Love at First Night

Chapter 127 - Game

When my car was brought away, the driver drove me to Cameron. He was already waiting for me in front of his palace and when he recognized his driver's car he walked into the car and closed the door. 

"Get to my house, I will give her one of my cars."

I widened my eyes in disbelief at what I just heard. Was he truly going me to give one of his cars as if it was nothing?

The driver didn't seem so surprised on the other hand.

"Cameron no, I will fix the car or..." 

He stopped me saying with a kiss, "hello by the way."

I held my breath and when he departed I smiled.


I could see the driver with the corner of my eye, he widened his eyes and clenched on the wheel probably cursing himself for having called me 'one of the women he sees.'

"I don't want you to stop again, it's fine, I have too many cars anyways." He smiled at me as I blinked a few times still shocked by what I just heard.

Even if I dated him for a while I could never get familiar with how wealthy he was. 

Some men took advantage of their wealth to impress women or to make themselves feel better about themselves.

But Cameron was different because he probably was used to his wealth so he didn't even need to expose it to the world, he earned it from the beginning thanks to his career.

We walked to his garage, so many cars inside of different brands and colors. It looked like an exposition,

"pick one." He gestured to all the cars exposed.

I ended up shaking my head and chuckling nervously, "Cameron seriously I can't."

"You can Lily." 

I drifted my gaze around the garage, there were so many cars some of them were even vintage race cars who were probably part of a collection. Others were special editions of luxury cars and most of those I had never even driven.

The simplest car I could find was a black Jaguar one so I immediately pointed at it as soon as my gaze fell on it.

I only drove that once, when I had to try how it was when it came to my company.

Then I stopped to try cars and began tsking cars of the bureaucratic aspects of the company.

He opened the car and then threw me its key. 

"Perfect. Have you eaten?"

I shook my head, "no, I haven't."

"Good since I ordered Italian food for dinner."

Did I ask for an angel instead of a boyfriend? Because in the matter of half an hour he fixed all of my problems. He should stop being so perfect or I may get used to all his small vices.

He took my hand and we walked out of the garage to head to the front door of his villa.

When we walked in I felt the need to inform him that I told my mother about him.

"I told my mother and my sister about you. Well, I just told them I had a boyfriend I doubt they had never met you." 

He didn't answer right away so I immediately intervened again before he could answer, "I am sorry if I had to advise you earlier..."

He rested his hand on my cheek and smiled when he leaned forward and brushed my nose with his. 

"You can tell everyone I don't care anymore. Unless you're happy. I'd do everything to make you happy even if it's crossing my emotional limits." 

I entwined his hand with mine and then held it, I looked down at his big hand which was like half of my tiny hand. 

"I would love to make you meet my sister," I confessed.

"Good, I am free tomorrow. We can go to a pub together." 

That was the best gift he could ever give me.

I hugged him tightly, "thank you so much. I appreciate your efforts." 

The delivery guy knocked on the door and Cameron went to take the bags of food.

He carried those in the kitchen and put them on the table. I slouched forward to peek through the bags and see what he ordered, but he immediately took the bags out of my sight and smirked.

"Let's play a game." He said.

I frowned confused, "what game?" 

"I ordered a few desserts we can taste later after dinner."

He placed one of the backs to his side of the table where I couldn't reach it and then divided the other four portions. 

We ate carbonara and amatriciana pasta and then had some arancini. We spoke about our childhood when I mentioned him watching the family albums with Evelyn. 

When we finished our delicious dinner he brought the bags back on the table.

I ate so much that I was full, yet I still wanted to get a taste of the deserts. 

"Don't turn around." He said walking away just to come back a few minutes later.

I listened to him even if the curiosity was pushing me to turn around. What was he doing?

"Don't move," he said again.

I felt a rough fabric placed on my eyes and then folding me.

He was blindfolding me, I couldn't stop a laugh to escape from my lips and I unconsciously went to touch the bandage to get rid of it because it just seemed like a joke to me.

"I told you not to move," He whispered nearer to my ear sending thrills all over my neck and on my shoulders.

He took my hands and placed them on the table. Then I felt the bandage tighten over my eyes letting me deduce he knotted it.

I heard noises of footsteps and then of paper moving.

"Are you going to make me guess the names of the desserts?" I asked curiously looking forward to hearing if I guessed it right.

He didn't answer but I felt the noises of papers getting louder and an amazing scent of chocolate and cream.

"Here we go.." He whispered again, my heart skipped in anticipation.

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