Cen Xue buried her face in his embrace, feeling his embrace as she absorbed the familiar Long Yanxiang from his body. She really wanted to be embraced by him like this for her entire life. She really wanted to stay in this moment for as long as she could, but she couldn't be this selfish.

"Answer me, Xue'er …" Helian Lie became somewhat anxious. He seemed to have already smelled the peculiar aura.

"I went out because I wanted to find out the answer. I want to know why you've been so nervous these days. I'm worried about you." Buried in her arms, her voice slowly rang out.

"Then what do you know?" This question was the most tense one on Helian Shan's part.

Cen Xue pushed his chest and left his embrace. She took the initiative to pull him towards their bedroom. Helian Shan followed her silently. Seeing her calm face, he did not need to reply. It seemed like she already knew everything.

Returning to the dorm room, Cen Xue sat down on the bed and took off her shoes and socks, revealing her fair legs. Looking at the expressionless face of the man, she asked with her red lips, "Leng, you knew that my right leg had a Seven Star Dark Nevus right?"

She finally knew, from her words, that he could no longer hide anything.

"Xue'er, I don't want you to leave me. You should understand how I treat you, right?" Helian Shan tightly held her hand. He would not allow his hard-earned happiness to slip past him once again.

Cen Xue moved closer to him and took the initiative to kiss his lips. She broke free and used both her hands to hold his cheeks. Both their eyes revealed their love for each other, they couldn't leave each other alone!

"I understand …" But you have to think about it, if I were the descendant of Nuwa, then only I would be able to change your past, and change the fate of you under the effects of the Gu curse! "I love you. I, Lin Cen Xue, only have you in my heart. Regardless of the past, present, or future, because I love you, I can't stand by and watch you suffer. I can't let you drink human blood like a wild beast every month …" When Cen Xue said that last sentence, she seemed to have shouted it out loud.

Helian Shan also wanted to live like a normal person, but to sacrifice the woman he loved the most, he couldn't do it!

The two of them stared at each other without speaking for a long time. However, deep in Helian Lie's heart, he had already made his decision. Whether Cen Xue was a descendant of Nuwa or not, he would not let Cen Xue leave him.

"Boom …"

Cen Xue called out to him, hoping that he would understand her intentions.

Helian Lie did not say anything but just shook his head. He then slowly pressed Cen Xue's red lips against his own, sealing her lips. He then swallowed all of her words, tightly intertwining with her.

"Mm …" A familiar smell surrounded the two of them. Helian Lie's large hand slowly slid down and embraced her waist, closing the distance between the two of them.

Cen Xue was mesmerized by his kiss, and her cheeks flushed red. Perhaps it was because her self-control was too low, or perhaps it was because his kissing skill was too good, causing her to collapse into his embrace every time.

The spirit tongue in his mouth tightly entwined as Helian Lie deeply inhaled her taste with reluctance. It was soft, sweet, and alluring, as there had never been a woman that could cause him to forget about her.

"Dang, I …" The intensity of his kiss made Cen Xue unable to resist. Her body heated up under his big hands and she started to mutter under her breath.

At this moment, Helian Lie only had one thought in his mind. To have her, to have her, to possess her, Cen Xue could only be his …

"Xue'er, I love you …" A bloodthirsty and brutal man, buried in the hair of a woman, was talking about love. What sort of scene was this? What kind of feelings?

He Lianshan had always been worried that her body hadn't recovered yet, so he had always resisted his desire to have her. Even if they had been unable to control the kiss and he had not touched her, but today, he could no longer calm himself down.

Leaving her lips, Helian Lie's blazing eyes gazed at her clean face. He reached out to untie the belt on Cen Xue's waist, and as the muslin cloth began to fall off, fair skin appeared in the air, crystal clear and tender, like a newborn baby's allure.

Cen Xue couldn't hide the bashfulness in her eyes as she pushed Helian Shan's chest, making him put down the bed curtain. With a wave of his hand, the bed curtain blocked all the spring sunlight.

Almost all of it was left behind by Cen Xue. After her passion had passed, whenever she saw the bloody marks she left behind, she would always stay in his embrace with an apologetic look on her face.

The passion within the bed remained the same. Only when a man's muffled groan could be heard did the room return to its original tranquility.

Cen Xue breathed heavily as she looked at the man sleeping by her side. He was very handsome, with three-dimensional facial features that seemed to be deliberately carved out, and any woman who saw it would be moved by him.

Seeing him close his eyes, Cen Xue thought that he had fallen asleep due to exhaustion. She deliberately used her finger to draw the outline of his thick eyebrows, as well as his eyes, nose, and thin lips …

"Little thing, I can't catch you yet." Suddenly, Helian Lie opened his eyes and grabbed her hand with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing? I didn't do anything bad, so I'm not afraid of you catching me." Cen Xue retorted unwillingly.

