

Li Banfeng really couldn't figure out why Geng Zhiwei was holding the box in his arms, but gave four boxes of banknotes to his subordinates.

3.48 million plus 460,000 is 3.94 million.

Including previous savings, not counting fractions, the total is 7.22 million.

This is not a matter of down payment.

Of course, there is also 500,000 for Mr. Yao, and the King of Medicine must not owe him any money.

"I don't take money very seriously." Li Banfeng sighed.


The record player puffed out a puff of steam.

"But I always feel that it is much easier to make money in Puozhou than in Yuezhou." Li Banfeng sighed again.

This time the record player didn't laugh at him.

It's really easy to make money.

After arranging his belongings neatly, Li Banfeng stared at the last lotus seed, feeling a little uneasy.

This lotus seed still hasn't exploded.

Li Banfeng was a little worried. If the explosion was too violent, or if a special being was exploded, he might be injured.

He placed the lotus seeds in the corner of the main room and hid behind the record player.


After waiting for nearly half an hour, the lotus seeds finally cracked.

It just cracked, not exploded.

Li Banfeng approached carefully, put on his clothes and cotton gloves, and peeled off the shell of the lotus seeds, revealing the elixir inside.

One dark purple pill, just one.

The elixir was crystal clear and slightly larger than the Xuanchi elixir. From a long distance away, Li Banfeng could smell the pleasant aroma of the elixir.

"What kind of elixir is this?" Li Banfeng muttered to himself.

new igh.𝑐𝑜𝑚

laugh! laugh! laugh!

"Hey, sir," the record player suddenly said, startling Li Banfeng.

"This elixir is a rare treasure. Please keep it safe, sir."

"Exotic treasures?" Li Banfeng looked at the record player, but he didn't expect that she actually knew the elixir.

This is a good thing. If my wife knows the elixir, why bother to find others to identify it?

"Madam, what is the use of this elixir?"

"Hey, sir, this elixir is very useful, but I'm just feeling empty and can't remember it for the moment~"

Empty in the belly...

Need something to eat again.

You just cooked three fresh souls last night, are you hungry today?

"Madam, with the way you eat, my husband won't be able to support you~~"


The record player snorted coldly, and the guy playing the gongs and drums began to sing: "The slave family is so focused on following the husband that they don't even think about eating and drinking. The slave family is sad, and the slave family's life is miserable~"

"Madam, please don't cry first. Let's talk about the efficacy of the elixir first..."


The record player hummed again: "I'm hungry and can't remember. My husband, please find someone knowledgeable and sell this elixir."

Li Banfeng's eyes lit up: "How much money can I exchange for?"

"Hey, sir, I'm just hungry and can't remember~"

Li Banfeng was so angry that he turned blue: "You just know how to eat, but you don't gain weight after eating. Your whole body is cold and hard. How can you look like a daughter-in-law?"



The speaker mouth overflowed with water drops, and the record player shed tears.

"My husband is sarcastic to my family~ Huh! My husband is not good to my family~ Huh!" the record player sobbed while singing.

Li Banfeng sighed helplessly: "At least tell me the name of this elixir, and I'll change the money and get you something delicious."

"My husband is not short of money at all, huh~, but my husband just doesn't want to feed me, huh~"

Li Banfeng couldn't stand the music playing on the record player, so he was ready to go out for a walk.

He took the pistol sent by Geng Zhiwei.

This was not a revolver. Li Banfeng had no research on firearms and could not name the model. He pulled the barrel for a long time but could not load the bullet and could not pull the trigger.

What's the use of carrying this thing?

Li Banfeng put the pistol aside and took out the iron spike given to him by Wu Xiu.

"It's still the iron thorn that takes advantage of me."

Li Banfeng waved the iron thorn twice, and he couldn't stand the record player anymore.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

She was laughing at Li Banfeng.

"Hey, Mr. Lang, where are you going with this weapon?"

"Go shopping for groceries!" Li Banfeng said casually.

"Buying groceries? Seriously!" The record player became interested and stopped laughing at Li Banfeng. "Lang Jun, this weapon in your hand is not called an iron thorn, but an iron ruler. It is a weapon that can be used both offensively and defensively."

A long thorn with branches with small thorns on both sides. This weapon is called an iron ruler.

Li Banfeng was stunned for a long time, and suddenly remembered something. He seemed to have seen the name Tie Chi somewhere.

On TV?

Even if I've seen him on TV, I can't recognize Li Banfeng by name.

In a novel?

It's possible, I should have seen it from some kind of writing...

Li Banfeng remembered it, it was not a novel, but a martial arts classic, taken from the old lady's eldest son's house.

Li Banfeng trotted into the outer room.

Among the martial arts classics collected by De Cai, there is a classic on Qi Bing.

There are all kinds of strange weapons collected in the classics, including a special introduction to the iron ruler.

Iron Ruler's attack methods are relatively simple, mainly stabbing. The two forked small thorns are mainly used for defense.

Descriptions in words are always not so intuitive. After practicing for a few times, Li Banfeng felt that the iron ruler was not very easy to use, so he turned to look at the pair of forks, which were made of two intertwined crescents.

"Madam, what are these things called?"

The record player was a little impatient: "Mr., there is no need to bring so many weapons. Go out and buy groceries quickly."

"How can I buy groceries without a weapon?" Li Banfeng got angry and scolded the record player, "Is it easy for me to be out there fighting with swords and swords? You don't even teach me how to use a weapon? How can I find something to eat for you?"


A ball of steam came out of the bell mouth while shaking.

The record player felt a little ashamed.

"My lord, please don't be upset. I know I'm wrong. Those weapons are called Yuanyang Yue. They can't be learned overnight.

Sir, I will teach you how to use this iron ruler first.

Sir, stand firm and stab one foot straight first!

Mr. Master, please be steady and slow. You must have perseverance and patience when practicing martial arts.

The little slave likes my husband's bravery, the little slave likes my husband's perseverance, and the little slave likes my husband's magnanimity. "

The narration of the opera is accompanied by the unique singing voice of the steam record player, and every word is full of tenderness.

Li Banfeng felt very warm. He had an unprecedented trust and connection with the record player. He continued to hone his martial arts according to the record player's guidance.

The record player didn't notice this feeling, and she kept encouraging Li Banfeng:

“My husband is very talented, he learns quickly, and his thrusts are accurate and steady!

Sir, don't be too hasty, be careful about your strength.

My husband, um... don't use so much force first. Don't point the iron ruler at the slave.

My husband, you, why do you have an extra ruler?

My husband, don’t point this ruler at me, this little slave..."

PS: Dear readers, let’s practice martial arts with Shala!

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