Love at First Night

Chapter 133 - First Love

I could feel everyone's gaze on us, my legs began to tremble when he leaned even closer. His eyes closed and his hand gripped against my neck as he pushed me close enough to join our lips in a kiss. 

And he kissed me, his bottom lips delicately brushed on my upper lips then he slowly entered with his tongue inside that little slit as our lips joined in a slow passionate dance. His hand gripped over my neck to pull me even closer to him, as his other hand stroked my hair away from my face, before setting on my cheek.

Our tongues touched, first shily and then more eagerly to join in a chase, whenever they met I felt our yearning for the other colliding and our bodies calling each other.

When we departed, a noise of people clapping their hands and giggling filled the room, we opened our eyes and all my friends and his friends were staring at us.

My cheeks heated up and I blushed as an innocent teenager who had just given her first kiss.

I covered my face with my hands for the shyness whereas Cameron laughed and grimaced at their friends who were clapping their hands.

"Cameron finally kissed a girl! It had been 29 years you guys!" One of them screamed making Cameron laugh and roll his eyes.

He hugged me and then turned around to lift his glass still full of gin.

"Let's toast to the best girlfriend in the entire world," Cameron said hugging me from behind in front of everyone, all the guests lifted their glasses as well so I rushed to slouch forward to pick my glass too.

"To Lily Waldorf." He said after making sure everyone had lifted their glasses.

We all clicked our dresses together in a toast and then took a few sips, Cameron was still hugging me until he sat on a nearby chair and pulled my hand to follow him leading me to sit on his lap. 

We continued to chat and drink for one more hour until John stood up, "It was a pleasure to meet you guys." He said smiling at my sister and Joanna. 

"I hope we will continue seeing each other for a very long time." He then smiled at me, subtly saying he wanted to meet them again and that he wanted a future for us. 

"I am also glad that my friend Tom managed to keep alcohol down not to embarrass me with his usual drunk scenes." He laughed gesturing to his friend who lifted his glass filled with water. We all joined in a laugh. The woman who hugged me at first insisted we take a picture altogether to celebrate the occasion so she stretched her phone enough afar and clicked a selfie.

"I am going to add you on Facebook and tag you!" She said as I put on my coat.

"Thank you." I cheered all Cameron's friends one last time before I walked out with Cameron. 

We got in his car and he waited for everyone to leave before he started the car.

He drove back to his house, I smiled during the entire car drive. I was the happiest woman in the entire world, such a simple gesture like meeting his friends meant the entire world to me.

"You're my first girlfriend Lily, I mean real girlfriend nonetheless my first love. They say when you meet your first love, you either stay with them forever or you break up and you end up missing them till the end of your days." 

I swallowed down, I didn't want to end up missing him, I was sure that if something happened between Cameron and me it would be devastating and deleterious.

I doubt I would ever survive such a painful break-up.

And living without him would be even more heart-wrenching. Before I even found the right words to answer, he continued:

"I won't let the second option happen, Lily. I am telling you this once and for all. I swear on my entire company, life, and the most precious things in my life, I am not going either to leave you or give up on us. Ever. I will fight for you against whoever will stand in the middle of our love, Lily." 

His eyes darkened and his pupils widened, his jaw tensed and his low voice resonated in the car as a promise, at the same time almost as a threatening.

Despite those words seemed to be dangerously possessive to the brink of normality. I still found reassurance and happiness in his words. Because I could feel the joy and peace that had grown in my chest when I heard him solve my concern of us breaking up in the future.

There he was, swearing to me he will never break up, and I knew very well that every word which escaped from his mouth was nothing but the naked truth. 

He let the silence lay over us for some instant and then he swallowed down to continue, "if one day you want to leave me for whatever reason, Lily. I will understand and let you fly away but in different cases, I will never let you walk away from me." 

His voice betrayed him for a fraction of an instant when he sounded more altered and concerned as if his words weren't so casually spoken after all. 

I wondered if that was only a feeling I had about him or if something had happened which was making him feel that way about me.

Was someone threatening our happiness? Was that person Carl? Or was Cameron only afraid that we would end up like many couples who at some point realize they were never made to be together? Whatever was his reason I didn't want to dig in too much. I just wanted to hold onto him and what we had right now and seek our happiness in that. 

"I am not going anywhere, Cameron," I said to reassure him.

"I will never go anywhere. You became my safe happy place so there is nothing I would do purposely or not purposely to hurt you, Cameron."

A smile grew on his lips and he tilted his head to the side before leaning forward. 

"Me either. That means that we will be one of those couples who will stay together for the rest of their lives." His voice turned more confident and sincerely happy. As if the doubts he had before were defeated by a few words of reassurance. As if our promises and wishes would be enough to seal our future together.

Maybe our wishes would become true.. I couldn't wait to find out.

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