Low-key tycoon

Chapter 302

You can search "Low-key Tycoon Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!However, Li Mingrui is also a rich man now. Rich people sometimes pay more attention to facial problems. Therefore, Li Mingrui is still a little unhappy no matter how much he gives up.

As soon as he got home, Ma Suyan could see that Li Mingrui was in a bad mood, but when Li Mingrui saw two little guys approaching him with open hands for a hug, he immediately put on a smiley face.

Lying in bed at night, Ma Suyan mentioned that Li Mingrui's face was a bit wrong when he first arrived home, so Li Mingrui and Ma Suyan told us about the fact that they went to Wanda during the day to visit but had closed doors.

Ma Suyan felt amused after listening. Li Mingrui felt that Li Mingrui was too naive, and a person who could be called a big brother in China, would even be angry with a fledgling boy.

Li Mingrui hugged Ma Suyan and said: "Since I developed, I haven't been treated like this for a long time, so I can't think of it for a while, but listening to you, I found that I was too stingy, at least with the penguin's horse. In general, there is still a big gap between Ali's teacher Ma, at least when they are insulted in public, they all show a very indifferent look."

Ma Suyan leaned in Li Mingrui's arms and said, "Don't worry, you are much younger than them after all. You are now in a young and vigorous period. You are not a few years older than the prince, and you get angry when you make trouble. It’s also normal. At least you can restrain yourself and not gaffe in public."

Li Mingrui patted Ma Suyan on the crisp shoulders, indicating that he had completely put down, so he turned off the lights and went to bed.

The next day, Li Mingrui sat in the office and began to think about the next plan.

At present, Li Mingrui’s career development is fairly smooth. Several companies are developing according to expectations. Although several Internet companies have not yet brought him huge profits, the company’s valuation has been slowly increasing. According to the estimates of relevant agencies, Li Mingrui's value has been slowly increasing.

Entertainment companies have experienced expansion, and are currently starting to shoot and produce several film and television dramas in full swing. Although Pan-Entertainment has focused its investment on its own film and television dramas, it has not put down foreign investment.

As for the catering company Haozailai and the real estate company Juntai, both are developing steadily. Haozailai has blossomed in major first- and second-tier cities. Later, Li Mingrui stopped it, which stopped the expansion.

Fortunately, it is a catering company, and it is also a fast food chain, so we can't just look at the scale. The most important thing is the food provided, not to mention that the taste must be consistent, at least it must be healthy.

For Juntai, because of the nature of the industry, Li Mingrui does not want to invest a lot of money in real estate. He started from the Internet and understands the importance of cash flow better than the boss of the traditional industry.

Li Mingrui listed several companies one by one on the blank A4 paper, and finally seemed to be thinking about something.

I checked the time and found that it was still early, so Li Mingrui came to Ruixing Investment and notified Zhao Yang and others to have a meeting. As for those who are currently out of town, they have a conference call.

The main topic of the meeting was how the company should develop, or another way of asking, where is Li Mingrui’s future investment opportunities. After all, the current company is developing normally. There is nothing about Li Mingrui for the time being, and Li Mingrui still wants to see if there is anything left. Other opportunities.

"Or the boss, you can also set up a game company to develop mobile games. Now I see that many companies that make mobile games have made a lot of money. I heard that Penguin has already started the project." Liu Zhenhua will inquire The news was shared.

Li Mingrui refused without even thinking about it, "Just forget about the game. Although this thing makes money, it doesn't contribute much to society. Maybe it will be boycotted by some parents. I don't want to cause trouble."

Yu Songhua hesitated to say something but stopped, as if entangled whether or not to speak out.

When Li Mingrui saw it, he said, "Just tell me what you have. No outsiders are here. You are my think tank."

Yu Songhua thought for a while, organized the language, and then said: "Boss, what I want to ask is, can our Ruixing expand the scope of investment? I mean can we go abroad to see opportunities, domestic investment The opportunity is too small, and we still need to compete with other investment funds. It can be said that there are more wolves and less meat, but I heard that there are many opportunities abroad, especially in Southeast Asia." Excerpt from www.zhaishu8.com

Li Mingrui's fingers tapped on the table unconsciously, Zhao Yang and others did not bother him when they saw it.

After a few minutes, Li Mingrui asked: "If I expand the business internationally, do I have to adjust my Ruixing investment? After all, Ruixing is currently operating only with my personal funds, and it is similar to those large foreign consortia. Than, this little money is not enough."

Zhao Yang hurriedly asked: "What the boss meant is to raise funds from outside and build a special investment fund like our peers?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

Liu Zhenhua added: "If you want to raise funds, it seems that you need a fund license. After all, the domestic financial sector is regulated. Without official permission, it would be illegal to raise funds."

Li Mingrui said: "Don't worry too much about the license. I will find a way to solve it. After all, I still have some network resources in China."

"Then how do we arrange? Who will be in charge of the fund operation?"

Zhao Yang raised the most central question.

"In this way, I can see the abilities of the few of you. You can all be regarded as industry leaders. It is no problem for anyone to come. After all, in my vision, we will not only have one fund. When you expand your business to the world, there will definitely be several funds. At that time, you will manage one or more funds. At present, you are just picking someone who can do it first."

After finishing speaking, Li Mingrui also added a special sentence: "Zhao Yang, don't participate for the time being, you first handle my private funds."

In the end, it was Liu Zhenhua who undertook the issuance and operation of Ruixing's first fund. After all, he had worked in a fund before and he still had some experience in this area.

"By the way, I have to ask you something, what do you think will be the trend of Internet discovery in the next few years?"

After arranging Ruixing's affairs, Li Mingrui once again threw a big problem.

Several people are talking about it, but one thing is in common, that is, the mobile Internet will be the development trend, because using mobile phones to surf the Internet is too convenient, which is a pain point that computers cannot solve.

"Then what do you say is the most important thing about the mobile Internet?"

"It's a mobile phone, a smart phone."

Zhao Yang didn't think much about it before he gave an answer.

"Then do we have the opportunity to make mobile phones? After all, no matter how well the Internet develops, mobile phones are also needed as carriers, which means that mobile phones will become a necessity."

Yu Songhua put forward different opinions: "Boss, you don't want to make mobile phones, do you? We don't have the accumulation of technology, so we just plunged into it. The risk is not small. I don't recommend making mobile phones."

Others also agreed with Yu Songhua's point of view.

Seeing this, Li Mingrui had no choice but to give up.

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