Low-key tycoon

Chapter 58 Product Completion

You can search "Low-key Tycoon Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Since Li Mingrui officially accepted Ma Suyan, as long as they don’t sleep in the dormitory, the two will stay together. Like all couples, they behaved like glue at the beginning, hard to separate. They went to class together, ate together, and went to books together. Museum, but sometimes Li Mingrui will always do something alone.

Ma Suyan is a smart girl. She knows that Li Mingrui is busy with some things and has nothing to do with women, so she doesn't go into it. She just wants to erase Wang Min's presence in Li Mingrui's heart. After all, feelings are originally It is selfish, no one wants his boyfriend to think of other women.

Since the preparation of the company in March, to the end of May, through the unremitting efforts of the employees, the first version of the takeaway platform was finally made. Li Mingrui was very excited, so he skipped class and went to the company to witness the product launch.

Any software product will not be smooth sailing from development to official launch. In addition to the hard work of programmers, products and tests are also constantly adjusted and tested, modified countless times, and finally made the software application that we saw.

Wei Caijun has been in the company for a month. The second half of the development work was completed under his auspices. He has a wealth of development experience, so he decisively adjusted the development cycle in the later stage, and even took the heavy and complicated work in the project himself. Afterwards, this ensures that the development progress is on schedule.

When the product entered the testing phase, Liu Yishou asked Li Mingrui for instructions. After being affirmed, the operating department officially began to recruit troops. However, due to the company's operating costs, only a few people could be recruited, two backstage operations and three market operations. Liu Yishou finally got rid of the bare commander Situation.

There are a few more people, the company is also a lot of lively, usually everyone is busy with the project development progress, so concentrate on work, no time to chat, as the development enters the final stage, people like design, development, etc. begin to relax, only need to modify the BUG occasionally. However, we usually chat together.

When Li Mingrui came back, there was a lot of talk in the company, and Li Mingrui was not disgusted. He felt that a working atmosphere that made employees feel relaxed and comfortable was helpful to everyone's work. Sometimes Li Mingrui would participate in some topics when he was in the company.

On the day of the launch, everyone in the company put aside their work and surrounded Wei Caijun. Wei Caijun packaged the project code developed by everyone into the server. Everyone stared at the progress bar and unconsciously increased their breathing.

At the moment the upload was completed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, which means that so far, the project has no problem.

Product manager Chen Dong called on everyone: "Please wait a while to download our company's takeaway platform from the software market. Please register first, and then walk through it from beginning to end to see if there are any problems."

Li Mingrui also said: "Our company's software is called'Quick Flash', and the software LOGO is a flash of lightning. Don't download it wrong. You can even place an order for a trial, and there should be real merchants in it."

After finishing speaking, Li Mingrui looked at Liu Yishou, Liu Yishou understood, and said: "The data in the officially launched application are real merchants. At present, there are several merchants around our company. You can try to place an order."

Li Mingrui suddenly remembered, what should I do if the boss does not send it free after placing the order?

Li Mingrui called Liu Yishou, Chen Dong, and Wei Caijun to the conference room and began to discuss how to solve the transportation.

Finally, Li Mingrui felt that there needs to be a special person to deliver the food, so that the store only needs to do it. After the order is completed, a special person will pick it up and deliver it directly to the destination.Nuwa Book Library www.newbookku.com

Li Mingrui said to Chen Dong: "Thank you for making a small tool these two days. It needs to tell the delivery staff which store, what to deliver and where to deliver. Wei Caijun will trouble you to do the development work at that time. Overtime must be done as soon as possible."

Wei Caijun said: "Okay, such a small tool is not very complicated. Some data interfaces can be shared with the platform, mainly the front-end interface. I will help the front-end. It is estimated that it will only take two days."

Li Mingrui calculated it, just in these two days the operation department can make efforts to attract merchants. As for user promotion, it still needs to wait for a whole set of products to be ready before it can be promoted.

Li Mingrui suddenly remembered something, and said to Chen Dong: "When we are not busy, we will also develop a set of tools for our operators to enter merchant information, so that merchants can manipulate some merchant information themselves, otherwise we will rely on us alone. Operators, waiting for thousands of merchants in the future, I am afraid that they will be exhausted."

Chen Dong said: "Mr Liu also passed the anger with me before, and the sketch has been made."

Li Mingrui praised: "Yes, everyone can say anything in the future, even if the company expands in the future, different departments must move around from time to time, especially technology. When other departments need it, the technical department needs to provide help."

At the end of the meeting, Chen Dong began to conceive the means of transporting personnel, which he called "order delivery".

Li Mingrui called people from the operation department to the conference room. The next step will be the work of the operation department.

First, Li Mingrui got to know the new employee, and then began to discuss the job distribution of the operation department.

Li Mingrui said: "I have discussed with your manager Liu before. We start from the major schools first, because many college students are really lazy. They often order takeaways or ask classmates to help them. If we show up on campus, I think College students should be happy to accept it."

Everyone agreed. Li Mingrui went on to say, “Because the product still needs to be polished in the past two days, so I’m not busy with user promotion. The current task of everyone is to pull the merchants from several Jinling university towns into the platform. When the time comes for users to promote it and find that there are not a few merchants, it will be embarrassing."

Then, Li Mingrui handed over the chair of the meeting to Liu Yishou, who was only in charge of listening, occasionally inserting a sentence or two.

Liu Yishou first assigned everyone to different university towns. At present, they are limited in manpower. They can only concentrate on a few college towns with relatively concentrated colleges. As for some other relatively scattered universities, they can only be suppressed first.

Seeing that there is not enough manpower, Li Mingrui decided that the company had to do business to attract merchants except those who had tasks. At first, people in the operation department could take it first, and then work alone later, including the boss Li Mingrui himself.

In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, Li Mingrui promised that no matter how good the operation is this month, everyone will at least have a bonus. Li Mingrui knows that instead of telling the truth, it is more practical than real money. Only with money can employees not be disgusted. Help with operation promotion.

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