The Royal Palace...

Danya was almost desperate. She used to have a fluke, thinking that Buckel would not treat her so cruelly, thinking that he would be softhearted after all, because he used to be so good to her...

But now, she knows that the depth of love, the depth of hatred.

Not only did Buckler not forgive him, but he hated her deeply and even wanted to ruin her.

But who can blame this? I can only blame myself. .

Danya lowered her head in regret, letting tears spread, it was she who personally ruined the family and the happiness.

Buckel loved her so much and loved her so much, but she betrayed him because of her temporary greed and hurt him so cruelly. .

She should have understood that no matter how happy the marriage is, it will eventually return to peace. After peace, she will lack passion. She does not consider how to maintain her marriage, but seeks excitement outside of marriage.

When the truth was revealed, everything seemed so ugly. When she hurt Bakker, she also harmed herself. Now and in the future, she will become a shameless woman that everyone spurns. There is no place for her in this world, except Death, she has no other way out.

The phone kept ringing and received several text messages in succession. Danya stared at the phone. Lan Qianyu had sent it. At this time, only Lan Qianyu was still concerned about her life and death.

Danya did not read the content of the text message carefully. Lan Qianyu's heart touched her very much, but now no one can comfort her, she just wants to understand all of this...

Danya got up and walked to the bathroom, put hot water in the big round bathtub, and then changed into a white silk pajamas. This is Bucker’s favorite pajamas. He said that when she put on this pajamas, As pure as a saint, now, in his eyes, she should have become a shameless slut, right?

In an hour and a half, the press conference was about to begin. Danya didn't have the courage to face the accusations that Bakker hated, and even dared not watch the live broadcast.

Perhaps in the future, the name "Dania" will be given the title of a slut, so that women all over the world will take warning, and men all over the world will spit and hate.

Thinking about it, Danya's tears fell, took out a box of blades from the sink, turned off the faucet, and lay down in the bathtub with her pajamas. .

The hot hot water made her skin a little painful, but Danya did not flinch. She lay in the bathtub with beautiful long brown hair, let her body slowly sink, submerged in the water, and then shake it. Control turned on the music and played a favorite piece of Bakker...

She wants to end her life in good memories.


Lan Qianyu sent more than a dozen short messages in a row without any response, and no one answered the call. She was very anxious, but she couldn't do anything now. After thinking about it, she had to call Ye Yan. .

"Qianyu, how is it? Did Danya answer your call?" Ye Yan asked straightforwardly.

"No, I didn't answer the phone. I just sent a text message. I sent a dozen messages without responding. I'm really worried that something happened to her, Yan, what should I do now?" Lan Qianyu was anxious.

"Don't worry, I'll think of another way." Ye Yan soothed, "You take a good rest, I will take care of this, don't worry."



Lan Qianyu didn't want to worry Ye Yan, so she didn't say much, but how could she feel at ease in her heart, she really wanted to do something for Danya, but at this time, what else could she do. .

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