"Many thanks for Your Majesty's agreement. In that case, may Your Majesty allow us to meet with that beautiful Lin before this old man leaves!" Mu Yue requested.

"Unanimity …"

As the king of Lou Lan Country, Helian Lie's words naturally echoed. He personally went to the Ice Room to bring Cen Xue out of the room and let her continue to stay in the Wen Yuan Pavilion. He then ordered Zhao Chang De to inform Elder Mu Yue so she could go directly to the Wen Yuan Pavilion to see her.

He had sucked up a large amount of Cen Xue's blood last night. She was already scarred by his mistreatment a few days ago, and her body had become abnormally weak due to the high fever. Now, her pale face was lying quietly on the bed.

Within the Wen Yuan Pavilion, a group of servants were busy attending to him. As soon as the imperial physician left, Mu Yue stepped in.

"Elder Mu Yue …" The palace maids and eunuchs in the room respectfully bowed to her.

Mu Yue waved her hand and told them to leave. She wanted to have a chat with that Lin beauty alone.

Wen Xing gave a look to the people behind her, telling them to put down the things in their hands and leave. Elder Mu Yue was an honorable person, if it wasn't for Elder Mu Yue who was willing to plead for the beauty, the beauty would still be imprisoned in that ice-cold secret room.

When the palace maid and the young eunuch left, Mu Yue walked over to Cen Xue's bed with a walking stick and sat down. Looking at her pale face, it should be because she had lost a lot of vitality last night.

Her long eyelashes told everyone that she had a pair of beautiful eyes. She remembered the day she met her in the Emperor's Tomb, a pair of talkative eyes stared straight at her, and she knew that this girl was definitely not simple.

He got up and moved to the side of her bed to sit down. With his left hand holding his walking stick, he slowly activated his right hand to send a wisp of misty true energy into her body through her heart.

Gradually, Cen Xue's originally pale face regained its color. Thanks to Mu Yue's true energy, Cen Xue's body seemed to have gained a protective barrier, as well as a healing drug.

The unconscious Cen Xue seemed to hear an elderly voice calling out to her, "Cen Xue … "Cen Xue …"

Was it the professor? The owner of this voice was clearly an old woman, it couldn't be a professor! When she opened her watery eyes in a daze, what appeared before her was an old granny that seemed to be in her fifties or sixties.

"Girl, you're awake? Are you feeling better? " Mu Yue looked benevolently at Cen Xue on the bed, her eyes filled with concern.

Cen Xue looked at the old granny in front of her. Her familiar face reminded her of someone, she was Elder Mu Yue who had defeated the corpse soldiers in the Emperor Tomb. If she hadn't arrived in time, their entire group of people would have been torn to shreds by those immortal corpse soldiers.

"Thank you. I remember that you were injured to save us. Have you recovered?" Cen Xue struggled to sit up as she leaned against the headboard of the bed to chat with her. This was the first time she had come into contact with this old man at such a close distance.

Mu Yue looked at the kind-hearted her and pushed away the hair on her forehead. What a beautiful and kind-hearted girl. She and the king just so happened to be a couple. It seemed that she didn't like it here as she continued to want to leave.

"I'm fine. You, on the other hand, need to rest more. "Don't make the same mistake again in the future. The king grew up with this old body, and the truth is that his true nature isn't so evil. It's just that some things have happened, causing him to have no choice but to become what he is today." There seemed to be many secrets that were hidden on Helian Lie's body.

Cen Xue was confused by his words, but she realised something. This man, as a sovereign, had a special hobby. He must be hiding some unspeakable secrets, right?

"Elder, I understand what you mean. You want me to stay behind, but I also have something I want to tell you. This is also the reason why I must leave." Cen Xue looked at her seriously. If he could get her help, she might be able to leave this so-called Lou Lan Palace in broad daylight.

Mu Yue seriously listened to her words, wanting to know what kind of reason she had?

"He never asked me where I came from. He doesn't know where I came from, or what he knows. I'm just a little girl who was sent into the palace from the Tower of Eternal Lane, but I'm not. "I don't belong here, I don't belong in this space. This Easton Continent doesn't exist in the space where I live!"

Cen Xue wanted to tell her everything about herself, let her know where she came from, and help her return to that chaotic year of 2012.

Mu Yue could tell that she wasn't a simple woman since long ago. If it wasn't for the miasma in the Emperor's Tomb that was enough to kill her, she wouldn't have come from this Easton Continent if she hadn't said those words out loud!

Cen Xue paused, seeing that Mu Yue had been seriously listening to her story, she thought for a moment before continuing to tell Elder Mu Yue her story, "The place where I live is a world of technological civilization, but in the midst of a natural disaster that is rarely seen in hundreds of thousands of years, the world I live in is almost completely destroyed. Including me, my life was also taken away by that tsunami."

