Lu Mingfei challenges FGO

Chapter 223 Epilogue (Part 2) Platinum Star·World (Please recommend me! Please vote for me!)

Epilogue (Part 2) Platinum Star·World

The moment Lu Mingfei made his decision, light covered the void and darkness.

Not a dazzling light, but a soft light, Lu Mingfei was surrounded by several of his split personalities.

Ruddock dressed sloppily

Facial paralysis Lu Zihang

Arrogant Luke

There was even Lumani in a white coat.

Fancy LuFinch

dark arab road

The proud Lu Xiaoqiang

Lucy with a complex and resentful expression

Road repairman full of joy

Lu Hinako dressed as a literary girl

Ruri Yi who looks like a witch

Lushtalia looks like a golden retriever.

Except for Chongtong Lu, who looked like a military commander and was unknown to Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei was surrounded by this large group of "himself" and Lu Mingze.

Even a reckless man like Lu Mingfei, who was not as literate as a man of letters, was more or less aware of what was going on.

These people are all Lu Mingfei.

In other words, the reason why these other people with Lu Mingfei's face appear in this space is a reflection of the "go with the flow" nature of Lu Mingfei's character.

Lu Mingfei has never been a proactive person. He always imitates others unconsciously, unconsciously thinks about how the people around him will act, and then makes choices by imitating or responding to them.

This group of people surrounded Lu Mingfei, and then Lu Xiang took the lead, Lu Duoke followed, and Lu Zihang started to applaud at the same time.


"Congratulations, you idiot junior."

"Thank you, and congratulations, Lu Mingfei."




Facing countless people with the same face as him applauding, Lu Mingfei felt his scalp numb.

"No, what are you kidding about? Is this another trick of yours, Lu Mingze?"

As the only person who has not turned into Lu Mingfei's face, Lu Mingze. For some reason, besides being joking, the expression on his face seems to be a little lonely.

"Being an enemy of the world, and then making a choice of your own will. Although the target is a man, brother, you have really grown up this time. Although it is a little sad, as a younger brother, I naturally want to congratulate you."

"What the hell?" Lu Mingfei felt confused.

Can we not have the Riddler?

It was Lu Xiang who stood up at this time:

"It's actually very simple, Senior Lu. Before this, your thinking was always mixed with other people's ideas. You would always follow the trend and agree with everyone, and you would unconsciously make choices that would satisfy the people around you. For example, you You couldn’t refuse Kirshtalia’s kindness, even if you didn’t actually have that deep feelings for Mashu, you still accepted the wedding.”

"Really?" Lu Mingfei murmured in a low voice, "I thought I was seduced by Ma Xiu's beauty. Am I still such a saint?"

Lu Xiang smiled and did not make any comments that would ruin the atmosphere.

"Perhaps no one has noticed that 'inability to think independently as a human being' is the essence of all the abnormalities in Senior Lu. But it is precisely because you are unable to think independently as a human being that you have been unconsciously imitating what you feel around you. It’s the existence of human beings, you will try to figure it out, and you will try to please them subconsciously, because you are afraid, you are afraid of being abandoned, afraid of being considered alien, afraid of being alone.”

"Although the atmosphere created by this long paragraph of yours is very good," Lu Mingfei couldn't help but mutter, "but I still can't help but want to complain, why do you make me sound like I'm getting toilet paper for buying illustrations?" Is she like the kind of loyal dog heroine in novels who will follow the hero wholeheartedly as long as she touches her head?"

"You are, otherwise, how could you attract Chu Zihang? Haha, just kidding, just kidding"

Lu Xiang couldn't help laughing:

"The Holy King has indeed done something with his mercy that your other enemies may not be able to do in the future. That is to force you, Senior Lu, into a desperate situation where you must be selfish."

"Look back at the past. Even when the big explosion happened and you entered Fuyuki, and your mobility was extremely high, you were not actually acting for yourself, but in response to the survivors' desire to live. , no matter how much you pretend to be like a human, you will never be able to think like a human, the 'heart' you have is not human."

"The difference in heart and the ability to summon mysterious miraculous power with the will of the heart are the greatest characteristics of the human species in this world."

