Love at First Kiss: Surrendering to my Devil Husband

Chapter 1015: Say good to be together 1

Lei Lie dialed William Faye's cell phone while driving. After making many calls, he still couldn't get through. He tried to call Earl William's phone again. The cell phone was turned off.

Lei Lie's heart became more and more flustered. Just now Mrs. Sophie said those words. He felt very ashamed. For the sake of the overall situation, he decided to let William Fairy go. But then he heard that William Fairy was crying so miserably. He was very sad and even wanted to go back, but he still held back.

Later, when he returned to the room, his mind was full of William Faye's shadows. Thinking back to the various fragments of their previous together, he was very sad, so sad that his heart was about to break, and then he didn't know why, maybe it was Out of an instinct stood out...

Now he only has one belief, he wants to be with William Field, and he doesn't want to think about anything else.


At home, Leng Ruobing was worried that Lei Lie would have an accident, so he called Zhao Jun and drove after him. .


Lei Lie bit his lower lip, clenched his fist and slammed into the car seat, cursing himself in his heart, why did he let go just now? If Mayfair really left, he would never forgive himself...

The more Lei Lie thought, the more anxious he thought, and the more he thought about it, the more he became flustered. It was the morning shift and there were more and more vehicles on the road. However, he was too impatient and did not slow down at all. The car drove to a corner. There was a sudden sound of a horn, and a large truck was approaching oncomingly. Before Lei Lie could brake, the truck slammed into it from the side.


With a bang, Lei Lie’s car got under the truck, the roof of the car was knocked off, Lei Lie’s head hit the windshield, and his body was lying limp on the steering wheel. The blood in his body was flowing like a faucet. ...

"Lei Lie——" Leng Ruobing's hoarse cry came. Lei Lie couldn't hear him. At the last moment when his consciousness disappeared, there was only William Faye in his mind, and a name echoed in his mind repeatedly, Faye, Mayfair...


William’s car had already arrived at the airport, and William Faye kept crying, and Mrs. Sophie’s persuasion was over. Now she didn’t know what to do except distressed.

"Mayfair, don't cry. Your mommy has already made it very clear just now, and now I'm just asking you to go back with us temporarily. When the Lei family's affairs are completed, Lei Lie will naturally come to pick you up." Earl William couldn't bear to scold William Phil.

"You think this is for my good, but do you know what I really need?" William Faye asked crying, "You never know, you don't know, even if I go back with you now, I will be more I'm sad, I have a great time with them here, but what about you, under the guise of being good for me, forcing me to do things I don't want, are you good for me???"

"Mayfair, we..."

"Mayfair is right." Madame Sophie interrupted Earl William and sighed helplessly. "Maybe we really did something wrong, Mayfair, I'm sorry..."

She turned her eyes to her entourage and said, "Get the car back!"

"Sophie, are you crazy??" Earl William was a little excited, "You really want to send her back??"

"We just want her to live happily, but if we do this now, she is not happy at all. Are we really doing good for her?" Mrs. Sophie was a little sad, "Mayfair is right, even if she talks to When we go back together, she will not be happy, but will only be more sad. As parents, we should not impose our wishes on our children. That is wrong."

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