"But strangely, when I opened my eyes again, I was neither in heaven nor in hell. I was instead imprisoned in this Loulan Nation's Eternal Alley Tower. In the dream, I came to a terrifying underground palace. Inside the stone room of the underground palace, there was a stone coffin standing upright, and inside the sarcophagus, there was a man's corpse, dried up and dressed in a dragon robe. Even though I was afraid, I still went up to observe. " Cen Xue was searching through her memories for that memory.

"Wait …" Mu Yue listened to her story. She could foresee the first part. Perhaps she came from another dimension, but why did the description in the underground palace sound like …

"Elder, are you trying to ask if the male corpse I saw in my dreams was the king of Lou Lan Country?" Looking at her eyes and tone, Cen Xue could guess what was going on.

Mu Yue nodded, that was what she meant.

The underground palace in the dream is very dark, but the corpse's face is already shriveled and sunken, and its skin color is still a bit green. I'm not sure if it's him, but the dragon robe he's wearing is very similar to the one on the corpse, and all the decorations in the underground palace, especially the pearl that is guiding the way, are exactly the same as the one I saw in my dream. Cen Xue recalled the scene from her dream and was shocked when it combined with reality.

She had been here for a month. Previously, she did not put all her energy into thinking about this matter, but instead focused it all on how to escape from this palace. Now, when they combined forces, that desiccated corpse must be Helian Shan!

Mu Yue pondered for a moment, looking at Cen Xue, who was not a simple girl, and calmly said to her, "Little girl, I know what you said is true, but no matter what, you've already come here, so it will be very difficult for you to return. I think you should understand this!"

Even though Cen Xue understood her words, she still wanted to give it a try. After all, she did not belong here, and she did not know what she could do here. Could it be that she could stay here and be a caged bird or a vase?

Seeing that Cen Xue had remained silent, Mu Yue continued, "Actually, your highness doesn't have any bloodthirsty hobby, nor is he some big devil like the rumors say. Your highness is only under a curse, a very rare curse that even this old body, Doctor Kesha, and the High Priest are helpless!"

Mu Yue sighed deeply. When she thought of this, a look of disappointment appeared on her face.

These words confused Cen Xue more and more. Was there really such a thing as a 'curse'? She had only heard of the existence of 'Gu'. Could it be that the ancient 'curse' really existed on this land?

"Forget it, you should rest up. This old one will definitely be a rich person from your appearance. There are some things that you need to slowly understand. It's not that this old one's few words will allow you to fully comprehend them." Every word from Mu Yue made Cen Xue speechless.

However, Cen Xue understood from her words that the reason Helian Shan drank human blood was because of the curse!

Mu Yue left Wen Yuan Pavilion with a walking stick. Looking at her leaving figure, Cen Xue quietly thought to herself that she hadn't said much. It was indeed not easy to return to 2012, but what was the use of staying here as a biologist?

Helian Shan had arranged everything for Mu Yue and had the White Tiger and Vermillion Bird send Elder Mu Yue back to the Boundless Mountain. It had been three days since he had visited Cen Xue. As Helian Shan walked into the Western Palace, he suddenly thought of her recuperating from her injuries.

Ever since Elder Mu Yue came to plead with him that day, he hadn't been able to see her nor did he know how the injury on the little guy's arm had healed.

It had been a long time since he last stepped into the Wen Yuan Pavilion, and it was still the same as before. When Mingyue saw that Wang had arrived, she immediately kneeled down and bowed her head.

After resting for a few days, Cen Xue had recovered a lot of her blood vitality. Every day, she would drink some soup to replenish her energy, allowing herself to recover at the fastest speed possible.

Helian Shan pushed open the door and entered. What girl did Cen Xue think was coming over? Sitting up and looking out, she actually met a face she was very disgusted with.

"What, are you that disappointed to see me alone?" Helian Lie walked into her room. When he saw her disappointed face, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness from the bottom of his heart.

This was a feeling that he had never had before, but ever since he had met this little thing, just based on her frown and smile, it could change his mood!

Cen Xue didn't say anything as she quietly leaned against the headboard, waiting for him to walk over. It was as if she completely ignored his existence.

Helian Lie did not bother with her after he recovered from his serious illness, and kept her to nurture his body. On the fifteenth of the next month, he still needed her blood to suppress the restless Gu worms in his body.

He sat on the edge of the bed and took her arm. He examined the wound he had left behind that night. The wound was wrapped in white gauze and there was no longer any blood seeping out. It seemed that he had recovered quite well.

When his large hand touched her wrist, Helian Lie felt a wave of true energy protecting her. He pulled her wrist and carefully felt. It was as if this power was more feminine and not like a man's power.

"Who gave you true qi?" he asked, looking at her quizzically.

"Elder Mu Yue came to see me a few days ago." Cen Xue didn't answer him clearly but he should have understood what she was saying now.

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