"It's fine if people are fine, otherwise we owe too much to that comrade-in-arms." Mrs. Sophie breathed a sigh of relief, "Mayfair, please come back to the hotel with me first, and we will visit him tomorrow."

"I won't go back, I will stay here at Zhuo Hang until he wakes up." William Feier said, "He did this because he saved me. I can't leave him in the hospital alone."


"Auntie, Mayfair is right." Lei Lie persuaded, "No matter what, Zhuo Hang is injured like this, we are all responsible. Now he is still lying in the hospital, Mayfair feels ashamed, even if he goes back with you. If you can't sleep, why not let her stay here with me all night, I will take care of her."

William Field glanced at Lei Lie. He usually has a small belly and is jealous at every turn, but now he is reasonable.

"Well then." Seeing Lei Lie's words, Mrs. Sophie couldn't stop her anymore. "But I want to talk to you, don't you mind if you mind?"

"Of course I don't mind." Lei Lie smiled slightly, "It just so happens. You probably didn't have dinner. I know there is a French restaurant nearby that is not bad. Let's go there and eat and talk."

"Good." Madam Sophie nodded. "Mayfair, let's go."

William Feier was uneasy. She was worried that her mother would raise the matter to Lei Lie again, and Lei Lie was still resolutely opposed to it as before. When the time comes, the relationship will become stale, but it will be even more difficult.

However, things have to be resolved, and evasion is not the solution.

She should face it bravely if it is gathering or scattering.


The three came to the French restaurant. Lei Lie asked for a box, ordered some authentic French dinners, and then asked the waiter to retreat and said politely, "Auntie, this is your first visit to Hong Kong, right?"

"It's not the first time, I've been here many years ago." Madame Sophie thought of some past events, her expression a little sad.

"I should have received you well, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly. I really apologize." Lei Lie said guiltily, "It's all my fault. You shouldn't have a fight with Mayfair today."

"It's fine if you know." William Field gave him a blank look.

"Can't blame you, it's that Mayfair is young and ignorant, and doesn't have a good sense."

Mrs. Sophie's impression of Lei Lie is very good. Although this young man has a unique and noble status, he has no arrogance at all, and no arrogance and complacency.

Moreover, Lei Lie handled things steadily and properly, first solving the problem, and then apologizing. In fact, Mrs. Sophie didn’t know her daughter’s character, she was capricious and not very understanding. She didn’t consider things from Lei Lie’s perspective, just thinking For myself, eager to make such a request to Lei Lie, any man would have an idea.

It's not surprising that Lei Lie would refuse to be angry, but he didn't mention William Faye.

This quality is worthy of appreciation.

"Mummy, why are you always helping outsiders?" William Faye pouted displeasedly.

"If Lei Lie were an outsider, he wouldn't be sitting here and talking to Mommy now." Mrs. Sophie solemnly blamed, "You, it has been like this since childhood, the whole world has been around you, so you never Consider the feelings of others."

"No, auntie." Lei Lie hurriedly guarded William Faye. “Faye is very understanding and well-behaved. She is just worried about her uncle's comfort. In our Chinese language, she is not to blame if she is concerned. "

"It's fine if you know." William Field's face turned from cloudy to clear.

"At this time, it is really rare for you to protect her like this." Madam Sophie looked at Lei Lie with appreciation, and said earnestly--

"I can see that you are a responsible and stable young man. I have a good impression of you, but after all, you and Mayfair have known each other for a short time. You may not know her and her family.

In fact, our family is not as beautiful as others thought. Although her father is a prince, he is just a fictitious name and has no real power. She even made mistakes when she was young and was rejected by Her Majesty, so she was not as good as an ordinary royal family.

Moreover, we are now in great trouble because of some mistakes. I am afraid that this trouble cannot be solved in a short while. It can even be said that whether it can be solved is a problem. I am frowning now.

As for Mayfair, she lost her freedom because of this. She can't fall in love with you like an ordinary girl, and it may cause you trouble in the future. I hope you can recognize these realities and carefully consider your relationship with her. "

"Mummy is right..." William Faye lowered his head sadly, "I'm in a big trouble, with me, you will have endless troubles, you have to think carefully."

"I know all about Faye. I know more about the situation in your family. These are not problems." Lei Lie answered seriously, "Auntie, I really like Faye and really want to be with her. , I am not afraid to face any setbacks, I will do my best to protect her and love her, but..."