"Then what are you trying to do by stroking Gu Gu's face?" Helian Shan took her hand and felt the warmth of her palm.

Cen Xue suddenly wiped away her smile. She looked at him seriously and said, "I just want to remember your silhouette. When I leave, I will remember your appearance."

"Shut up …" You are not allowed to say such words in the future! " He had said that he would not let her leave him.

Cen Xue understood what he was thinking. She obediently shut her mouth and snuggled into his embrace …

Mu Yue held a few ancient books in her hand and hurried back to the Eternal Music Palace. She could tell at a glance what that old fogey, Keser, was thinking with just one glance. He wanted to calculate out that girl's eight characters, but they had no idea about that world. It was impossible to understand it at all?

Under the guidance of the eunuch, Mu Yue came outside and knocked on the door. Hearing the reaction from the inside, no one actually answered her. Fine, she pushed open the door and walked in.

This small room was Heather's most precious treasure, and it was filled with the things he had accompanied him throughout his life. Ancient books, medicinal herbs, secret recipes, and even poisonous bugs!

"Dr. Kessler, are you in there all the time?" Mu Yue walked in while leaning on her walking stick. She stood on the spot and looked around, but didn't see that old guy.

"Doctor Keser …"

Mu Yue shouted again. When she calmed down to observe this place, she could feel that there was someone else here. That old man must be here and she didn't know which bookshelf he was hiding under.

Just as her voice stopped, a laugh came from behind a pile of densely packed books. "Hahaha … "I've finally found it …"

Mu Yue recognized the voice. It was that old man's voice. What did he find? Could it be?

Leaning on his walking stick, he walked quickly towards the old man who was sitting behind the pile of books. As expected, an old man with a thin and weak body sat behind the pile of books.

"What, did you figure it out?" Mu Yue was very concerned about this issue.

The calculation method written on it, can be used to calculate the time given by Cen Xue. As the saying goes, on the 11th of the 2nd day of the 8th lunar year 1988, using the calculation method and the Ten Souls calculation method, it means that the imperial concubine of the Lin Clan was born ten times out of ten, and has the life of a Seven Star Black Nestle. Combined with her history, I believe that she is the descendant of Nuwa in the records of the Twelve Chronicles! "

"If that girl Cen Xue is really a descendant of Nuwa, then the reaction on that day in the blood pool would be completely reasonable." Mu Yue had linked it with the situation on that day, and now she had finally found the answer.

"How does the blood pool react to imperial concubines?" Heather asked in confusion.

Mu Yue placed down the book in her hands and carefully told Keser what happened in the forbidden area that day. She also knew a bit about the blood pool, but she didn't expect there to be such a miraculous thing. It seemed like she was the descendant of Nuwa.

"Wait …" Elder Mu Yue seems to be missing one thing, right? " Korsor was old, but his mind was clear.

"What is it that this old one hasn't made clear?" Mu Yue didn't know what he was saying.

"What is that blinding white light? Actually, this elder already knew about the treasures at the bottom of the pool of blood of the Sheng Yue Sect. Or is there something ancient hidden within? " Heather looked at Mu Yue with a pair of sharp eyes. Today, she wanted to ask the question in his heart.

The two of them had known each other for more than ten years. She was very clear about his personality, he wasn't a person of great evil, he just liked to study things that ordinary people couldn't understand. It seemed that if she didn't tell him today, he wouldn't give up.

"Doctor Keser, this old man will not hide it from you. There is indeed something beneath the blood pool, but this secret is known only to the previous leaders and elders of the Sacred Moon Sect. Today, this old man can tell you, but you must promise not to speak of it. Mu Yue very solemnly made him swear an oath.

"I swear with my head and character, no third person will ever know about our conversation today. If it is leaked, we will be sent to hell, never to reincarnate." Although he was a Witch Doctor, he had never poisoned a kind person in his life.

Mu Yue nodded in satisfaction. She believed in his character, but she wanted him to personally promise her!

"There aren't any treasures at the bottom of the blood pool, but there are things hidden that are more precious than treasures … A hundred years ago, when the Sacred Moon Sect was first established, the Sect Leader obtained the Ancient God's Mirror "Mortal Scripture" by chance. In order to prevent the appearance of the "Mortal Scripture" from causing strife in the world, he was also worried that if the people of the world knew that the "Ancient Book" would cause the annihilation of the sect in the hands of our Sacred Moon Sect, he would set up a blood pool and hide his "God" in the bottom of the pool! " She told him everything that she knew. This secret was something that not even the King knew.

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