Lu Mingfei challenges FGO

Chapter 248 Bad Woman* Please vote for recommendation! Asking for a monthly ticket!

Chapter 248 Bad woman asks for recommendation votes! Asking for a monthly ticket!

Subtitle: Mind Cube

When he saw the pattern of Chloe's costume for the first time, Lu Mingfei thought that he was really right with his poisonous milk, and that the person who walked out of the summoning array was really the female version of Shirou Emiya.

Lu Mingfei is actually quite satisfied. The female version will be the female version, and the lolita will be the lolita. There is no shortage of a new primary school student in his team (Iskandar:?), as long as the one is cool and powerful As long as the Noble Phantasm [Infinite Sword System] is still there.

Besides, this Chloe obviously knew Miyu, so it would be easier to cooperate with an acquaintance.

Although Miyu doesn't know her.

Lu Mingfei sneered and ran forward, holding Miyu's shoulders, pulling away Miyu who was trying to push Chloe back into the summoning circle, and comforted Miyu: "Although everyone has only one chance to summon. Once, but maybe someone else summoned your brother? Wild heroic spirits are also possible, there is still a chance, I seem to have seen a few people who looked like Shirou Emiya before. "

Miyu ran to the corner and drew circles in frustration.

Chloe, whose neck hurt from the tossing, didn't know what kind of expression she should show at this time.

Kong Ming looked at Chloe's appearance and murmured thoughtfully: "Are you from Einzbern? He is such a familiar face."

Lu Mingfei didn't think so much, after all, he was used to summoning strange things.

"Kabi-senpai? Can you hold on?"

".Let me slow down."

"Can we go back to the city?"


Kazuko's face suddenly turned pale, as if she was about to vomit from seasickness at any moment.

Lu Mingfei couldn't figure it out. With the shameful appearance of Mustachio Zi now, he probably couldn't take her back to the city where there was a lot of people. Why don't he discuss it with the priest himself and let her go in the holy area with the fewest people in the city? Mustachio take a rest?

Or simply use this place as a base for now.

Right now.

"Lu Mingfei!" Kong Ming lowered his voice and exclaimed.

The heroic spirits summoned by the idiot couple next door seemed to attract Kong Ming's attention.

Lu Mingfei subconsciously carried it over, and then he saw a very tall woman, dressed like a typical pirate captain in the movie, with huge scars on her face, and very revealing clothing.

Lu Mingfei was a little surprised: "Kong Ming, do you like this type?"

Kong Ming shook his head speechlessly: "Appearance is not the point, the point is her appearance - she is a [Captain] type of servant!"


Lu Mingfei didn't think long and then he understood what Kong Ming meant.

Although no one cares about it at this stage, there are actually two Holy Grails in this singularity. In addition to the championship prize of the Holy Grail War competition, there is another Holy Grail hidden somewhere in the sea.

In other words, sooner or later, they will have to go sailing, just like Luffy and his friends went to find the One Piece in "One Piece".

Kong Ming has also mentioned long ago that in order to cope with future sea adventures, it is best for the team to find a reliable captain. It would be better if it is a captain-type servant.

Is it reliable?

Lu Mingfei looked suspiciously at the 'big' female pirate summoned by the idiot couple. Oh, the breasts are really... ahem, this guy's pectoralis major is very exaggerated.

Lu Mingfei was still thinking, but the idiot couple man over there suddenly became angry.

"Pirate? A pirate!? Why not a great hero like Odysseus or Jason who is worthy of me! What I want is the best adventurer and captain! I don't want pirates——"

Before Shen Er could finish his words, he was lifted up by the female pirate captain Drake with one hand like a kitten.

"You kid, you yelled something outrageous as soon as we met. What's wrong with the pirates?"

"Let me go! Let me go! I am your Master! Rider! Let me go!"

For some reason, Kong Ming looked nostalgic looking at the interaction between the two people.

Then he signaled to Lu Mingfei: "The captain's servant of Rider Job Agency, that is to say, the Noble Phantasm is basically a [ship]!"

Of course Lu Mingfei knew what Kong Ming was referring to.

Although she doesn't know her real name, people around her can feel that Rider is a very powerful heroic spirit, and an indescribable courage constantly emerges from her side.


Lu Mingfei scratched his head: "It's not like I'm being tough. Are there any famous female captains in the world? Or female pirates?"

