Love at First Night

Chapter 105 - Back To You

After so many gifts unwrapped and half of the cake eaten the guests finally began to leave.

Our mother was the last one to go, before hugging Evelyn tightly and wishing her again happy birthday.

When everyone left, Julian Evelyn Carol and I were the only ones left in the place so we sat at the table and refilled our glasses with champagne for the last toast.

"To a future without any need to hide the truth," I said referring to both Evelyn and myself.

Evelyn was kinda taken aback by my toast but then she smiled and lifted her glass.

Carol clinked her glass with Evelyn's and then leaned closer to her. Their noses brushed together until their lips locked in a sweet kiss.

When Evelyn departed, her cheeks had blushed so she covered her face embarrassed making both Julian and me giggle.

Evelyn was in love, in love as I had never seen her before, all the boyfriends she had now seemed so useless compared to the way Evelyn's eyes sparkled when she looked at Carol.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I shook my head still trying to figure out why I was potentially considered as a enemy by her. 

"I don't know." She shrugged as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and embraced me in a sorry hug.

"I can only forgive you if you tell me everything now. How did you two meet?" I asked as I laid my chin on my hand.

"We met on a rainy day just like the most romantic fairytales. Julian was her best friend and he tried to hit on me."

They both shared a huge smile and then Carol intervened to continue the explanation.

"We both hanged out a few nights altogether and we fell in love." 

Evelyn kissed her, "That's how I understood the real reason why my past relationships with men didn't feel involving enough. "

"I have to tell you something too since there are no secrets between us."

She nodded waiting for me to confess my secret as well.

"Cameron. The guy I told you about a few months ago. We are officially a couple now."

She smiled hugely hearing me then she took my hand and shook it.

"I am glad you had met someone who makes you this happy." 

I took a deep breath, "maybe we could tell mom about our new love turns together, soon."

The smile on her face faded slightly she turned hesitant and perplexed.

"Please," Carol whispered to her.

"We will. I promise." She finally said.

"There is no time to rush. We will do it when we both feel ready but we have to do it. For ourselves not for them. To feel good without the need to hide what we are and for our happiness." I sighed, talking confidently.

Julien refilled our glasses so we all lifted the glasses in a new tost.

"To a future full of surprises and new adventures. And to love. Real love." Evelyn was the one who spoke this time and we all clinked the glasses.

I said hi to all three of them and finally drove back home, I wished I could say everything to Joanna but It wasn't my business to tell her so when I walked to my house and she asked me where I had been, I made up an excuse why I stayed more at the restaurant.

We spoke for a bit and then we went to our bedroom to sleep at a decent time.

When I was about to fall asleep the phone's display enlightened and a notification appeared.

'Message from Evelyn

Thank you so much for understanding. Carol told me what you two discussed about and she likes you.'

I smiled reading the display.

'I liked her too. I hope you had a great birthday despite everything. I love you, Ev.'

I typed back and then sent.

I turned the phone around so that my sleep couldn't be affected anymore. 

The ringing of the doorbell woke me up at 7 am.

"It's for me!" Joanna screamed.

Good, I was too sleepy to go to open the door.

The concern of who she might meet at this time lasted a few seconds before I dug my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes to fall asleep.

Noises echoed from the kitchen loudly enough to prevent me to sleep for much longer.

I scoffed pressing the pillow against my face in protest.

Then drew my entire willing into my bones to indulge them to get up from the bed even if it was Sunday and go to change before walking to the kitchen and see who was the source of that chaos.

Why did even Jo have to cook at that time of the day?

After changing I finally marched to the kitchen and inwardly cursed whoever was there with Jo.

The noises got louder and louder the nearer I walked to the door.

I placed my hand on the door handle and slammed it open, "why are you all so loud at this time of the day??"

I screamed until my gaze fell on the man who was standing at the bottom of the table. 

I recognized his back before he even turned around.

He stood up from the chair as my walk soon turned into a run. My arms opened in a hug and his peachy soft lips pressed on mine.

"I missed you, Cam," I whispered before stealing him another kiss. "I missed you so much."

I smiled.

"I missed you too Lily." He whispered back. 

A good day starts in the morning. 

I missed him like the sun missed the flowers in the cold winter.

0 hours and 0 minutes left. He was back, and I couldn't be happier.

My lips sticking on his as if we hadn't seen for years. 

Was that a dream? Because if it was then I never wanted to wake up from that dream anymore.

I inhaled his delicate scent and smiled as I shut my eyes in happiness.

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