In the main hall, there were only the ups and downs and heavy breathing of the people.

After seeing the power of this huge sword, they all have an indescribable excitement burning in their hearts - it's like telling them that as long as they hold this sword in their hands, no matter how big the world is or how strong their opponents are, they can be invincible and unstoppable!

"Everybody! Do you know why I let you see this scene? " Huamanlou then put away the sword and said aloud:

"I want you to know that we will soon be as vulnerable as the emperor and the Phoenix, because the immortality of the dragon has already known that this sword exists in my hands. Even if I offer it to him, we will not escape the fate of being killed!"

The virtual picture clearly shows the immortal killing behavior of the dragon to the emperor and the Phoenix. Huamanlou reminds them that if they don't do something, they will have the same fate!

"This sword is his secret. If he has this sword, he can kill the emperor and the Phoenix. Now that I have this sword, I can lead you to kill the dragon!"

He said aloud, drawing a beautiful picture of the future for them:

"Once we kill the dragon, we will be the supreme overlord in this world! No race can ride on our heads any more! There are no more dragon people who abuse us wantonly! My brothers, do you want to work hard for this future? To fight? "

"We want to be the overlord!" When everyone was neutral, someone answered loudly, and then more voices began to ring!

"We don't want to be killed by the dragon clan!"

"I'd rather be a overlord in the world than a dog with a low head and legs!"

"We're going to fight!"

"We want to be the overlord!"


In the hall, all the people are burning blood, and at the same time, the immortality of the dragon clan in the sea area is also gathering a team!

"Terran cunning, can't stay! I'll take you to find huamanlou in Jincheng and ask for the sword. No matter whether you take it or not, you must clear the Terran today! "

Dragon immortality didn't sleep well that night.

He was very clear about the power of the sword. He was afraid that huamanlou would know the power of the sword, and he was against himself.

So he decided to harvest the spirit of huamanlou and take the last step on his way to becoming a god!

As for the huge sword... The Terran is destroyed. How hard is it to find it out of a pile of dead bodies? What's more, if Lu Ziyi didn't want to die, he would fight with his sword. Then he could take the sword directly!


"Young master! Here comes the dragon In the main hall, huamanlou is still actively arranging troops for everyone. When he plans to attack the dragon, the scouts rush into the hall to report.

"How many people have the dragon family come? Who took the lead? "

"At a glance, there should be no less than a thousand people! The leader is the Immortal Dragon The voice of the scouts was trembling. He was a little scout. He could feel the menace and evil of others!

"It seems that he is impatient!" Hua manlou said and glanced at the crowd: "listen, the previous plan is still feasible. If he comes to me, he may think that I haven't got the giant sword yet... Go, according to the plan, as long as we seize the opportunity, today is the day for us to turn over!"



"What's the matter with you?" Speech Mo slightly worried looking at the side of the white moon, at the moment we are standing in the water forest in front of a transmission, silently waiting for their time.

"A little excited." White as the moon's hand on his chest.

The layout that has been waiting for a hundred years is about to come to a conclusion today. The more the battle is going to be triggered, the more inner peace cannot be achieved!

Yan Mo stretched out his hand and put on the white moon's face: "today's war is bound to be difficult! But we will win

Bai Ruyue blinked instead of nodding: "I understand, I also believe!"

"The immortality of the dragon clan has devoured the immortal souls of you and me. Their strength must be much higher than that of ordinary immortality. There must be many unexpected things in the battle, but in any case, we must seize this best opportunity to kill him!"

"I understand!"

Yan Mo lowers her head and kisses her lips, from shallow kisses to deep kisses, and no one around feels embarrassed or blushes.

Because we all know that this war will be extremely hard, and maybe many of them will be separated from each other.

"Don't do that!" Bai Ruyue, who is very hard to escape from Yanmo's mouth, has a face of complaint. She thinks it's too much to abuse those single Wangshi at this time.

Speaking of Mo, he said with a smile: "now, have you relaxed?"

Bai Ruyue was stunned and gave him a white look. Yanmo said: "your strength has returned to the level of divine respect. We are equal. How about you and I join hands again today to make the perfect reappearance of Tianhe riverside that year?"

"No problem!" Bai Ruyue raised her eyebrows: "this time, I promise you will not only remember you!"

... immortality of the dragon clan leads people into the palace of Jincheng. At the moment, the servants in the whole palace are in a panic, which makes the contempt on the immortal face of the dragon people more obvious“ What about all the flowers? Tell him to come out and see me Ao Guang said aloud and walked directly into the main hall of the palace. When he entered the station, huamanlou rushed in: "dragon boss, how did you come in person?"“ Cut the crap, I ask you, where is that sword? "“ Yes, yes Huamanlou nodded busily: "Lu Ziyi has been caught by me and is being interrogated by me in the dungeon! She has a hard mouth, but I've beaten her to death. I believe I'll do it soon! "“ "Oh?" The immortal eyes of the dragon clan had a happy look: "take me to see her quickly!"“ Good! This way, please Hua manlou's dog legs lead Ao Guang to the dungeon. When he comes to the dungeon, he finds that there is a narrow door to enter the dungeon. Ao Guang can still enter the dungeon, but he brings a lot of people. If you can only enter one at a time, it's really a bit... "You wait for me outside!" Ao Guang gave an explanation, bent down and got into the door of the dungeon, followed behind huamanlou“ Boss, this woman is hard to catch, you know? She is actually the founder of the sword fighting sect in the lower world... "Hua manlou mutters like a treasure, but Ao Guang can't listen to it. He is really excited to think that he will get the sword soon. So when he followed huamanlou to the main hall of the dungeon and saw a woman tied to the iron post, he directly pushed huamanlou away and stepped in front of her: "say! Where is the sword? "

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