"The desperate situation that the Holy King has forced you into is that you have to make selfish choices, and you have to make choices that are 'bad options for others'. That is, it forces you not to continue to follow the crowd."

Do you want Chu Zihang or the world?

This problem would only be so difficult for Lu Mingfei.

Even Su Qian will not struggle like Lu Mingfei, because Su Qian is not willful and rational. Su Qian is the kind of person who respects her lover's ideas, and what if Chu Zihang, whom she has a crush on, meets the female version of Lu Mingfei one day? Even if she is abducted, she will give way silently - Susie has this kind of character.

Therefore, at that moment, when the Holy King asked questions, even Chu Zihang himself would choose to give up. Only Lu Mingfei would blush like a fool and shout "I don't want to!".

"You finally awakened to selfishness because of the fear of losing your loneliness. When you gain 'personal will', you are qualified to make choices."

"When you call your name, you have three preparation plans in your mind. These three plans and three names correspond to your three subconscious thoughts and are the paths you choose subconsciously."

"Gaia corresponds to the path of 'star'."

"Lucifer corresponds to the loneliness of the 'beast'."

"Tiga is the principle of 'people'."

"Language is the spirit of speech, and spirit of speech is thought, the power of the mind. If you had not skipped Prelati's class, you might be able to understand the connotation of what I am saying here - but it doesn't matter."

"I am a human among humans. I have all the characteristics of human species, so I know very well that Senior Lu, you are the type who skips the text descriptions and directly looks at the effects when playing games."

"Then - brief introduction"

"You chose [Principle of Humanity]. This choice will gradually turn Senior Lu into a human being. Although Gaia consciousness will care for him, it will no longer give Senior Lu strength. Therefore, I will make up for this part for you."

"However, seniors need to know that due to the large number of human species dying under the incineration of human nature, I don't have much power to give senior Lu now. However, as the singularity is gradually repaired and more and more humans are saved, I The power of Senior Lu will become stronger and stronger."

"Even before that, I can assist Senior Lu and become a channel to transform 'emotion' into 'power', because this is the most prominent power of our species."

Lu Mingfei was silent for a few seconds, looked at Lu Xiang in front of him, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Who are you? Are you not the Sakura girl I simulated?"

"Yes and no."

Lu Xiang smiled softly, and her appearance completely changed into that of Fujimaru Ritsuka, but the clothes on her body were no longer Chaldean uniforms, but replaced by a gorgeous white henna, and she was still rushing Lu Mingfei vividly. Blink.

The only difference between her now and the real Sakura girl is that the latter has short hair, while the former has long hair.

"If Senior Lu had scored above 80 out of 100 in the test, he would have guessed it a long time ago. In fact, I didn't hide it. It's just that I'm too weak, so I can only guide and assist Senior Lu like this -"

"Although I can't provide power as simply and crudely as Gaia Consciousness, I can open the back door and open cheating modifiers in many aspects for you, senior!"

"Let me introduce myself again. I am 'Fujimaru Ritsuka', 'Kadok', 'Kirshtalia' and 'Da Vinci'. I am the collection of subconscious minds of all human species and the basis of human nature. ——Alaya Consciousness.”

"The magicians call me 'Alaya,' but I don't have a specific name because I could be anyone."

Lu Mingfei was silent for a moment, and then couldn't help but ask: "Why did you suddenly come out to me like this?"

Lu Xiang tilted her head: "In order to explain the situation to Senior Lu, you have been blocked by the consciousness of Gaia. She is currently having trouble and does not want to give you power, so of course they have to take advantage of the opportunity to seize the territory and give it to Lu. Senior, I’ve informed you, why are you dressed like this?”

Lu Xiang lifted up her wedding dress of Ren Li Zhi Hua Wedding and exposed her long white legs in front of Lu Mingfei: "I think Senior Lu will like it."

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

There is one thing to say, indeed.

"I have said everything that needs to be said, and I have also explained everything that needs to be explained. There is no conspiracy here. Rather, if Senior Lu had not subconsciously chosen to become a human being, I would have even I can’t have a conversation with Senior Lu like this——then”

Lu Xiang looked at the silent Lu Mingze and bowed again.

"Your Highness, are you satisfied with what I say? There is really no shady story this time. All the right of explanation belongs to Senior Lu."

