You know what happened later. I fought side by side with you in Hong Kong for a few months, and then returned to the United States. Today I was waiting for Miss Lan in Century Imperial City. I accidentally saw my car. I felt very strange. I checked before that it was my sister who drove my car to a nearby mall for shopping and also stole my card.

I was very angry. I took the car back and let her leave. She left angrily. Because I didn’t want you to know about my sister, I lied and told the bodyguard to drive my car over, but I really didn’t. I thought that so many things would happen later.

I drove Miss Lan back to Qin’s house, and received a text message from the bank on the way. I learned that my card had been transferred a lot of money. That was almost all of my savings. I suspected that my sister had stolen my card. So I drove around and wanted to go home to find my bank card and check the situation.

When I returned home and found my card was missing, I called the bank and told me that my card had been stolen and asked the bank to report the loss. Who knew that before the call was over, I heard Miss Lan’s screams outside. I rushed out to see that the mad dog next door was biting Miss Lan. I immediately went over to help and had a fight with the dog owner.

Then I sent Miss Lan to the hospital. Until I received a call from my sister just now, I didn’t expect that she had done it. It turned out that when I went home, she just left and saw my car driving back. She hid immediately.

Then she saw Miss Lan in the car again. Because she had a grudge against the past and wanted to take revenge on Miss Lan, she attracted the mad dog to bite Miss Lan, but she didn’t know that Miss Lan was pregnant. Really, she I really don’t know. If she knew, she wouldn’t do it..."

Hearing these words, Ye Yan's brows furrowed tightly, and he was silent for a moment. He asked seriously, "Where is your sister now?"

"She called me just now and said that she was temporarily borrowing a sum of money from me to go abroad, so I didn't want to find her. She also said that she would pay me back when she got the money." Si Hui said anxiously, "Night club, I I know you must be very angry, but my sister is really miserable now. She has been addicted to drugs. Her face after plastic surgery has suffered sequelae. The whole face is deformed so that she has nothing but drug use to paralyze herself. , She is pitiful enough, just let her go."

"Her face has changed?" Ye Yan was a little surprised.

"It's changed a long time ago." Si Hui sighed. "She suffered a lot of crimes in order to be like Miss Lan. A lot of gold threads were implanted in the skin of her face. Good, but soon there will be side effects. Her face is bumpy and scary. She has to wear sunglasses and a mask all day to go out. Because of this, she took a lot of blows, so she took drugs. Now, she takes them away. I’m afraid I want to go to Korea for plastic surgery..."

"This is retribution." Ye Yan shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Human, you should be yourself."

"Yes, everyone is responsible for the wrong things they have done." Si Hui sighed, "She has already paid the price, so please let her go."

"Even if you get her back, the injury on Qianyu's hand won't heal. Let's go to the end of this matter. No one will pursue it. You don't have to mention it. I will go to the laboratory to check the test sheet first."

"I will go with you."


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