Love at First Night

Chapter 131 - Meeting The Fam!

I watched Cameron dressing up, wearing an elegant black blazer with raffinate sewing of his usual golden CC logo. His beautiful hands delicately buttoning up his white shirt. The shirt was tight enough to allow his muscles to pop up more than usual.

His cigarette trousers slandered him in his majesty and he wore a silver earring on the right ear. I never knew how earings could be sensual on men. I had never seen a more charming man than him. His hair was long enough to barely cascade to his neck. 

His long dark eyelashes enlightened his honey brownish pupils as he pulled his hair back unware of both his charm and his effect on me.

"I am ready." He said after checking himself at the mirror one last time.

I nodded, drifting my gaze away from him only to check myself at the mirror as well. I wore a red dress with a rectangular necklace and a mini skirt. 

I wore high heels red as well and hoops golden earrings.

"How do I look?" I asked. 

"Even more shining than the stars in the sky and more gorgeous than a goddess." He replied.

I smiled, "then we can go." 

I wanted to look stunning to be introduced to his friends.

The plan was to have dinner with Joanna her boyfriend and Evelyn with Carl and then join his group of friends in a pub. 

It would be useless to say that I was dying from nervousness and at the same time excited and thrilled so much that those opposite emotions fighting against each other gave me nausea. Our hands entwined together as we walked to the door and on his car. He waited for me to smile before starting the car, probably making sure I was still okay with my decision or to leave me cool down the anxiety of the moment. 

After the ten minutes ride we parked in front of the restaurant and I waited for Cameron to walk down before closing the door. We held our hands back together and when I turned around to look at him before walking down, I read the same nervous gaze on Carl's face before he left me at the altar.

I smiled at him, "I am here. You can do it." I told him, he contracted his jaw but then he nodded slowly.

He squeezed my hand, "I can do it."

We walked down and slammed the door close. I took a step forward and he joined me in the walk as we beelined through the door. 

When we walked to the table all of them looked at us. Evelyn was smiling, Carol nervously held our gaze, Justin was so happy to finally meet us that he squeezed Joanna's hand. 

"Hi," I said, sitting on the chair.

"Hello everyone." Cameron cheered.

Silence lapsed over, everyone seemed under pressure, maybe they recognized him or they simply were conditioned but his imposing aura had an effect on everyone except me. 

As soon as we sat, Cameron's hand went to place on my knee, probably as a gesture of protection or possession or only to feel I was there for him to support him and help him feel better and less nervous in front of people he had never met.

Carol stretched her hand to Justin, "I am Carol Evelyn's girlfriend." She said it so proudly as if being Evelyn's girlfriend was a reward she had finally earned after years of hard training. 

Justin shook her hand, "I am Justin, Joanna's date, nice to meet you."

I introduced the rest of them to Cameron as well and then we ordered.

"I guess something like this, hadn't happened since the college years." I broke the silence.

Joanna smiled, "I agree, it only happened that time in the last year of college, you were dating what shortie nerd boy and Evelyn was dating the basketball team captain." 

Carol raised her eyebrow, "oh oh! So were you like the popular girl of the school to date a basketball player!"

Evelyn scoffed gesturing, "stop it. I wasn't popular at all!" 

Joanna and I shared an amused gaze, "oh you were!" We explained in sync. She was the girl everyone wanted to be friends with and everyone spoke about. Definitely the popular girl.

"What about you Lily?" Cameron intruded to inquire.

"Who were you in high school? The smart girl? The rebel one?" 

I smiled, "I was the one who was always on my own and didn't mind about the school's hierarchy."

I slouched forward him and raised an eyebrow," what about you?" 

He shrugged when a hint of a smirk appeared on his face, "I was the baseball captain team."

I chuckled and soon Joanna and Evelyn followed.

"Of. Course you were!" I exclaimed. 

"What do you mean?" He asked amused with a huge smile on his face.

"That was so obvious! You were born to be who you are!"

"Agree!" Evelyn said, "as soon as I saw you I thought, that was a baseball player when he was a teenager."

She rolled her eyes making fun of my sentence. We spent the rest few hours chatting animatedly and getting to know each other better, Cameron got along very well with my sister and her girlfriend, they even discovered they had a friend 

Cameron treated everyone to dinner and then he informed them with the address of the place where we were going to meet with his friends.

I walked into his car and as soon as I closed the door I smiled hugely and exclaimed, "I had a great time. It went even better than I expected."

He smiled as well, while he laid his hands on the driving wheel. 

"It was great." He commented.

"I am so happy Cameron," I said. 

"I am. I had never been this happy not even on my wedding day." 

Maybe I shouldn't have said that, but the words slipped out of my mind so easily that I didn't have time to take them back before it was too late.

I just realized the moment I heard myself confess that to him, that I wasn't even so happy the day of my wedding. Which confirmed the fact that I wasn't so in love with Carl at all

The realization hit me stronger than I thought it would hit me, leaving me immediately speechless.

I dodged a bullet, discovering Carl cheated on me because if we would have married I would have never realized I wasn't in love with Carl at all.

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