Lu Mingze just wanted to laugh when he saw Alaya Shi's appearance: "You are so respectful to me. Is this really a long time since we've seen each other?"

Lu Xiang scratched her long orange hair: "There is nothing I can do. People have to bow their heads under the eaves. I am so weak now that I have to rely on your support to do anything."

Lu Mingze and Lu Mingfei were a little speechless about Alaya Shi, who looked like Fujimaru Ritsuka no matter what.

But Lu Mingze still chose to step down, or in other words, he respected Lu Mingfei's own choice.

".Since you are looking forward to it, then I will bless you. Brother, even if you decide to become a human, I will be with you."

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: "When did I stop being a human being?"

After settling the relationship, Lu Xiang, dressed as a bride, came to Lu Mingfei.

"Okay, time in the spiritual world is only an instant in the real world. Before our 'war (DATE)', does Senior Lu have anything else to ask?"

Lu Mingfei actually didn't understand what the lot of words at the beginning of the route were, but he carried forward the fine tradition of the majority of game players and skipped the entire process to see the final result.

In fact, Lu Mingfei could tell that Lu Xiang was explaining to him on the surface, but in fact he was looking at Lu Mingze.

Therefore, Lu Mingfei did not delve into it further.

And at the end of this, Lu Mingfei actually has two questions that he wants to talk about.


"Well, have you mistaken the gender of the facially paralyzed senior or mine? As long as one of us is a girl or both of us are girls, we won't be so gay, okay?"

Hearing this, Lu Xiang's shoulders shook up and down, obviously suppressing a smile: "No, no, no, this senior has made a mistake. Chu Zihang's matter has nothing to do with me. He has his own independent story line. What will happen between you two?" Such closeness is just a natural match, there is no shady story behind it."

Lu Mingfei scratched his head and didn't know what to say further, so he asked the second question he wanted to know:

"Why are you talking to me like Sakura Girl? Speaking of people close to me, wouldn't Matthew or Da Vinci be more suitable? I'm just curious, nothing else."

[Alaya’s answer]

[1/3/5, I just randomly drew Ritsuka Fujimaru]

[2/4/6, Fujimaru Ritsuka in this world is Alayaji’s ‘daughter’]

[7/9, Lu Mingfei feels that Lixiang is the female version of himself, so he is very close to him]

[8. Alayaji likes Fujimaru Ritsuka]

【10. Super expansion of chaos】


[1D2=1 (big success!)]


[1/2/3, Fujimaru Ritsuka is actually the incarnation of Alaya Consciousness]

[4/5/7. From the very beginning, the ‘White King Twins’ were Alaya’s brides prepared for the ‘Black Emperor’]

[6/8/9, ↑+ But Alaya Shi’s preparation was blocked by the old director (taking the blame +1)]

【10. Super expansion of chaos】


Lu Xiang smiled and shook his head.

"I can't control the Star Blazers. As for Matthew? Maybe he will grow in the future, but the heartless androids were not among my choices from the beginning. The white twins were the bride I prepared for the Black Emperor from the beginning. It's just that some problems caused them to escape my control early. But this time I was lucky. Although I was still beaten by Animusfia's androids, the children still generally returned. It’s where we expected it to be.”

Lu Mingfei was silent for a moment and whispered, "I didn't quite understand that."

Lu Xiang didn't care either: "It's okay, senior, just think of them as my daughters."


Lu Mingfei nodded subconsciously, but felt something was wrong - two? Besides Sakura-chan, who else is Alaya's daughter?

However, Lu Mingze seemed to have heard some clues. He frowned slightly and urged: "Okay, let's stop here. The Holy King outside is still hanging there waiting for you to start a group - Brother, this is you So I won't directly object to the choice, but you have to think about it, Alaya consciousness is very weak, and the only thing she can do is arouse the power of 'people's hearts'."

"In the end, the outcome depends on you, brother."


Lu Xiang actually interrupted Lu Mingze's words. She winked at Lu Mingfei and emphasized:

“Not by my own strength, but”

What is she hinting at?

[Difficulty: 45]

[Lu Mingfei’s ‘inspiration’: 1D100=100]

——This time Lu Mingfei reacted immediately.

It would be better to say that this is not a hint, but an explicit statement.

