The fire caused the branches to crackle with crackling sounds. The stench of the dead body wasn't any better after being burned. Everyone on the scene covered their mouths and noses and retreated to a distance of fifty steps.

After the fire was over, Heather was still worried. He immediately went back to the camp to boil a big pot of antidote. He ordered people to pour it on top of the pot and dug a deep hole.

There were still some villagers who needed to use the intoxicating fragrance of the Ghost Valley to stabilize them, but there were some villagers who had been poisoned for a long time and had already died from the intoxication. Their bodies were stiff like a big rock.

Helian Qi led hundreds of people to deliver the medicinal herbs. They travelled through the night towards the Everlasting Mountain, and finally, on the morning of the sixth day, they sent the medicinal herbs to the campsite.

Within Lou Lan's palace.

Yuwen Tuo and the others had already been gone for more than half a month. They didn't know how things were going over there. The last time the Second Prince went there, he didn't know if they would be able to make it again today.

This shouldn't have been something that she was worried about, but she just had to worry about it. She thought about it day and night, and even if Helian Shan came to comfort her, he would still be unable to undo it.

As soon as Helian Shan walked into the palace, he saw her sad face again.

"What, are you still thinking about the Plague of Everlasting Mountain? I've told you so many times, don't worry, they'll take care of it. " Helian Shan's dissatisfied and handsome face sat beside her. Looking at her appearance of recent emaciation, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"I am your queen, and should be sharing the burden with you. If we cannot suppress the plague in Everlasting Mountain, it will definitely spread. This is an unpredictable outcome!" Cen Xue knew the power of this plague. At least a few towns, and at most, an entire country. This was not a joke.

Especially after Yuwen Tuo had sent back the letter, saying that it was some sort of corpse poison. This made it even more difficult to relax.

"Xue'er, if you still think you're a lonely queen, then obediently raise your womb. A few months later, you'll be giving birth to a chubby, white boy and a little prince for our Lou Lan Royal Family. What do you say?" Helian Shan knew that she cared about her performance.

But as a man, and also the ruler of a country, he naturally wouldn't let his woman worry about him. Especially since she was already in the top six and was about to be born in four months.

"How do you know it's the little prince? What if it's the little princess?" Cen Xue shyly nestled into his embrace, her heart filled with sweetness.

"No matter if it's the little prince or the little princess, as long as they're your children, I'll always like them!" Helian Shan gently embraced her, afraid that he would be too rude and hurt her.

"By the way, do you still remember what Dr. Keser said? Maybe I had a dragon and phoenix embryo in my womb!" Cen Xue proudly stated. She was only five months old now, but her belly seemed to be close to seven months old. Doctor Keser also said that her pulse was very intense. Perhaps she really had a twin.

Helian Lie saw her smile. During this period of time, she would only laugh when she was talking about her child. If he was not by her side, she would worry about that.

"You only need to remember what I said. You are our child, and I like both men and women!" Helian Shan cupped her cheeks and gently kissed her.

Lan Qi'er, who was serving at the side, turned around, blushing. Although she had seen this kind of situation many times, she would still feel a bit embarrassed. After all, she was still a virgin.

"Cen Xue will remember your words, but it has been a busy time lately. My heart is always uneasy, and I want to burn incense for Bodhisattva. Is that alright?" Cen Xue sat in his embrace and asked.

Helian Lie's brows were knitted tightly. Did he want to go and burn incense at this time? How could she leave the palace now that she had a big belly? What if something happened on the road?

"This won't do, with your current condition, you absolutely cannot leave the palace. If you want, it will be the same no matter where you burn the incense. The palace also has a small buddhist hall, it was previously ordered by the emperor's grandma to have people repair it, but after her death, she would only occasionally go there with her mother, tomorrow she would ask Zhao Changde to bring you there, if he wants to burn some incense for Bodhisattva, he can just go to the small buddhist hall! " Helian Shan refused to let her leave the palace. Not to mention that she was pregnant right now, it was the matter of her kidnapping the other time. He still hadn't forgotten about it yet.

Being rejected by him, Cen Xue knew that he was concerned about her. Since this was the case, she wouldn't give him any trouble. The little buddhist hall was just the little buddhist hall; as long as he could burn incense for Bodhisattva and pray for the villagers, that would be enough.

"Alright, let Eunuch Zhao lead me there tomorrow." Cen Xue leaned into his embrace as she spoke.

Helian Shan saw her rare refusal to sing a disagreement with him. It seemed that the weight of a child in her heart was not light. It changed her stubborn and stubborn personality.

The next day, Zhao Changde arrived at Xing Qing Palace early in the morning, but Cen Xue had never gotten up early. It took him four hours to catch sight of her.

"Eunuch Zhao, thank you for waiting so long. Let's go now." Cen Xue stuck out her belly as she was supported by Lan Qi'er. She was accompanied by two palace maids and a young eunuch.

"Where is the Empress's words coming from? This old servant will do things for the Empress. This is this old servant's honor!" Zhao Chengde was an experienced eunuch, when he spoke, no matter the situation or the situation, no one would find any fault with him.

