Low-key tycoon

Chapter 278 Real Estate Industry

You can search "Low-key Tycoon Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After finishing the pan-entertainment chores, Li Mingrui came to Ruixing Investment.

Several project leaders were there, so Li Mingrui held a meeting and asked them to briefly report on their work.

Order placed As a listed company, the operation is basically mature. Even if Li Mingrui is not in the company, the company basically has no major problems. Although the stock price has fallen a bit compared to when it was first listed, this is a normal phenomenon.

Some small shareholders took advantage of the high stock price in the previous period and cashed out one after another, so the number of shareholders was small and they had new faces.

It is worth mentioning that most of the new shareholders are actually trading funds. The moderators of these funds have a very dignified look. They also want to point fingers at the company's operations. As a result, they are cleaned up by Lu Sheng and directly combined. Several major shareholders have imposed corresponding restrictions on the rights of these funds.

Li Mingrui laughed when he heard this, "These funds thought that the order was a domestic junk company that was barely going public, so I want to point fingers at such a small amount of shares? What does the stock price rise and fall have to do with them, don’t bother, we just need to follow the company The planned development is sufficient."

The next step is Didi Travel and Xiecheng Travel. These two companies have now completed the C round of financing. It can be said that the development is relatively smooth.

Especially coroutine, although there are competitors, but because it is a few steps behind it, coroutine has almost always been in the leading position.

Didi travel is not so good. Its development has been a little slower. Moreover, its competitors are backed by large international consortia, and their strength is not weak.

Didi relied on the relationship between the taxi company and did not lose sight of it. The two are almost inextricably fought, and the scale of burning money is even greater than when placing orders and being hungry.

At present, as a local company, Didi has a geographical advantage.

In each city, the two may be equal at first, but over time, Didi gradually gained the upper hand.

This situation has been staged in almost every city, and this situation has also been noticed by some media, so they began to scramble to report. The titles are more attractive than each, and there is only one main idea, that is, this is a rising star in the Internet field. Challenge to the leader.

In the end, it became more and more exaggerated, and it was even promoted as a challenge launched by domestic companies to foreign companies.

After these media propaganda, more and more people began to notice the dispute between Didi Travel and Uber.

Thanks to the free publicity of the media, the number of user registrations for Didi Travel has poured in in a short period of time. In the end, Liu Yishou had to spend money to invite an Internet player to sit in, which avoided the danger of server crash.

In addition to the operation of several of their own companies, everyone also reported on some of their investment projects. Currently, the hottest one is the Internet, so eight of the ten projects are Internet projects.

Li Mingrui took a general look at these projects, put them aside, and then checked the return on investment in the past year.

"Not bad. It's better than I expected. At least the income is higher than the money I put in the bank. This also shows that our investment is still worthwhile."

After the meeting, Li Mingrui asked a few people who didn't have so many things on hand to give him a real estate industry analysis report, especially the hotel.Love my novel www.25xs8.com

Zhao Yang and others put a real estate-related research report on Li Mingrui's desk the next day through their personal connections.

Li Mingrui came up to take the report and sat in the office of the chairman of Pan Entertainment with Ma Suyan.

In order to better train Ma Suyan, Li Mingrui specifically asked Zhou Li to hand over some daily documents to Ma Suyan for review, while he himself studied the research report.

Ma Suyan is also a wealthy man, and has been with Li Mingrui for a while, so most of the documents are handled properly, there are only a few things, and I need to ask Li Mingrui to teach, most of which are related to investment. .

Li Mingrui processed some documents related to the investment script, and left the rest to Ma Suyan.

After reading the real estate industry research and analysis report, Li Mingrui began to think about how to enter this industry. Tang Jiacheng came to him before and wanted to cooperate with him. Li Mingrui was still a little bit tempted. After all, Tang Jiacheng’s Tomson Real Estate Development Company is considered relatively old. Of real estate companies still have a certain network status in the industry.

Li Mingrui was originally from no one in a network circle, so it is entirely possible to realize the sharing of the network circle through cooperation with Tang Jiacheng.

But Li Mingrui is more worried, because this means that Tang Jiacheng will become the dominant shareholder. Although the newly established company Li Mingrui will occupy the position of the majority shareholder, he is not familiar with the real estate business, so if he is scammed, Li Mingrui At that time, there will be suffering and I can't tell. After all, people have moved their minds, and it is unlikely that there will be flaws.

This is not to say that Li Mingrui treats the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. After all, a shopping mall is like a battlefield. Anyone doing business will suffer a little bit. The reason why Li Mingrui has not encountered it is because he is careful enough. When setting up a company, Li Mingrui will consult some seniors or school teachers to avoid irregular loopholes that are easy to be caught by others;

Second, Li Mingrui has limited time in business, and he can't count on five or six years when he is full, so he is lucky, but he didn't run into it.

The third is that Li Mingrui used to work hard in the Internet industry. The Internet industry has a relatively better competitive environment. Generally, when the head company has not yet formed, basically every company has a chance. As a sunrise industry, The competition between them is relatively fair. Even if the strengths of the two are asymmetric, there is still a chance to sell the company.

But the real estate industry is different. It is an asset-heavy industry. Anyone who can enter the real estate industry must either have sufficient financial resources or have a strong relationship with the government.

Li Mingrui only intends to invest four to five billion yuan into the real estate industry. This amount of money is too much, because it is real money, not the "assets" that people in financial institutions usually call.

But such a small amount of capital is not a big capital in the real estate industry, because some real estate companies are often in the tens of billions and hundreds of billions, which still sounds bluffing.

Of course, those benefits are only available to relatively large real estate development companies. Generally, a few hundred million can develop a real estate.

There is no big problem with funding, and the rest is the question of qualifications. According to the current relevant regulations, registered real estate development companies are also divided into levels.

Li Mingrui either does not do it or does the best, so he directly targets the highest first-level qualification, that is, the registered capital is not less than 50 million, and the total area under contract in the past five years is not less than 150,000 square meters and is qualified The rate is 100%.

In addition, there are certain qualification requirements for company managers.

In other words, in addition to funds, other conditions need to be resolved by partners. This brings about a big problem, because these resources cannot be accurately measured by money, so this is where Li Mingrui is currently more entangled.

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