Love at First Night

Chapter 76 - To Us

Cameron stopped by a restaurant, we walked in hand by hand and sat on one of the empty tables.

"Time flew, I wish I could live again those days." He said with a glimpse of sadness in his voice.

I wished I could photograph the happy moments we had so that I would keep them for the rest of my life and every time I'd look at the photo I would live how I felt in that exact moment.

We were surprisedly taking things slowly, we just did some preliminaries but besides that we were spending the majority of our time bonding, getting to know each other, and fully enjoying the presence of the other. If months ago, when we started to see each other we couldn't tame our passion for the other, said to me we would spend so many months without having sex beside prejudices then I wouldn't believe it. 

Yet, day after day I grew a little more certain about our situation and the truthfulness of our love. 

He poured some wine in our glasses and then he lifted his glass, "to us. For a bright future." He said.

I clinked my glass with his and smiled. 

"To us." 

We took a few sips of the wine and then I cleared my voice.

"We will have to talk to Simon tomorrow. Do you think we made progress?" I asked.

"I am sure we did. The event was great and I noticed many people posted about it." He replied with the usual confidence in his voice.

"I hope so. I would love to collaborate with you again in the future." 

The waiter went to our tables and we ordered two main dishes even if we didn't find the time to browse through the menu.

"I will still find a way to see you even if we were from different sides of the universe dear Lily." He mustered a smirk. "I am not gonna lose you."

I hope he meant those words even if I wasn't going anywhere.

I felt so lucky to be with someone like him, things were going in the right way. Carl decided to finally leave me alone and even if our job collaboration would end we still promised to keep seeing each other.

The waiter came with our orders and put dishes on the table.

"I never did things this slowly before. I usually rushed things and lived the moment but with you, it's like I have to take my time because I am constantly worried to lose what we have." He said.

I took a mouthful of my chicken salad and nodded, "I am glad there are no secrets between us. I am glad even if besides some exceptions you're still following the rules and trusting me despite your troubled past." 

His saying made me choke on my salad, but I was too scared to tell him the truth.

Joanna probably will never meet him, so he will never find out I told her. But unfortunately, Evelyn would soon start to work in the diner he brought me once so there were higher chances of meeting her.

I just had to talk to my sister and tell her about the situation. I couldn't risk ruining what Cameron and I had.

He slipped out of his pocket a rectangular box and leaned in closer to me.

My jaw dropped, he smiled as he said "this is for you, to remind you of the amazing time we spent together."

I couldn't believe my eyes, I wanted to tell him that I didn't need something to remind me of the best days in my entire life.

"Thank you so much," I said instead covering my mouth with my hand.

Maybe a rich person giving gifts wasn't so special since a billionaire like him probably gave thousands of gifts to his women, yet I couldn't feel happier to receive such a surprise.

I opened it and a golden raffinate beautiful bracelet was released, made of pure small crystals.

"Wow!" My voice lowered for the commotion. 

He took my wrist and gently wrapped it around my arm.

"It's so beautiful, Thank you, Cameron." 

I shook his hand and then entwined my fingers with him, "this means so much to me. I will never take it off."

He caressed my hand, "you mean so much to me."

He turned from side to side and checked the surroundings, "I think I am gonna kiss you in front of those people."

The place was filled with people which surprised me since he normally didn't do those things in crowded places.

Maybe he was going to do that because he knew those people didn't know him.

He leaned forward and I did the same, hair strands fell in his direction but he stroked them behind my ear, he smiled as a few inches separated our lips from touching.

I smiled too and just like if time stopped we leaned even closer and our lips finally touched, kissing softly and sweetly just like a couple who had kissed for the first time.

Then the waiter came to take our empty dishes and we both giggled as we departed.

"I am sorry for interrupting you. I hope you had a good lunch."

I cleared my voice, "we did, thank you."

He walked away and dissolved when he entered the kitchen.

We drove back home and when after a long drive of two hours we arrived I kissed him goodbye and hugged him. 

"Thank you for the amazing time spent together." 

"Thanks to you Lily. For everything."

We kissed one last time and then I walked out of the car.

I smiled at him as he watched me slowly walking the stairs of my house.

I turned around one last time and waved at him as a royal princess would do. We both laughed and then I finally turned around and walked inside.. As soon as I closed the door, I already started to miss him.

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