The sedan chair had been waiting outside the palace for a long time. Although the Little Buddha Hall was in the East Palace and wasn't far from the palace, for her safety, Helian Lie still ordered Zhao Changde to bring a sedan chair here to pick her up …

In case anything should happen, it was enough to prove that the king was very fond of the queen.

Zhao Chang De led Cen Xue onto the sedan chair, and Lan Qi'er followed beside it. In front, Zhao Chang De led the way, through the imperial garden and into the Eastern Palace.

Cen Xue closed her eyes and quietly leaned against the sedan chair. She didn't know why, but she had been unable to sleep soundly during the night.

He gently rubbed his temples and tried to relax a little. Was she really that nervous all the time?

After half an incense's time, the sedan stopped outside an old looking courtyard. Zhao Changde bent down and respectfully asked the person in the sedan, "Esteemed Empress, we have arrived."

"Yes." Cen Xue softly replied from within the palanquin. Lan Qi'er, who was by her side, immediately went forward and lifted the palanquin's curtain, helping her down.

Standing in front of this courtyard, it seemed that it had been quite a while since it had been repaired. It seemed that very few people would come here during normal times.

Empress Dowager, this is the little buddhist hall that the empress dowager ordered people to repair in the past. Later on, the empress dowager rose to the heavens, and only the empress dowager came a few times a year, so a few years ago, the empress dowager also went there, but no one else came back. Thus, this courtyard is rather old, and this old servant ordered someone to clean it for a while, but in the end, it can't be compared to the past. Zhao Chengde ordered someone to push open the door and lead Cen Xue in.

"It's fine, just listen to the king." Cen Xue never minded if it was as gorgeous as new, as long as it was clean and tidy.

There was no hall inside, only a large hall. This large hall had already been modified to become a buddhist hall, and upon stepping into the door, a vivid and lifelike image of a buddhist temple came into view. It was almost the same as the furnishings in the temple, no wonder it was called the small buddhist hall.

The surroundings looked very clean. It seemed like it was indeed as Zhao Chang De had said, he had indeed ordered someone to clean up the place thoroughly beforehand.

"Eunuch Zhao, all of you wait outside for me. I'll leave Lan Qi'er to wait on the side." Cen Xue didn't like such a large group of people following behind her. It was enough for Qi'er to take care of her.

"Yes." Zhao Changde led the others out and waited outside the courtyard.

Lan Qi'er stepped forward to support her, carefully kneeling on the soft cushion. She clasped her hands together and closed her eyes, praying to Guan Yin Bodhisattva in her heart …

Lan Qi'er stood behind her without a word. After her master had finished praying, he brought her three incense sticks and offered them to the Bodhisattva.

"Qi'er, do you think Grand Scholar Guan Yin can hear what I just said?" Cen Xue stood where she was and asked puzzledly.

"Mistress, you must have heard a saying, 'when one's heart is sincere, it makes one's heart flow'!" Lan Qi'er stepped forward to help her answer.

Sighing lightly, I hope this is the case...

When Zhao Changde saw her come out, he immediately went forward to welcome her, "Empress, do you have any other instructions?"

"It's okay, let's go back to the palace. However, I don't want to sit in a sedan chair, so I want to slowly walk back. It's not far, so I might as well take a walk." Cen Xue wore a smile as she raised her head to look at the weather. It was a good day for a walk.

"Yes." Zhao Chengde ordered his four young eunuchs to carry the sedan chair away as he slowly walked back with her.

She had been living in the harem for quite some time now, but she still didn't know the direction of this harem. Forget about the West harem, even if the East harem only had a few harem, she still wasn't familiar with them.

The weather was exceptionally clear today, and there was a strand of warm sunlight shining on her body. Occasionally, a spring breeze would quietly blow past, causing her to smell the fragrance of flowers.

"Mistress, are you tired? Do you want to rest for a while?" Lan Qi'er saw that the Clear Wind Pavilion was right in front of her. She was worried that her master was pregnant and had left for so long, worried that he would tire her.

"It's nothing, it's nothing. Let's continue walking." Cen Xue was in a very good mood today, she didn't feel tired at all.

He continued to walk forward leisurely, but before he even reached the Clear Wind Pavilion, Cen Xue felt a faint pain in her stomach. She stopped on the spot, her hands holding onto Lan Qi'er tightly as she said, "Qi'er, return to the palace immediately. My stomach hurts so much …"

"What?" "This, someone come! Immediately bring esteemed queen back to the palace …" Zhao Chang De, who was behind her, panicked for a moment, but quickly adjusted himself, and immediately ordered the eunuchs behind to carry the Queen back to the palace.

Cen Xue's hand covered the bulge on her abdomen. The pain was getting more and more intense and caused her to sweat profusely. The two young eunuchs immediately sent her back to the palace and Lan Qi'er followed closely by her side, not daring to move an inch.

"Ah …" Within Xing Qing Palace, a wave of shouts rang out. Cen Xue had already sunk into a semi-unconscious state. The room was filled with the royal doctors, who nervously took her pulse.

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