Low-key tycoon

Chapter 305

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The next day, Li Mingrui and Liu Zhenhua came to Ziguang Electronics, and Qian Junsheng personally accompanied them to patrol the factory.

"President Li just came to talk to me about purchasing Ziguang yesterday, but he never came to inspect it on the spot. It's really courageous."

"Nothing. I have read the detailed information of Ziguang before. As for the actual situation inside the factory, I am not very fancy, after all, it will definitely change when I take over."

"That's right, after all, there is one courtier and the emperor."

Li Mingrui went around in the production workshop and saw a lot of strange equipment. Even in the real chip processing workshop, he needed to change into a dustproof suit, just like the scientist in the biological laboratory in the movie.

Qian Junsheng said: "I rarely come here. I have to change clothes every time I go in and out, which is troublesome."

After coming out of the processing workshop, several people visited other places. All of this opened up Li Mingrui's vision. It was the first time he saw the chip processing flow.

After visiting the factory, Qian Junsheng asked, "Mr. Li, when shall we officially complete the transfer procedures?"

"Some preparatory work can be done right now. I have already asked the relevant team to come over. It is estimated that they will be there this afternoon. When the time comes, the legal and financial services will be handed over to them."

"Okay, President Li does everything simply and neatly."


A few days later, after Qian Junsheng confirmed the arrival information of the relevant account, even if Ziguang Electronics officially changed hands, Qian Junsheng and Li Mingrui shook hands and said: "Since Mr. Li is so simple, I will give it to Li. I always introduce a capable person. This person is a professor at Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology named Feng Guofeng. He is also a former technical consultant of Ziguang. If Mr. Li encounters any technical problems, he can ask him for advice."

"Thanks! I will visit in a few days."

After completing the procedures for receiving Ziguang, Li Mingrui looked at the bewildered technical workers. Li Mingrui comforted: "My name is Li Mingrui. You may have heard of it. I will take over this factory in the future. Please rest assured. I won’t fire a skilled worker easily. Of course, I don’t want anyone to continue eating and waiting to die. Now I ask everyone to get busy with things at hand. Although Ziguang has changed the boss, the previous orders are still going on as usual. I hope everyone Don’t slack off. As for the salary, it will remain unchanged for the first time. I will arrange someone to take a look in a few days. There may be adjustments at that time, but it will not be worse than it is now. Please rest assured."

After consoling a large number of workers, Li Mingrui has time to check Ziguang's financial situation in the past five years and the resources he holds.

Fortunately, the actual situation of Tsinghua Unigroup is better than Li Mingrui's imagination, and the more than two billion yuan is not bad.

Next, while still in Jiangcheng for a few days, Li Mingrui chose a time to visit Professor Feng Guofeng.

After several setbacks, Li Mingrui finally met Qian Junsheng's highly respected chip expert.

Li Mingrui handed out his business card politely and expressed his intention.

Feng Guofeng said: "I know you, Qian Junsheng greeted me two days ago and said that Ziguang was bought by a young man."

"Hello Professor Feng, I am here to visit you, just to let you continue to serve as my technical consultant. After my chip research institute is formally established, I want you to be the chief scientist of the institute."

Feng Guofeng heard this and looked at Li Mingrui up and down. Li Mingrui felt a little hairy in his heart, and finally couldn't help it. He asked, "Is there anything wrong with me?" Quickly read www.kuaiyankanshu.org

Feng Guofeng closed his eyes and said leisurely: "Mr. Li, listening to what you said, it seems that you are very ambitious and are ready to prepare for the chip research institute. What I want to ask is, how much does Mr. Li know about the difficulty of chip research and manufacturing? ?"

Li Mingrui said with some embarrassment: "I used to work on the Internet, and I only know about chips for a few days."

Feng Guofeng said mercilessly: "In other words, you don't know anything about chips and you are a layman at all?"

"Indeed it is."

"Then I'll give you the most sincere advice. Let's stop before you get caught in it. Chips can't be made by one person casually, and it's not just that you have money."

As a top domestic chip expert, Feng Guofeng knows more about the development status of the domestic chip industry than Li Mingrui, so he unceremoniously attacked Li Mingrui in order to dissuade Li Mingrui.

But this also aroused Li Mingrui's fighting spirit. Li Mingrui asked, "Professor, why are you trying to discourage my enthusiasm?"

Seeing that Li Mingrui would not back down easily, Feng Guofeng sighed and said, "Mr. Li, although it is embarrassing to say it, but I still want to make it clear to you, that is, our domestic chip development is at least 20 behind compared to foreign countries. In 2015, domestic chips have not been developed for more than ten years. Now many domestic chip manufacturers use mature foreign technologies. It is almost impossible to research chips on their own, let alone catch up. The level of foreign chips is up. This is difficult! Difficult! Difficult!"

Feng Guofeng used three "difficult" characters in a row to express the difficulty of chip localization.

"Is it more difficult than making an atomic bomb?"

Li Mingrui asked unbelief.

Feng Guofeng sneered and said, "To put it bluntly, it is really harder to realize the complete localization of chip manufacturing than to make an atomic bomb. You don't know how many industries are involved in making a small chip, that's it. A small chip can be said to be the crystallization of human civilization. It requires a lot of technology accumulation to complete chip production."

Li Mingrui asked: "Is it impossible to realize the localization of chip production with reference to mature foreign technology?"

"That's okay, but it will take at least ten years before we can produce the best chips currently available in China."

"Then what is the best chip right now?"

"As far as I know, it is a 156nm process chip. Although it has not yet been officially mass-produced, it should be soon."

"Then what is the best chip we can produce in our country?"

"70 microns."

"The difference is not great either."

Feng Guofeng sighed and said: "This is produced with foreign technology. If we use domestic technology, it can produce chips up to 500 microns."

"Huh? Such a big gap?"

"Yes, because our country has not developed chip manufacturing for 20 years. The gap in chip manufacturing between us and foreign countries was not as big as it is now. However, after the reform and opening up, domestic chip experts were divided into two camps, one camp. It is hoped to continue research in order to realize the autonomy of chip production; the other camp feels that instead of spending huge amounts of money on research, it is better to directly purchase foreign products, so as to save money. Finally, after market selection, domestic chip research has stagnated. No improvement."

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