Love at First Night

Chapter 139 - How Did You Do It?

"Thank you Cameron for your advice. I am so glad to have you."

I said, my heart thanked him too with a strong intense heartbeat.

He was helping me a lot, to make me feel more confident about myself. He helped me to see myself in a different light and I couldn't be more grateful to him for that. 

I hung off the phone, and drove back home, when I arrived Joanna wasn't home so I imagined she was with her boyfriend. I cooked some rice as I watched tv and then when I was about to eat, my phone began ringing.

Who could it be?

I walked closer to the phone and I answered the unknown number who was calling.


A way too familiar voice spoke leaving me shocked and puzzled. It was Madison's voice, nonetheless probably the girl who hated me the most for having stolen Cameron from her.

"Madison? How did you get my number?" 

"So Cameron introduced you to his friends?" She completely ignored my question to ask me a new question.

"I am going to hang off," I whispered to myself annoyed.

"Don't. Wow, that's such a big step, he had never introduced me to anyone. Only his parents but I had to do all the work myself." 

I scoffed, why was she obsessed with me? Couldn't she leave me alone and live with it? 

if she thought a call or some threatens would be enough to convince me to walk away from Cameron then she didn't know me at all.

I leaned my finger closer to the display ready to press the bottom and hang off on her until her voice screamed from the phone.

"Don't hang off."

I scoffed again, more bothered and annoyed, "Madison what do you want?" I blurted out impatiently. 

"I want to know why you are so special to him. What did you do!? Why did he even break his rules with you?" 

I couldn't answer her, that was something I wondered as well. I didn't have an answer to provide her because I didn't have a reason, neither did I think I have done something to conquer him. I guessed it just happened, that our love just bloomed as soon as we met. That the connection we shared allowed us to follow the already sealed path.

"I don't know, I don't. I guess we fell in love. If love at first sight exists then we are the proof of it." 

A long loud silence followed as if with my answer I hurt her to the point that she couldn't even answer. 

I heard her swallowing down a mouthful of saliva and her voice cracked, I immediately felt bad for her even if I knew the terrible things she did to Cameron.

"I loved him so much, Lily. I still do." Her voice sounded so low as if she had no more air in her lungs and she held back the tears.

"I know..." I whispered.

Another pause, this time I could hear her heartbreaking in that excruciating silence.

"I don't think you can imagine that Lily. I had loved him so much, more than any person could ever be able to love, more than any heart can ever endure. I loved him for two, without being returned the feeling. And now, I am seeing him do the things I wanted him to do with me with you. So effortlessly and so involved. I can't understand what did I do wrong??"

All I could hear from the phone was a quavering voice, unsteady and at the same time rancorously angry at me for having achieved so easily what she never had the luck to reach. How could I blame her? I knew very well how Cameron was easy to love, how he made you love him with every bone in you, lusciously ready to dedicate your heart and your life to him as if it was costless. He exuded confidence, charisma, control, and protection from his demeanor. And then his charm and allure followed creating a perfect combination of the perfect man every woman wished to have.

I knew how love felt. But I didn't know how being heartbroken by Cameron would be, I didn't want to know.

I cleared my voice, managing to keep my cool and take deep controlled breathes.

I didn't want to hurt her with my words more than she already was. Neither did I want to enrage her. I felt sorry for her yet I had to choose my words carefully in case Cameron learned I talked with her on the phone.

I didn't want to risk ruining my relationship with Cameron, "Madison," my voice came out calm and patient. "I am sorry, I am sure you loved him and that he cared about you a lot. But you have to make peace with that and move on. You deserve someone who loves you as much as you love him." 

"You're right." Her voice softened up, resonating flat and calm. I smiled, relieved that she finally was beginning to calm down and come back to her senses.

then again, silence overwhelmed us in a pause that lasted more than I had expected.

My heart hammered in my chest, dithering if her change of mood was genuine or driven by some mischievous ulterior motive. 

"Lily I think I have an idea." She said suddenly excited.

Worry grew on my chest and I swallowed down the lump in my throat.

"About what?" I inquired.

"I have an idea about a new way to move on him."

"What is it?" I asked, more worried than curious about the inexplicable reason behind her sudden realization and change of mood.

"Can I come to your place?" She finally said her amazing idea.

My eyes widened and my eyebrows arched, did I hear it right?


I couldn't believe she was asking me that, didn't she know that would potentially cause trouble between Cameron and me?

"Send me your address. I need to see you.. Please."

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