That's right.

"Don't rely on yourself, but rely on the strength of your companions!"

That's right.

"All humans can become light by their own power!"

Lu Mingfei blurted out. Perhaps because of the influence of King Dao, Lu Mingfei didn't feel ashamed to make such a statement this time.

On the contrary, Lu Mingze couldn't bear it and turned around.

Lu Mingfei raised the [Chaldean Spark] solemnly. The energy of the Orion Star was already full. Just waiting for the owner to activate it, Alaya snapped his fingers, "You definitely need this" and the classic background music played. stand up.

Lu Mingfei raised the Chaldean Spark—but before he shouted, Lu Mingfei, who was completely burning, seemed to have thought of something.

"Oh, by the way, Lu Mingze! Thank you this time too!"

Lu Mingze's shoulders trembled, but he didn't speak and just disappeared silently.

So let's get started.

——Shout it out loud!

It's not a planet, it's not a monster!

But the name of a human giant!


No matter what Lu Mingfei shouted, from a visual perspective, the result was the same.

Falling, but not falling to heaven.

The Son of the Morning Star, who shines with the light of human reason, soars into the sky from the depths of the Mediterranean Sea in the shape of a six-winged giant!

Falling towards fate, towards the Bible, and then falling into heaven to rebel against the fate of the devil!

After confirming that his mission was completed, Beelzebub finally could no longer hold on and fell under the siege of tens of millions of angels headed by Gabriel.

But enough is enough.

Because, the rebellious Xingchen is back!

The astral giant rises into the sky! The giant's size surged toward the 10,000-meter level at a terrifying speed!

The Son of Light, who does not want to fall, tells Heaven (Mobile Holy City) his wish to become the Wings of Glory!

Gabriel and tens of millions of angel legions swarmed forward, trying to swamp the Sons of Light with their numbers!


Just like Charlemagne said, just like Lu Mingfei said, just like Alaya Consciousness said.

The greatness of the weak human race is the bond!

The bond that connects companions!

Alta suddenly noticed something. It seemed that someone had given her a hint. In other words, Alta, who was wearing the cloak given to her by Giorgios, remembered one of Prelati's original purposes for creating her.

——Dragon Witch

Alta pulled up the holy sword Ascalon that fell on the ground after Sariel disappeared!

She is calling! The Dragon Witch is guiding the legions!

"I am the heart of the dragons!"

The crawling dragons seemed to have heard the call under the pressure of the Holy City, a real machine made in heaven.

The glorious wings that fell but refused to fall seemed to be the flag that guided them.

--bring it on!

——Bring your troops with you!

The dragons who were once the incarnation of despair, under the command of the Dragon Witch, spread their wings and soar again!

This is the ongoing war in heaven.

This is the French singularity.

This is - the Hundred Years' War of Evil Dragons.

Angels and dragons fight.

Gabriel, the power of God, stood alone in front of the Giant of Light.

She was roaring:


"Get the hell out of here! Why the hell am I giving you so much?"

The fists of angels and giants collided.

[God’s Blessing·Gabriel’s ‘output’: 1D50+50=42+50=92]

[Human giant Lu Mingfei’s ‘output’: 1D10+90=9+90=99]

Is this the power of the Alaya Consciousness, the power guided by the Alaya Consciousness and formed by the bonds of companions?

One punch!

Gabriel's body was violently destroyed!

"Oh, what a weak god."

No longer blocked by the Angel Legion.

The body of the Giant of Light has reached a height that can rival the Holy King's mobile Holy Capital!

Two giants with a height of 200,000 meters began to collide!

bring it on!

This is the final battle!

Lu Mingfei, the giant of light who controls human reason, shouted Charlemagne's name in his heart.

"Captain! I'm all ready!"

"You must know how to defeat this guy, right?"

——Inside the Mobile Holy City

At this time, someone was taking action.

Joan of Arc knew very well that even with the protection of the Alaya Consciousness and the incarnation of a giant of humanity, the Salvation Army of Humanity was still no match for the Holy King.

You can only continue to drag it down.

But the Holy King who can last for a long time will still win after a long delay.

After all, with the burning of human reason, the power of Alaya Consciousness itself has long been depleted.

So she had to take action.

