Love at First Kiss: Surrendering to my Devil Husband

Chapter 1451: Temporarily compromise

"now it's right……"

Austin smiled with satisfaction. As long as William Faye is willing to marry him obediently, he will naturally have a way to make her compromise. Now his goal is finally achieved, happiness will beckon him not far away, and he will soon get Faye.

Madam Sophie frowned when she saw this scene. She always felt that things were not that simple. Is Lei Lie really not dead? If Mayfair really got married with Austin, things would be irreversible. Marrying a despicable bad man would be more painful than death. .

She didn't want to see Mayfair walk towards that dead end, but she was powerless, what should I do? How to do?

"Hey, you haven't slept all night. Now you should have a good rest. I will go to arrange the wedding." Austin gently helped William Faye to lie down and covered her with the quilt. "You have to be good, Lei Lie. You won’t suffer!!!"

"Hmm." William Field nodded repeatedly, "I will be obedient, as long as Lei Lie is fine, you can let me do anything..."

"Really good!" Austin leaned over to kiss her, she subconsciously avoided, but thinking that Lei Lie was still in his hand, she closed her eyes again and didn't struggle anymore...

But Austin did not embarrass her. In the end, he just kissed her deeply on her forehead, and then left. When he reached the door, he looked back at Mrs. Sophie and gave her a meaningful look. , Beckoning her not to make trouble again, otherwise, he will make her secret public. .

Mrs. Sophie shook her whole body and lowered her head in a flustered manner.

Austin left, and the room became quiet again. William Faye hid in the quilt and wept silently. Mrs. Sophie hugged her distressedly: "Mayfair, why did you promise him??"

"I can't let Lei Lie have an accident..." William Faye cried and said, "I only now know how naive I was at the beginning. I shouldn't have let Lei Lie know these things. If he doesn't know, he won't come to France. Find me and you won’t fall into that bastard’s hands..."

"In fact, did Lei Lie fall into Austin's hands? We are not sure yet. Maybe he lied to you?" Madam Sophie guessed, "In case Lei Lie has already..."

"No, Lei Lie will be fine." William Field shook his head excitedly, "I believe he is still alive. He must be alive. Austin didn't dare to move him, so he just caught him. He didn't. Will die."

"I'm sorry..." Sophie lowered her head. She could understand William Faye's mood. Even if she was deceiving herself, she would rather believe that Lei Lie was safe.

"As long as I marry Austin, Lei Lie will be fine, and Daddy will be fine..." William Feier wiped his tears, "This matter started because of me, so I should solve it now."

"In fact, it doesn't have to be this far." Madam Sophie looked at her pityingly, "Maybe Lei Zhenting's people can rescue Lei Lie? Although you haven't finished speaking, Lei Zhenting is so wise, he must know Lei. Lie’s disappearance has something to do with Austin."

"Uncle Lei’s people can rescue Lei Lie, of course, it’s the best thing, but..." William Field said with a choked voice, "Lei Lie is in Austin’s hands and is in danger anytime and anywhere. I can’t bet on that. one!!!"

"Oh..." Mrs. Sophie sighed deeply, "Mayfair, Mommy I'm sorry, if it weren't for Mommy to go to Hong Kong to find you to come back to save your daddy, you and Lei Lie would not make it now. In this way, I thought things were really too simple at first. I thought I came back and begged you, Queen's grandmother, and asked Austin's father to explain the situation. The problem should be solved, but I didn't expect things to turn into this."

"Can't blame you." William Feier smiled sadly, "This matter was caused by me and should be resolved by me. Austin is not such an easy compromiser. Once he entangles me, he will never give up until he died. ."

"By the way, Austin said that he has loved you for ten years. Is this true?" Mrs. Sophie asked curiously. "Why don't I remember that you played with Austin when you were young?"

"When I was young, I did often play with him. At that time, he was introverted and withdrawn and didn't like to talk..." William Field recalled the past--

"I remember when I saw him for the first time, I was only eight years old, he was eleven years old, I followed Daddy to the palace to find the Queen's grandmother, Daddy talked with the Queen's grandmother in the temple, I was playing in the garden alone , I met him. He was punished by his father to stand and stood motionless by the tree. I stepped forward and said a few words to him, and I met him like that.

Later, I would meet him every time I went to the palace. We often played together. He was very uncomfortable. Other children didn’t like to play with him. Under my lead, they let him participate in the game. But at that time, he was still a kid, who Think he will become like this when he grows up? ? "

"So that's it." Mrs. Sophie frowned. "Austin's character is extreme and stubborn, violent and cold. He is really not a man worthy of a lifetime, but I think his feelings for you seem to be true, otherwise he will not Will be entangled like this."

