Love at First Night

Chapter 156 - What Had Changed?

"Do you remember when I was a kid and we watched my favorite cartoon... and I asked you why love was always represented by a male and a girl?" 

My mother nodded as her lips formed a shy smile, "yes. I replied to your question saying there was love everywhere, that love didn't have a definition or a location." 

Evelyn continued, "exactly. And the next morning you brought us breakfast in bed and even said there was love in gestures too. The importance wasn't in looking where the source was coming from but how truthful and powerful it was."

Angie took a deep breath probably understanding what she meant.

But Evelyn continued leaning forward as her gaze grew sad, "when did your mind change? What happened since then?"

Cameron looked at me and raised his eyebrow before grimacing as if he was worried that my sister's saying was too risky and could potentially ruin the good start we had.

"I don't know." My mother whispered guilty, Evelyn shook her head. "You do..."

Her voice grew more irritated and at the same time annoyed by something I couldn't decipher yet.

"Let me help you..."

Oh no... I glowered at my sister but she just ignored me, when she set herself off she was hard to contain. 

"Your entire mindset and vision about life changed when dad cheated on you and left us. That's when things changed."

My mother swallowed down setting her gaze on her dish and freezing for some instants that lasted as if those were minutes.

If I knew her enough, that statement just hurt her as much as I thought, now she had two chances, she could either blurt out in anger or she could ignore my sister's call out. I doubted she would ignore it.

Silence lapsed over my gaze fell on Carol who widened her eyes and looked at me shocked.

I shrugged to inform her I didn't know any of that.

The waiter come to take our dishes and then walked away.

Angie offered Evelyn a smile and decided to go for the second option and ignore her.

"How was your day?" She asked Cameron making Evelyn lose her patience and clench her fists.

"Mom I am talking to you!" She raised her voice.

"Evelyn, what do you want me to tell you? I don't understand!" She asked puzzled.

"I want you to admit to both us and yourself."

I nudged Evelyn under the table and clenched my teeth as I whispered, "stop Ev!" 

Hearing me Evelyn calmed down, she took a deep breath and gasped loudly.

"What I meant is that you should recognize how much the breakup affected and changed you. It was like a big happy side of your left with dad and never came back. It was like since that day you weren't the same and I missed the other version of you. That version was less scared about life and potential withdrawals, that side which barely complained and always looked at the good things. I am sure you are still that person you just have to dig inside the fear."

Angie's eyes filled with tears as a lump in my throat formed, my mouth dried and I was taken aback by what Evelyn just said. I thought the same thing but maybe that wasn't the right occasion to discuss that, not with Carol and Cameron there.

"You're right. Many things changed after your father had left and I am sorry if you think that in the past I would have accepted you more than I currently do. But the present is now and can't be changed. I am trying my best now to fix my mistakes and I hope you can appreciate me and give me a second chance."

Evelyn gazed at Carol who smiled at her and then to my mom, she answered for my sister, "we do appreciate you. I am glad for your efforts."

A single tear fell from her face and she drove it away before caressing Carol's shoulder and whispering: "thank you, it means so much."

we finished eating and from time to time my mother even asked Cameron about his job, she was surprised to hear that he owed most of the companies and locals in the city. 

She slowly began to gain confidence and as ordered the dessert it was like she forgot Carol was Evelyn's girlfriend. She talked to both her and Cameron friendly and the tension slowly faded away. I couldn't be happier to see them get along so well.

We cheered Cameron and Carol to call a cab and accompany our mother home so that we could speak to her privately.

When we walked to the cab, Angie hugged us and smiled joyfully, "thank you so much, Cameron and Carol are both great people. I am happy for you two!"

"Thanks, mom," I replied.

"I hope you can think of what I told you earlier mom..." Evelyn added, but once again she ignored her comment and cheered us one last time before walking down the car.

I told the cab's driver my house address and when he started the car I turned around and folded my arms.

"Did you need to call her out like that!?" I frowned my forehead as I looked at Evelyn.

She shrugged, "Yes I did. I thought about that a lot recently. I will never forgive my father for leaving us but I hate him more for dragging my mother down with him." 

That sentence hurt more than I planned to be hurt by something I thought I had moved on, we had never met our father after he had left. We just forgot about him and were satisfied with the little family we happened to be in. 

I did notice my mother had changed and her moods lowered down, she quickly turned off day after day and before we even realized it she turned in a different person and we could do nothing to change the situation.

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