"Lei Lie!" Qiao Qing quickly helped Lei Lie and held his injured head for fear that he would touch the wound again.

"Mayfair..." Lei Lie was still whispering William Mayer's name in a daze. Qiao Qing felt a grief in her heart, but she couldn't express it.

"At this time, I was still thinking about that girl. People have left you a long time ago and ran with your fiancé." Lei Zhenting was furious when he thought of what William Faye had done. "At first, I thought she was pure and kind. This is a good girl, even though her family background is complicated and her entanglement with others is unclear, I still haven't forcibly stopped you. It's good now, it turns out that she had premeditated and everything was just using you to deceive you.

"You're so noisy..." Lei Lie finally woke up and said irritably, "The head hurts..."

"Pain is right." Lei Zhenting said grimly, "pain can make you remember the lesson."

"Uncle Lei, don't scold him. He is hurt and sad. It is pitiful enough." Qiao Qing felt distressed, and poured a glass of warm water for Lei Lie and fed him a drink.

Lei Lie drank the water, his face was a little better, and he regained his spirit, pushed Qiao Qing away, and staggered to stand up and walk out.

"Lei Lie, where are you going?" Qiao Qing hurriedly helped him.

"I'm going to find Mayfair." Lei Lie staggered out and said weakly, "I'm going to ask why she lied to me..."

"How do you go like this? You sit down first, and wait until you get better." Qiao Qing said anxiously.

"Let him go." Lei Zhenting was furious. "But I tell you, your colonel will be removed soon. You can't use your power to do anything. If you have an accident, nothing will save you!!! And, Before you go, dissolve the father-son relationship with me!!!"

"Uncle Lei..." Qiao Qing was startled, and things really made a big deal now.

"What are you talking about? When did I abuse my power?" Lei Lie frowned and looked at his father.

"You are investigating flight information at the airport, you are not abusing your authority? If you are an ordinary person, will people help you investigate?" Lei Zhenting exclaimed, "You still rush into the channel without knowing it, you want to die, don't defile Gained the reputation of the troops."

Lei Lie sat on the sofa with his cracked head in pain and did not speak. He was dizzy and not very conscious. Now after his father reminded him, he also remembered what he did wrong. The situation was urgent. After showing his credentials, the airline gave him the investigation information. Although it seemed like a trivial matter, it was indeed a violation of discipline. No wonder his father was so angry.

Seeing that he already had regrets, Lei Zhenting couldn't bear to continue scolding him, his voice was a little softer: "You should review what you did yesterday, do you think it right??"

"I know I was impulsive yesterday, but I am still not reconciled. I have to ask Mayfair to make sure." Lei Lie said.

Qiao Qing cautiously persuaded: "Lei Lie, calm down first. If you have something to tell Uncle Lei, don’t be grudge. Mayfair has already returned to France. You can’t chase it back now, so please clarify the matter first. It’s not too late for you to find her in France."

"Yeah." Lei Lie has calmed down. Now that he was too impulsive before thinking about it, he said guiltily, "Qiao Qing, I'm sorry, I was so emotional yesterday that I scolded you silently. Actually, I didn't mean that in my heart. , I hope you don’t blame me."

"Okay, friends for many years, who would care about this with you." Qiao Qing took a hot towel and wiped his face, "Mayfair told me that I was worried that you would go back to France with him in danger, so let me help her. To distract you, I judged the importance and felt that she made sense, so I agreed. I really didn't intend to dismantle you."

"I see..." Lei Lie raised his hand to cover his forehead. "At first, I also felt that she was afraid of hurting me, so she temporarily decided not to let me go to France, but later..."

"Later you learned that she had deliberately lied to you." Lei Zhenting said angrily, "The special plane was scheduled early in the morning by Austin, and they can't be ignorant."

"Austin is Mayfair's fiancé? Isn't he condemned and sent back to France?" Qiao Qing asked suspiciously.

"It should have just been condemned and sent back and returned directly." Lei Zhenting said, "According to the rules, this can't be done. He must have used his private power. These young people are crazy for love."

"Mayfair doesn't seem to be lying, she shouldn't lie to Lei Lie, right?" Qiao Qing looked at Lei Lie pityingly, "Maybe there is some misunderstanding."

"Can there be any misunderstanding?" Lei Zhenting thought it was ridiculous, "If she has troubles, or is threatened by others, why can't she be honest? Have to cheat? Is it interesting?"

"Yes..." Lei Lie raised his head, "I told her a long time ago that I hate others lie to me. If she really has troubles, I will help her solve the problem together. Why does she lie to me?"