"When he was young, he said that he would marry me when he grows up. He mentioned that last time." William Field said boredly, "When we were eleven years old, we played house together. There was a bride game. I When he said that he wanted to marry him, he kept remembering until now. I don’t know if he is true or false to me. In short, I hate him very, very much. I have no feelings for him at all. The person I like is Lei Lie. That kind of sunny boy, not him."

"Oh..." Mrs. Sophie sighed and changed the subject, "Stop talking about these unhappy things, please rest well."

Mrs. Sophie helped William Phil to fall asleep, covered her with the quilt, got up and walked out, but found that the door had been locked from the outside, she pulled it a few times, and said angrily: "Open the door!"

"I apologize, madam, the Duke said that the door can only be opened when the meal is delivered." The maid responded outside.

"Unreasonable, this is my home." Madame Sophie was so angry.


The maid said a word and walked away. Mrs. Sophie took a few more shots at the door. No one responded. She was furious. This Austen turned out to be a guest and locked her and William Phil in the room. Served.

"Mummy, Austin won't do anything to us. He just doesn't want us to contact the outside world. Now we can't hold him back. You have to keep your breath. I believe that he will let us out soon..." Er squinted her eyes and clenched her fists secretly. She would not compromise easily, she was just waiting for the right time.

"He is too hateful." Madame Sophie was angry and helpless, "Mayfair, I'm sorry, Mommy can't protect you."

"It's okay, I will protect myself and you..." A complicated cold light flashed in William Faye's eyes, "I'm sleepy, I will go to bed first."


Lei Zhenting redialed Mrs. Sophie's calls several times, but couldn't get through. He knew that this must be man-made, and it should be Austin who was preventing him from contacting William Field.

William Field called him specifically, and was cut off maliciously in the middle of the conversation. Obviously, this matter must have something to do with Austin.

It seemed that the matter was far more serious than he thought, and he had to rearrange the manpower to rescue Lei Lie in France.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside: "Chief, Liu Kang and Zhuo Hang want to see you!!"

"Zhuo Hang?" Lei Zhenting was a little surprised. It was his expectation that Liu Kang would come, but he didn't expect that Zhuo Hang would come too. After thinking about it, he said, "Let them come in."



Soon, the soldiers took Liu Kang and Zhuo Hang into the study. The two gave a military salute to Lei Zhenting. Lei Zhenting nodded and greeted with concern: "Zhuo Hang, how is the recovery from the injury? Is it better?"

"It's much better, thank you for your concern." Zhuo Hang said gratefully. "The last time you visited me in the hospital in person, I was really ashamed."

"You were injured indirectly because of Lei Lie. I should visit you. This has nothing to do with public office. It is just a personal affair." Lei Zhenting looked at him with a smile, "Lei Lie owes you a favor, and I must pay it back in the future."

"Chief, you are really too polite." Zhuo Hang was a little flattered, "At that time, any soldier would do that. What's more, I didn't drive carefully. How could I blame Lei Lie?"

"Haha, okay, we won't mention these digressions for the time being." Lei Zhenting changed the subject, "Close to the subject, Liu Kang should tell you about Lei Lie, right? You came here specially...?"

"The chief is wise, I want to ask for orders, please allow the chief to approve me and Liu Kang to go to France to rescue Lei Lie." Zhuo Hang said sincerely, "I have worked with Lei Lie for three years and know him well, and I also know the Philippines. My son, I know both English and French. It is most appropriate for me to lead a team to rescue Lei Lie."

"Actually, I thought about you before. If it wasn't because you were injured, I would definitely send you, but now you..."

"Chief, I'm fine, my injury recovered quickly." Zhuo Hang tried to take a few steps, "You see, my actions are not a problem at all. Although the shots are somewhat affected, I think this rescue operation is not only It depends on force, and more importantly, on the mind. With my past experience, Lei Lie will definitely be rescued."

Lei Zhenting considered it for a while and nodded: "You make sense. Since you automatically invited me, I will approve it, but this time it is my private action and has nothing to do with the troops and superiors' orders. I may not pay you too much. !!!"

"Chief, please don't say that." Zhuo Hang said quickly, "We are brothers and sisters with Lei Lie. We should save him. What kind of compensation is needed."

"That's right." Liu Kang also said, "Chief, don't blame us. We are all our own. It happened that Zhuo Hang was on vacation to recover from injuries, and I just took a long vacation. Our action has nothing to do with the organization. Any influence."

"That's good." Lei Zhenting nodded, "It shouldn't be too late. You can set off as soon as possible. I will ask the secretary to book a ticket for Zhuohang.

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