Low-key tycoon

Chapter 267

You can search "Low-key Tycoon Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Sometimes, the poor do not mean that they have no vision, but the poor are more concerned about money. Too much fancy money can sometimes be bad.

Li Mingrui had this experience a long time ago, the more he cares about money, the more likely it is that it will be harder to make money.

Spend some money to make the store more tidy, which is more conducive to attracting customers. Every owner who opens a store knows the truth, but when they actually open a store, they don’t have much spare funds to do decoration. For many owners, Operating the store is the top priority. As for the store decoration, it is just icing on the cake.

After waiting for a while, these bosses have become accustomed to earning some lucky money every month, which is at least many times better than those who rely on running tricks for a living.

For several days, the business in the store was getting better day by day, causing Huang Qizhong, the back chef, to be very busy. Finally, he strongly protested to Li Mingrui and asked for another person to help share the work.

So Li Mingrui had to expand the team again and hired a chef and a helper.

In the evening, after the employees got off work, Li Mingrui and Ma Suyan started a day of financial statistics. Ma Suyan said, "My husband, your stall is getting bigger and bigger. Don't you tell me that you want to open a restaurant?"

Li Mingrui stopped his movements and said seriously, "Why not? Do you look down on this kind of small business?"

"No, just don't forget that you have several companies, and you still have the energy to start a restaurant. I don't want you to be too tired. Anyway, we have a lot of money, just enough."

Li Mingrui stretched out his hand and squeezed Ma Suyan's nose, and said, "Do you think I'm tired? My best thing, Li Mingrui, is to be a shopkeeper. It's been almost half a month since we came out. How many companies are not doing well?"

"That's right, then why do I hear that many rich people are busy running around the country all day, not even their wives and children."

"How do I know this? Anyway, I think it's completely OK to leave a lot of things to the people below me. Unless the people below me can't make up their minds, they will come to trouble me, or else I will hire these people to come to the company with a high salary. Give them up?"

Li Mingrui shrugged, expressing that he is different from the rich.

"In fact, many people do not need to be so busy, but because they are not at ease with their subordinates, they always feel that they can only be relieved by doing things themselves, so in the end those people are busy all day long. This is also something I can’t understand. They all did it by themselves, so why spend a lot of money to recruit professional executives? They only need to recruit some people who can strictly enforce the orders."

Since he couldn't figure it out, Li Mingrui simply didn't want to.

The two again talked about Li Mingrui opening a restaurant.

"Actually, I'm just for fun. I also want to see what the effect of opening a restaurant according to my idea is. At present, the effect is not bad. In the past few days, it was full as soon as the meal arrived. There are two."

"You are doing such a good business in the store. You are not afraid that the owners of the next few stores are jealous. After all, everyone's business was similar before. Now customers are obviously attracted by our store, and their business must be affected."

"I can't control this. After all, it is a business matter. They are not as skilled as others, no wonder they are."

After counting the bills for the day, the two returned to the hotel to rest with the baby.

On the second day, Zhao Liying waited for Li Mingrui to open the door.

"What's the matter with Miss Zhao?"

Li Mingrui opened the door, signaled Zhao Liying to sit casually, and poured her a glass of water.

Zhao Liying said: "Our crew needs to order some fast food, and the admin asked me to ask the boss if there is any takeaway."

"Provide, how can I not do business? When? How much? How can I pay?"

"Um...I don't know this very well, you may need to ask the responsible person in charge of the drama." Xixi Xiaoshuo.com www.xixixiaoshuo.com

Zhao Liying replied somewhat dumbly.

"That's all right, you go back and pass a message, if there is something unclear, let him come over and talk."

"Well, then I will pass first."

Zhao Liying got up and walked out of the shop.

At about nine or ten o'clock, Li Mingrui returned to the hotel and took the baby to the store.

Because a lot of people came to Li Mingrui's store to eat, and the quality and low price, health and hygiene, it quickly spread in the studio, some crews also began to order meals, Zhao Liying asked the crew in the morning as an example.

Even some famous celebrities will come to Li Mingrui’s restaurant to eat after filming. Li Mingrui took the opportunity to ask these stars to sign on a wall, and use an autograph to exchange for a free meal. This is also convenient for the stars. , It is impossible to say who gains and loses.

Later, Li Mingrui simply put a pen on the wall with celebrities' signatures. Any famous celebrity can leave his signature on the wall, and he can also leave a sentence.

This completely detonated people's enthusiasm. People came here not only to taste the fast food that the celebrities had eaten and praised, but also to see the handwriting signatures left by their idols.

This made Li Mingrui a little dumbfounded. An unintentional action brought so much business. These star chasers are really crazy.

Originally, Li Mingrui also estimated the cost recovery in two months. In the past month after receiving this, the store not only recovered the cost, but also had a surplus.

Li Mingrui was so happy to directly give bonuses to several employees.

Of course, as Li Mingrui's restaurant business gets more and more prosperous, some jealous people can't help it.

I don’t know who called the landlord of the store. When the landlord came to see the business boom, he decisively asked for a rent increase, and it was not low. If he didn’t agree, he would immediately close Li Mingrui.

Even in order to force Li Mingrui to submit, the landlord found a few young people from nowhere, and just sat in front of the shop.

Li Mingrui asked Ma Suyan to go back to the hotel with her baby first, and he had to deal with the immediate matter.

"Brother, we are all in business, so we have to be honest. My contract hasn't expired. You are asking for a rent increase. I'm afraid it's not appropriate."

The landlord deliberately pretended to be fierce and said, "I am the landlord. I say the increase will increase. The contract has not expired, but I broke the contract. It is always okay. I will refund you a month's rent as compensation. Legally speaking, this is legal, even if you call the police, it is useless."

This is the first time that Li Mingrui has encountered this kind of humiliation, because the landlord's actions are indeed not illegal, but immoral.

Many people were standing around watching the excitement, but many people accused the landlord of not talking about credibility.

Because of a few young people in society, today's business cannot go on.

Li Mingrui couldn't swallow anything, so he decisively called the police and let the police handle the dispute.

After entering the police station, the police cannot handle disputes better, so they can only mediate.

Li Mingrui suddenly laughed. If ordinary people encounter this situation, it is really difficult to deal with, but Li Mingrui is an Internet tycoon. Where can he go without being warmly received?

So Li Mingrui called Lu Sheng and asked Lu Sheng to find a relationship, to see if he could contact the local person in charge of the film and television city, and said that he had plans to invest.

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