Qiao Qing did not speak. She also talked about this issue with William Faye. At the time, William Faye explained that he was afraid that Lei Lie would be too stubborn and would not listen. She was right to think about it, but she never expected that William Faye would meet. With the fiance, things have become complicated now. No wonder Lei Zhenting is so angry that even Lei Lie is disappointed.

Lei Zhenting solemnly said--

"Lei Lie, I told you at the very beginning, that girl has a complicated background and the world of love is even more messy. I don't want to oppose you being together, but at least she should take care of her own affairs before coming to you, but you I just don’t listen and have to be with her in a hurry. I understand that you young people focus on feelings, and sometimes they are irrational, so I don’t want to forcibly separate you, but now, it turns out that she is not a trustworthy girl at all. , Since you were with her, you have violated military discipline again and again, and today you have done such a bad thing. It really disappoints me. I will not allow you to be with her again. If you want Go find her, then dissolve the father-son relationship with me first!!!"

"Don't just mention anything about breaking the relationship between father and son, okay?" Lei Lie was a little annoyed. "If the relationship between father and son can be resolved casually, there will be no biological father and son in the world."

"You kid..."

"Don't say anything, I'll go back to the room." Lei Lie walked out at a staggering pace. Qiao Qing hurried to help him. He stopped and said to her, "Qiao Qing, I just want to be alone, you too Take a good rest and stay in Hong Kong for a few more days."

With that said, Lei Lie gently pushed Qiao Qing's hand away and left alone...

Qiao Qing looked at his back, feeling very down. She knew that Lei Lie was still thinking of William Faye. This feeling could not be let go of it all at once, and no matter what she did, she could not replace William Faye in his heart. She just wanted to accompany him, comfort him, and let him not be so sad, but he didn't need it.

She could only retreat wisely so as not to upset him.

"Qiao Qing, don't worry about him, he is this kind of virtue." Lei Zhenting was angry when he thought of it, "He ignores the people who are good to him; what kind of Mayfair played him around, but he gave up on others. Earth, this is cheap bones."

"Uncle Lei, don't say that. Others can't understand the relationship. Only your own master knows it best." Qiao Qing persuaded him softly, "Don't put too much pressure on him. He is sad enough now. ."

"Or you are considerate." Lei Zhenting knows that Qiao Qing likes Lei Lie. In fact, he thinks that Qiao Qing is a good girl, honest, loyal, persistent, and very close to Leng Ruobing and Lan Qianyu. , If you really become a family, then everyone will be happy, but it is a pity that Lei Lie only regards Qiao Qing as his sister, and there is no love between men and women.

Qiao Qing smiled bitterly, did not speak, what about understanding? If he doesn't like it, she has no chance.

"By the way, how is your godmother?" Lei Zhenting wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but he has been suffering from no chance.

"Godmother... very good." Qiao Qing concealed the fact that Leng Ruobing was sick. Before leaving, Leng Ruobing told her not to leak the incident, including Lei Lie and Lei Zhenting. , Can't let them know.

"She, how are you with Old Shen?" Lei Zhenting asked tentatively.

"They are pretty good." Qiao Qing said seriously, "Uncle Shen is very kind to godmother, everyone is envious."

"Oh, that's good." Lei Zhenting smiled slightly, and his heart was astringent. For most of his life, his heart only pretended to be cold, but it was a pity that when he was young, he didn't know how to cherish it and made her suffer. Now there is a better man next to her. Although he is very disappointed, he can only bless her.

"Uncle Lei, godmother asked me to say hello to you and said..." Qiao Qing said softly, "Let you give Lei Lie more space and freedom, don't control him too tightly."

"Hehe, she is a standard mother. My strict father is indeed not very likable." Lei Zhenting smiled, "Don't worry, I will listen to her and relax appropriately with Lei Lie."

"That's good." Qiao Qing said gratifiedly, "I'll tell your godmother what you said."

"Yeah." Lei Zhenting nodded, "By the way, how about Ye Yan and Qianyu? Ye Yan just released it a few days ago, the case should have been closed, right?"

"The case is closed, but there are still some troubles that haven't been dealt with." Qiao Qing thought of Lan Qianyu, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Well, Qianyu is really troubled..."

"Is it the company's business?" Lei Zhenting asked concerned, "Your godmother and Shen Sanghai go back to the United States, do you go back and help them?"

"Yeah." Qiao Qing replied, "Godmother has been concerned about Qianyu, so she rushed to go back. Ye's had some problems. Ye Yan's condition was repeated and unstable, but these could be resolved. Don't worry too much, Uncle Lei."

"Well, you are tired too. Go and rest. I will ask you to take you to the guest room."

"Thank you."

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