Low-key tycoon

Chapter 188 Childhood Memories

You can search "Low-key Tycoon Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Mingrui continued: "Do you know? When I was a child, I liked meeting acquaintances the most, because those uncles and uncles would definitely call our family to eat together so that I could eat delicious food."

"But usually mothers will dodge them. They can't do so, so they go to other people's homes to eat. I didn't understand when I was a child, but now I finally understand that the favor is to be paid back. If people ask for a meal, then our family will also return, but because of financial conditions The reason is that our family can only invite a meal occasionally, so it feels like those uncles and uncles are helping our family."

"My mother is such a strong person, so during that time my parents often quarreled over money."

"What impressed me most was that once, when the ship was full of cargo, when passing through a small town, there was a small and half rotten apple floating on the river. My mother salvaged it, and my mother and I took the half well. The apples are divided."

Ma Suyan lay in Li Mingrui's arms, "Husband, I didn't expect your childhood to be so hard, you are so pitiful."

"What is this, I am not the most miserable. You have to know that there are still so many people in this world who have lost their relatives since childhood and live on the streets. Compared with them, at least I still have a complete home. It's a little bitter, but it's still warm."

"But there should be very few people in our generation who have the experience like yours. In my impression, we have never lacked food and clothing since we were young."

Ma Suyan recalled the memory, but couldn't remember the experience of picking up rotten apples to eat.

"So everyone's situation is different, and their experience is different."

"Husband, if there are children in this world who are as difficult as when you were a child, let's help them."

Li Mingrui thought for a while. When he was in school, he was unknowingly influenced by Confucianism. If he was poor, he would be good for himself, and he would benefit the world. Now he is well-developed and he should help those in need.

But Li Mingrui’s experience over the years has also made him see some darkness in society. If he wants him to donate money directly to some institutions, Li Mingrui will never agree to it, so the best solution is to set up a special Make charitable funds and let professionals manage them, so that you can get help from the government.

The more Li Mingrui thinks about it, the more it feels feasible. It just so happens that Ma Suyan is not very interested in doing business and can let her manage the fund.

Ma Suyan did not know that a word she accidentally said gave Li Mingrui the idea of ​​doing charity. She has not heard of Li Mingrui's childhood.

"My husband, go on, I want to know how much suffering you have suffered."

"Well, then I will continue."

"Although our family has a very hard life, it can be regarded as warm. When I was a child, I followed the boat to many places, which is also very knowledgeable."

When Ma Suyan heard this, she realized that one person was missing, and that was the lack of her sister Li Mingyu.

"After I remembered, I rarely saw my sister. At that time, she was going to school in Jiangbei's hometown, and she would only go to the boat for a period of time on vacation, so my childhood memory is almost only a family of three."

"My childhood was actually very boring. The place where I live is only the size of a boat. Only when I get ashore can I go to the land and run a few laps as much as I want."

"Year after year, day after day, and then when I was in school, I had to leave my parents to go out to study. Since I was seven years old, I have been living a life under the fence."

"When I was in kindergarten, I was in a family that I knew but I didn't know very well. I went directly to the kindergarten class through the relationship. According to my parents' plan, I should have been going to school there, from elementary school to high school."

"Later, something happened, that is, the person I was sending to read lost some belongings. The family framed me and beaten me up, so my parents could only pick me up."

Ma Suyan asked: "Did you really steal your belongings?" Find a book www.xunshu8.com

"It's not true. I didn't even know what the gold bracelet looked like at that time. I think about it now that I discovered that the granddaughter of that family's behavior was suspicious during that time, but there is no evidence. I can only suffer injustice and reputation. I'm sorry to stay there anymore."

"Later you also learned a little bit, that is the grievance between our family and my aunt's family."

"At that time, I had nowhere to go. My father thought of the aunt who was also in Jiangnan, so he took two thousand yuan with me and hurried to my aunt's house in SZ."

"As a result, my aunt didn't care about family affection at all. She said she didn't want to let me read it, even if she gave money, she said that she would affect them because of my bad studies."

"I can understand that people rejected me here, but then something happened that became a thorn in our family's heart."

"Later, Dad saw that there was really no way he could do it, so he had to take me away. He never expected the money to be lost."

"Two thousand yuan was saved by our family's frugality for half a year. This is also my tuition."

"The luggage bag is intact, so it's impossible to fall on the road. The bag was taken by my father when I was in the car. It was only during the time when my aunt's house, the bag did not go with anyone. Susu, what do you think of the money? Lost?"

"If you didn't fall on the road, it could only be lost at your aunt's house. Someone should have stolen the money."

"My parents guessed the same. Later, my dad asked my aunt, but my aunt was very uncomfortable saying that our family didn't lose money at all, but just wanted to wrong her, so that she could accept me to read."

"My mother, and I always remember this. My mother told me that when I grow up, I must work hard and strive to go to college. Let those who look down on our family see it. Our family can even without their help. Develop."

Ma Suyan said softly: "Now you have done it, even you have completely got rid of them. I think if your aunt knows your achievements now, you should regret it."

"I don't know this anymore. Besides, our family is no longer in contact with her. She didn't come when I got married."

"Then you didn't want to show off her house?"

Ma Suyan urged Li Mingrui to take a good breath.

"Forget it, now I don't even put her in my eyes. The goshawk flying in the blue sky cares about the feelings of the ants on the ground? Now I look at their house like a goshawk watching the ants. Do I need to care about their feelings? ?"

"Husband, you're a little floating, you'll be beaten if you hear this."

Ma Suyan said mischievously.

"Well, my childhood is over. The next thing is my experience of going to school in my hometown in Jiangbei. If you want to know, you can ask my sister. Although she got married later, she often came to see me at my uncle's house. Sister knows everything."

Li Mingrui took a sip and finally ended his childhood memories.

"Husband, you are amazing, but you have truly jumped from the bottom of society to the top of society. If your experience is known, it is a truly inspirational story."

"Don't, I don't want to expose my scars to the public. I share with you that because you are my favorite person and you have the right to know my past."

"Thanks husband."

Ma Suyan is very grateful to Li Mingrui for sharing his unknown experience with her. The two of them are so dependent, lying on the ground looking at the stars in the sky, making Li Mingrui feel as if he is back when he was a child on a boat, lying with his parents. Cool down on the bow deck and watch the stars.

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