Love at First Night

Chapter 110 - Pros And Cons

The next day Evelyn called me to ask me if I wanted to have lunch out with her and her girlfriend Carol so I accepted her invite gladly.

It was still weird for me to realize she had lied to me the entire time. 

She organized everything perfectly the first day she introduced us to Julien, they even made up answers for our questions and they looked like a perfect couple. It must have been hard and painful to rather lie to us than tell us the truth.

I couldn't even imagine how many times she probably argued with Carol about her decision to keep the secret from us. 

I was very agitated to go there because I was worried I may say or do something that could hurt Carol like I already did inadvertently by inviting Julien to her birthday party. 

I wanted to prove to them that I didn't have anything against their relationship and that I appreciated Evelyn for finally telling me the truth and for having trusted me. 

On my way to the mysterious house where I saw them walking out which now I discovered probably was Carol's house, I bought a bottle of wine to thank them for having me.

Then I took a long deep breath and when I felt emotionally ready I finally knocked at the door.

Carol and Evelyn went to open the door together, holding hands.

"Hii!" Evelyn hugged me tightly while Carol smiled at me.

"This is the house we rent together," Evelyn said, and I dropped my jaw surprised. That house wasn't Carol's but it was theirs. Their relationship was to the point that they even lived together.

I nodded, hiding the sadness that slightly touched my mood.

As I walked in I darted my gaze around the house. It was a small house yet it was amazingly decorated and reminded me so much about my sisters. 

The style of the furniture where just like she liked them moreover the walls were filled with posters of her favorite bands. 

There was even her collection of the old vinyl she collected since she was a kid.

That was who Evelyn truly was and I felt like she finally opened the door of her life to let me see her for who she truly was.

When I followed them into the kitchen I saw they made lunch for me. 

"We cooked together, we love to cook together," Evelyn said, still holding Carol's hand without hesitation or fear. She probably understood I would never judge them.

We sat at the table and we started to talk about jobs, weather, and the normal casual talk just to set the territory and get to know each other better.

From what I deciphered in the first twenty minutes we discussed was that Carol had a very strong personality and she was gifted with painting talent. Her dream was to be an artist and she wished her works would be exposed in a museum one day.

When she talked I caught how happy she was, talking about her dreams and also about finally getting to know a member of Evelyn's family even if the same member was the one who invited her fake boyfriend to her girlfriend's party.

She probably forgave me the moment I stepped in their house and I smiled at her sincerely and allied with her to help Evelyn to tell everyone in the family.

That wasn't my battle but it became so the second that my heart broke as soon as I realized Evelyn and I weren't as close as I thought we were. And that I wasn't a sister as good as I wanted to be.

"Evelyn told me about the hot wealthy CEO you're seeing." She said smirking, "If I was straight I would be jealous of you. He is so hot!"

Carol commented and we all laughed.

Evelyn glowered at her, gesturing with her hand and forgetting she was holding the glass so ending up almost pouring it down for the shake.

"Hey hey! I am jealous even if you're not straight but you call him hot so stop it."

I had never seen my sister jealous till now and I could say she resembled me when I was jealous of Cameron too. Both our voices lowered down and our eyebrows frowned in the same way.

"Yes, I am dating a charming man who just happened to treat me so well and I already see a bright future with him even if we hadn't met a long time ago."

I confessed as I sighed.

Even the thought of Cameron made my heart pound in my chest like a heavy stone.

"Oh by the way! I saw his name in the list of the privileged clients of the diner where I work from." Evelyn intervened.

Did I clear my voice? Should I pretend I was shocked? Puzzled? Surprised? 

Maybe I would have pretended one week ago but now that Cameron and my relationship developed and she told me such a big secret I didn't want to lie to her anymore.

I smiled, "I know, he brought me there once for a date but he didn't want me to tell anyone about us seeing each other so I kept it from you. He really likes that place, I guess he visits it often."

Her mouth shaped in a perfect O then she gathered her surprise meant back together and blinked a few times to process what I just said.

"Does this mean I may meet him someday? I have to add this to the list of pros about this job." She commented making me explode in a loud laugh. List of pros? Did that mean that she was already at listing down the pros and cons of a place? If yes that meant she was considering quitting the job already. I wondered if she will ever find a permanent job. Maybe she will when she comes in peace with her feelings and finally reveals her true self, or maybe she will never do.

"Maybe one day I will intrude him to you," I said with a smirk on my face as I leaned the glass closer to my lips to drink.

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