Speaking of this, Lei Lie paused, turning his eyes to look at William Faye...

William Field's heart became flustered: "But what?"

"But..." Lei Lie held William Phil's hand, "I hope the relationship between us is pure, my love for you does not add any impurities, I hope you do the same. Today in front of your mommy Face, let me ask you one last time, do you really like me? Are there any other reasons why you are with me?"

"You still don't believe me?" William Faye was anxious. "What I have to say is that you believe it. I like you just like you. There is no other reason. The reason why I ask you to help me is just because I think, anyway, we We must be together, and announcing in advance can save my daddy, this will not conflict at all..."

"Okay, I believe in you." Lei Lie hugged William Faye and said affectionately in her ear, "As long as you really love me, nothing else is a problem. When I confirm that Zhuo Hang is fine, I will Go to France with you to save your daddy."

"Really?" William Field was overjoyed, "Are you really willing to go to France with me?"

"Of course." Lei Lie gently held her face, "My future father-in-law has an accident, how can I just ignore it??"

"Hehe, thank you." William Field kissed Lei Lie excitedly.

"But in the future, what do you have to tell me frankly, don't lie to me anymore, okay?" Lei Lie asked seriously.

"Hmm." William Field nodded repeatedly, "I was wrong at that time, but I really didn't mean to lie to you. I just wanted to tease you. I didn't expect you to take it seriously."

"You know I'm inexperienced, of course I will take it seriously." Lei Lie was a little embarrassed, "The point is that you mentioned that before. I thought you deliberately lied to me."

"Of course not..." William Field pinched his cheek, "Believe me in the future, don't doubt me anymore."

"Okay, I promise!!!" Lei Lie gave a military salute.


The two quickly got together, laughed and laughed, and the atmosphere was pleasant and sweet.

Madam Sophie looked at the closeness of the two of them, her lips curled up with joy, but her heart was still full of worry.

Lei Lie and William Faye are so innocent and innocent. No matter in love or other aspects, they have no scheming, but their identity background is destined to have many scheming people around them, and their future path is also destined. Full of ups and downs.

Can this pure love really stand the test and come to the end? ? ? ?

Mrs. Sophie had no confidence.

However, Mrs. Sophie is willing to keep herself optimistic. In everyone's life, there is only one unforgettable, immaculate love, such as Mayfair and Lei Lie. If this love can go to the end, it will be the best. ,The most happy thing.


Mrs. Sophie stayed up for several nights because of Duke William's affairs. She could not stay with Mayfair and them in the hospital tonight. After coming out of the restaurant, she went back to the hotel to rest.

Lei Lie and William Faye guard Zhuo Hang in the hospital. Lei Lie went to the attending doctor to inquire about the specific situation. He also arranged medical care and experts for Zhuo Hang. He hoped that Zhuo Hang would recover as soon as possible so that he and Faye would feel better. .

In the middle of the night, William Faye couldn't help but fell asleep leaning on Lei Lie's shoulder.

Lei Lie took off his coat and put it on her, hugging her tenderly. He wanted to take a nap with her, but was disturbed.

Liu Kang hurried over, panting when he rushed out of the elevator, and shouted from a distance: "Lei Lie, how about Zhuo Hang?"

"Shh!" Lei Lie motioned to him not to be quiet.

Liu Kang quickly covered his mouth, looking at the sleeping beauty in Lei Lie's arms, his frowning brows stretched slightly, and he whispered: "This is the little French princess William Faye? Your girlfriend?"

"Yeah." Lei Lie nodded and whispered, "It's four o'clock in the morning, why are you here?"

"Zhuo Hang is not only your comrade-in-arms, adjutant, but also my cousin. He has an accident, can I not come?" Liu Kang gave him a white look. How is he? It shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

"There is no life-threatening, but there is too much blood loss, several serious injuries, and need to be treated for rehabilitation." Lei Lie sighed, "This time, I really owe him a favor."

"Zhuo Hang is really nothing to say to you. You are always the first priority. This time, in order to save your girlfriend, you don't even want to kill him. You will get him in the future." Liu Kang sighed sincerely, "He is not like you He has a good father. He grew up in a single-parent family. He had a hard time. After joining the army, he was struggling with his life. He won several first-class merits in the disaster relief incident. Only then was he promoted. Colonel, he hopes very much. If he hadn't met you, the colonel would have belonged to him. Unfortunately, he is not lucky. Who can't hit a piece with him? He just met you, how could he beat you."

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