Love at First Night

Chapter 103 - Undercover

"I noticed you werent as happy as I thought you may be and since I wm the one who organized the surprise I feel sorry if I unconsciously did something wrong in your regards." 

Evelyn shook her head in response, "its fine I just didn't expect him to be here." 

I nodded, "but are you happy?"

No hesitation but a certain answer "yes I am." 

she sounded sincere even if I first didnt understand it. Maybe she truly was and I just misunderstand the entire situation as I often do.

"Did someone happen between you and Julien?"

I attempted another time. This time her answer doesn't came so easy and she hesitated for few instants. 

Then she shook her head.

"Nothing had happened Lily dont worry."

The woman who I saw exiting feom the flat walked toward us with her gaze set on me.


Evelyn called her almost if she wanted to warn her about something.

"She is my friend." Evelyn then said when Carol stretched her hand for me to shake it.

"Are you the mind of all this?" She asked a glimpse of anger in her voice. 

"I am..." I cleared my voice offering a smile, "I am Evelyn's sister nice to meet you Carol."

If she is her friend and she knows her and Julien weren't in good terms then her resent in my regards was legitimate.

I bet Joanna would be angry too if someone invited Carl at my birtday party.

She shook my hand then she offered a huge smile.

"Well the decorations are good." She commented still a bit of resent in her voice.

"I hope Evelyn had appreciated my surprise of inviting Julien here because I had only good intentions." I said hoping for a reassurance.

"Sure!" her friend murmured under her breath and she rolled her eyes.

"Well I am sorry if you have this idea about me." I replied not willing to pretend I havent hear her.

"How can I not have this idea of you? If you barely know your sister. If you knew her you would have know that she..."

"Enough!" Evelyn intervened to widen her eyes while Carol's eyes filled in tears and then ran away.

What was she going to say?

"Oh... God..." Evelyn covered her forehea dwirh her hand and massaged it as if she was in difficulty.

"Evelyn I am sorry for whatever reason she is mad, I am sorry."

"I have to talk to you Lily." She swallowed down and her voice creaked as if she was very concerned and preoccupied of what she was going to say.

"You can talk to me about anything you know that..."


She pulled me in the other room where we could have more privacy.

"How do I say this..." She whispered to herself

"why did she had to make a scene as usual." She continued to talk to herself and I chuckled amused walking closer to take her hand supportive.

"Tell me. I am someone who had been left at the altar. Trust me I can handle it."

She smiled then nodded and took a long breath.

"Julien isn't my boyfriend but he is my undercover."

I frowned letting the information shock me as much as it was supposed to shock me.

Why would she need a undercover? Or to pretend to have a boyfriend?

she saw me confused and nodded as if she read my disconcert in my eyes.

"I have a girlfriend. Carol is my girlfriend."

ouch that hurt, it hurt becayse I though she could have told me earlier and I felt my heart break. In all those years she had to cover it, I'd understand the reasons she had to hide it from my mother but from me? I wasnt so judgmental in her regards was I? 

"I am just sad because you hadn't told me Joanna. I would never criticize you or change my mind about you just for your love choices... I am very sad and disappointed in myself if you felt the need ti hide it from me it's because I muzt have done something wrong."

My heart sanked deep in my chest and I was immersed in sadness.

She took a deep breath, "I didn't know how you could react Lily. I only got close to you in the last few months. I knew that mom would have panicked if she found out so I limited the damage by pretending with you too."

She covered her face with her hands and then she let out a resigned breath. 

"I am sorry."

I was hurt, but I could spare her during her birthday.

So I faked a mile, "now enjoy your birthday we have all time to talk about this. I love you Evelyn and nothing will ever change that."

I hugged her, a murmur came out her voice "thank you. I love you too." She massaged my back in the hug and when she departed, a huge smile lightened her face.

We walked both outside and someone stopped her to give her gift.

I walked back to the pastry table and watched at Joanna talking with few of Evelyn's friends then my gaze darted to my mother. I wondered what she would have thought if she knew about Evelyn. Would she really be judgemental? I bet she would be so sad that she wouldn't give her grandkids in the future.

I turned around and my gaze fell on Carol who was drinking sat alone in a table in the middle of the room, blankly staring at Julien. Now it was all so clear that I wondered how I hadn't find iut earlier. I could see Carol's anger and envy from meters afar.

Now I understood her reason.

I walked to her and as soon as she saw me she scoffed loudly.

"Evelyn told me." I immediately said raising my hands in sign of surrender. 

"I an sorry for having invited him... If I knew I would have organize you two a romantic dinner or something like that.." I attempted at a joke but she didn't seem to get it.

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