Non-rush hour city traffic, relaxed and comfortable enough that every driver can hum a little tune.

Meng Qingyang was already in a good mood, so he was in a very good mood. With Wen Zhizhi's permission, he drove around seven corners and parked near University City.

"Zhizhi, I brought you here because we didn't have too many people here this weekend." Meng Qingyang scratched his head in embarrassment. In fact, in my heart, I want to relive the good times I missed with Wen Zhizhi.

Taiwan hand cake, Shandong mixed grain pancake, Fujian thousand li incense wonton, all kinds of small snacks from all over the world can be said to be everything.

"Pancakes ~ Pancakes ~ Merry grains and pancakes."

"Wonton of a thousand li of fragrant rice, the fragrance wafts to a thousand li."

The peddlers shouted their own signboard in their own dialects. It was very lively.

The feeling of a university that he had not felt in a long time assaulted his senses. Meng Qingyang's stomach began to stir.

Wenzhi was reminded of her memories with her university roommates and with Qin Hanyan, but the hawkers' shouts brought her back to reality. It's over, Wendy. Don't think about it anymore. "The past cannot be overtaken. What is there to be attached to?"

As a result, Wen Zhizhi's interest was also piqued.

Meng Qingyang put his hands in his pockets and said, "Pick whatever you want to eat. After that, I'll take you to a good place."

With just a short sentence, Wen Zhizhi somehow heard a bit of domineering tone.

He didn't expect that the senior who had always been a gentle and gentle gentleman would be so cute.

She scanned the food from left to right. There were quite a few familiar dishes, but the number of people who had breakfast could be counted on one's fingers.

"Senior, let's go eat that cake."

Meng Qingyang looked at Wen Zhizhi's slender hands. The "Taiwanese flavor hand cake" sign sparkled in the sunlight. Meng Qingyang smiled as he waited in front of the stall with Wen Zhizhi.

The men in suits, the elegant women, and the surrounding stalls were out of place. However, the two of them did not care about this feeling of conflict. The man was in a good mood, so he ignored the surrounding atmosphere. The woman was immersed in the handsome and fluent movements of the baker.

After a while, the steaming hot cake in his hand was ready.

Wen Zhizhi held the hot cake in her hands. She was satisfied with a book and smiled like a child who didn't care.

After buying a few snacks that he wanted to eat, Meng Qingyang brought Wen Zhizhi to another alley.

"Junior sister, are you afraid that I'll kidnap and sell you?" Perhaps the atmosphere was too good today, but Meng Qingyang seemed much younger and more energetic.

The haze in Wen Zhizhi's heart was gradually dispelled by his vitality. She teased him and replied, "In terms of selling at two catties, senior should be much more valuable than me."

"Hey, you little girl. "Don't joke about me being fat, my figure is considered the standard among my peers!" Meng Qingyang quibbled unhappily.

"Oh, oh ~ People of the same age ~" Wen Zhizhi mischievously laughed. Looking at her pure-white smile, Meng Qingyang just wanted to hide her happiness forever.

While they were talking and laughing, they arrived at the "good place" that Meng Qingyang had mentioned.

Wen Zhizhi raised her head and saw the crisp calligraphy of "Liang Ji Porridge Restaurant" in front of her. The aroma was not afraid of the alleyway being deep, and the porridge was the same. He had just smelled the fragrance of rice from afar, and it seemed to be coming from here.

Meng Qingyang helped Wen Zhizhi push open the simple wooden door. Wen Zhizhi did not expect there to be another world within it.

The courtyard was shaped like a courtyard, with several wooden tables and chairs arranged neatly in the courtyard. There were also tables and chairs arranged in an orderly manner in the main hall. The east wing had been converted into several elegant rooms. The west side seemed to be a "kitchen graveyard". The refreshing fragrance of rice became even stronger.

The waiter at the door greeted enthusiastically, "Mister Meng and Miss, please come in ~" His gaze naturally swept across the bread in Wen Zhizhi's hand and the snacks that Meng Qingyang was carrying.

"Such an ingenious place, both the senior and the waiter are familiar with it. "Seems like senior often takes care of me?"

Meng Qingyang was a little embarrassed, but he was more happy sharing the good stuff. "Haha, it's because I have a lot of stomachache, so I'm more familiar with these places like the porridge shop. As long as you like it. "

The waiter at the door consciously took the menu and led the two to the east wing. He filled the stomach with barley tea and placed the menu on the table.

"Senior, I'm not very familiar with this place. Today, I will listen to whatever you say ~" Wenzhi finished her sentence. It could be seen that she was really in a good mood.

Meng Qingyang picked up the menu on the table and smiled while flipping it. "Good, good, good. This is the first time I've brought you here. I'm sure you will be well-received." After saying that, he called the waiter and gently ordered a few appetizers and porridge.

In the meantime, Wen Zhizhi's cell phone rang. It was Zhang Wensi.

Wen Zhizhi embarrassedly smiled at Meng Qingyang and then picked up the phone.

Zhang Wensi seemed to have finished her work. "Zhizhi, are you okay?" It was quiet on the other end of the phone.

"When Wen Zhizhi heard the condolences of her good friend, a warm feeling overcame her." Vince, I'm fine. Is your work done? "

"It's still far. I've been busy taking care of you. How are my darlings? "

"I haven't gone over yet. I'm still outside."

"Zizhi, be careful." Meng Qingyang suddenly said. It was only then that Wen Zhizhi realized she had almost bumped into a waiter.

With this interruption, Zhang Wen Si seemed to have smelled something fishy.

"Zizi, who are you out there with? "Hehehe."

"… …." It was Senior Meng Qingyang. We just happened to meet. "

"Okay, okay, you don't have to explain anymore. I understand. If you know what's good for me, I'll leave. When we get to the apartment, be careful and close the doors and windows. "

"As you command, Madam Guan!" Wen Zhizhi replied obediently.

"Hmph, if it's anyone else who wants me to do it, I wouldn't even be willing to do it."

After chatting for a few minutes, someone called to her from Zhang Wen Si's side again. Thus, the two best friends reluctantly hung up the phone.

In the time it took to make a phone call, most of the dishes had been served.

Meng Qingyang didn't interrupt Wen Zhizhi's conversation over the phone. Instead, he quietly helped her disinfect the dishes and prepare the sauces.

Crispy melons, crispy pastries and refreshing cold dishes all fit the bill.

When Wen Zhizhi lowered her head to drink the porridge, Meng Qingyang was staring at her dumbly.

After a meal, both of them were satisfied.

However, last night's argument and fatigue did not affect him at all.

After the meal, he returned to Meng Qingyang's car. Wen Zhizhi slowly fell asleep on the passenger seat.

Meng Qingyang looked at the gentle side of the woman's face. He lowered the volume of the music on the car and steadied the car.

"The woman he likes should always be spoiled by others."

"Zhizhi, we're at the place you were talking about." Although he couldn't bear to wake her up, the sun was rising and her face was turning red. Meng Qingyang had no choice but to wake her up.

"Senior, thank you so much for today." Wen Zhizhi looked at Meng Qingyang earnestly and said.

If it weren't for Meng Qingyang, she wouldn't have learned how to let go of her worries so quickly.

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