Joan of Arc could not refute the Holy King's will, but she heard an incredible sound when Martha violently awakened her.

The voice of a certain android girl.

Those were Miss Favna's last words.

To her, Jeanne, who also participated in the Holy Grail War and protected her and taught her, was a mother-like person.

——Joan of Arc cannot deny the noble will of the Holy King


As a human being, she still wants to say

"Your Majesty, you are wrong."

Joan of Arc did not participate in Sariel's battle, but pretended to withdraw, and under the guidance of [Apocalypse], she sneaked towards the core engine of the Mobile Holy City.

Then as expected, she encountered an obstacle here.

Caster, Bluebeard, crazy and sinful Giles.

He leads an army of angels and sea demons to guard here.

But Joan of Arc doesn't intend to fight like this.

"I'm sorry, Jill, I'm not qualified to communicate with you right now."

This is her choice.

——Second Noble Phantasm, activated.

“The heavens are the glory of the Lord, and the sky is the work of God’s hand.

Language is conveyed during the day, knowledge is conveyed at night

He could neither talk nor speak, and he could not even hear a sound.

The warm light spreads all over the earth and extends to the end of the world.

Climb up from the end of the sky and go all the way around to the end of the sky.

My end is here, my destiny is here, my life is here.

My life is equal to nothingness, like a shadow wandering around.

My bow cannot rely on me, nor can my sword save me.

With the only thing left, I hope to guard their footsteps

Lord, entrust me with this body——

After despair there will be hope! ! ! "

The Saint of the Red Lotus turned into flames, swallowing up the sea demons, angels, and the evil alchemist, and swallowed up all evil spirits.

"The opportunity has come!"

Finally, the moment Lu Mingfei returned, the Holy Knights, who had been delayed for too long due to Sariel's cheating performance, had been reduced by half.

More and more angels returned to defend themselves, and in the end, only the Holy Knight Emperor was left to face the Holy King.

Charlemagne naturally heard Lu Mingfei’s voice.

How to do?

Although it has not been discussed in advance before, this kind of thing - even if it is not mentioned! The thoughts of his companions will also be conveyed to the heart of the Holy Knight Emperor!

"Because this is my royal way!"

The huge explosion shook the entire Mobile Holy City.

Even if Joan of Arc self-destructs, it won't be able to completely destroy its core, but it will be enough to make it unable to last indefinitely in a short period of time!

"This is the power of me and my companions! You will never understand the Holy King alone!"

That's right.

This is the last.

Facing the main cannon of the Mobile Holy City, a huge lightsaber appeared in the hands of the Giant of Light.

Come and hit the waves!

Who is afraid of whom!

"The power of our Paladins is the power of everyone! It is not the power of one person!"

With the body of the Giant of Light, Lu Mingfei activated Charlemagne's Noble Phantasm!

See the light of this royal way!

Charlemagne, on the other hand, sacrificed his life and rushed towards the Holy King.

The imaginary holy sword and the real holy sword, the two Juvayus broke together in the collision.

Facing the incredulous Holy King, Charlemagne raised his fist.

It was obviously a temporary decision.

But it seemed like it had been planned long ago.

"Great Emperor, have you heard of the fist of Platinum Star?"

This world does not belong to any one person, and the journey of saving the world should never be a story about one person!

It’s everyone’s story!

It's a story of love and hope!

"This is my royal way! The power of me and my companions will open up the future!"

After the sword is broken, there is still the Iron Fist!

"Star Platinum! My World!"

The Holy King raised his fists together with Charlemagne.

[Platinum Star] and [God’s Right Hand]

bring it on!

This is the final collision!

——to be continued!

The next chapter is just a little bit away and it’s really the last one!

Epilogue (End) Goodbye, all Evangelions

Damn, I almost lost all my attendance.

By the way, no matter which one you choose, this one can only transform into 'Lucifer', which will affect the subsequent development of the long plot.

If you choose a beast, nothing will change, but Lu Mingze has a high chance of badending.

If you choose a star, it will be the protection of Gaia, which will gain strength simply and crudely, and increase the probability of communicating with the true ancestor.

If you choose a person, it is that although he has no power, he can rely on his spiritual power to reverse the situation at critical moments.

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