Kong Ming didn't seem to care about this: "Maybe it's that 'actually female' type of servant again, just think of it as the 'feminine' elements that often appear in Japanese games."

Lu Mingfei sighed.

He could naturally hear Kong Ming's hint.

But at the same time, Lu Mingfei believed that Kong Ming must have similar reasons like him, not wanting to join a team - or hesitant to accept the team formation.

That little brat named Shinji is so troublesome.

However, his girlfriend named Nili Yuli looked very mature. After checking Drake's data, she seemed to have discovered something. She said something in the ear of Shenji, whose hair was messed up by Drake, and Shenji suddenly His eyes lit up.

"You said wait, let me take a look."

Although he was still hesitating whether to form a team, Lu Mingfei first asked the old woman who was hosting the ceremony if he could allocate a small area in the sanctuary for them to use as a base.

After all, it’s really helpless to have someone “fainted” in the team.

The old woman agreed readily, and then began to perform her duties as an NPC again, asking Lu Mingfei if he wanted to accept the commission to help Athens fight against the snake demons that were rampant nearby.

"Adventurers, please help us lift the sea blockade and restore the trade routes to the city of Athens."

In the current city of Athens, it seems that the sea routes to other city-states have been blocked due to the proliferation of snake demons on the sea. To use a game metaphor, it means locking the map in the early stage, right? The land route is very far and requires a long detour, and many city-states on islands are inaccessible.

Generally speaking, this unique point is mainly about the ocean, and ships are an important means of transportation.

In addition, there are things like airships.

Lu Mingfei's habit as a gamer led him to take on the task.

In this kind of open world game, if you encounter a task, you don’t have to mention whether or when to do it. In short, you take it first.

——And just say it here

The stupid couple over there suddenly burst out laughing:

"This Noble Phantasm!? Does it actually have this effect? ​​Great! You are worthy of being my servant! Rejoice, Rider! I'm here! You will be the strongest servant - don't pull my hair! Hey! ! I am a person who keeps my promises over there. This is the last chance. If you agree to join my team now, it is still too late! I have the strongest card here!"

Lu Mingfei: "."

Kong Ming: "."

Sure enough, forget it.

Just when Lu Mingfei and Kong Ming were shaking their heads in sync, the idiot couple over there - Nili Yuli came over,

By the way, the translation of this name is so strange. At first glance, Lu Mingfei felt that it didn't look like a Japanese female name at all, compared to the names produced by domestic fans who wrote Japanese works.

Maybe this is called an official translation.

Mi sa o, three pronunciations, is it more normal to call her Misao?

Yuli told Shen Er that she was a lobbyist, but when she came to the two managers, Lu Mingfei and Kong Ming, she sneakily bent down, lowered her voice, and begged the rescue team to join.

"To be treated like this by the priests of the Sanctuary, you must be very powerful players, right?"

Lu Mingfei and Kong Ming were still thinking about how to refuse more tactfully, but Yuli's next sentence shocked the whole audience because she smiled slyly and winked at Lu Mingfei and Kong Ming twice. .

"Anyway, with Shenji's character, you will definitely be ignored in a second~"


Lu Mingfei and Kong Ming both took a deep breath.

Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong?

Lu Mingfei also learned by the way how he felt that this overly mature and coquettish pink-haired girl made him uncomfortable.

She's a bad woman!

Wow, poor Shenji was played by a bad woman in the middle of applause.

Lu Mingfei patted Kong Ming's shoulder: "Military advisor, this negotiation task is up to you."

Kong took a look at Lu Mingfei and understood. He actually saw that although it was not serious, Lu Mingfei actually had some social phobia.

Kong Ming went over to negotiate, and the result was as expected. After just a few words with Shen Er, the objects of negotiation naturally became Yu Li and his servant, Rider's Drake.

After Kong Ming came back, he also brought back some reliable news.

What Nili Yuli hinted is actually correct. This person named Shen Er is the kind of person who is vain but has no independent opinions. Call him captain a few times and he will be happily sold and paid back to others. Moreover, he said It's a team formation, it's just verbal, there is no hard contract or magic contract.

"Maybe he feels that those who are willing to team up with him are attracted by his personality charm." Kong Ming said speechlessly, "This is definitely what most people mean by 'taken advantage of'. I always feel that he is actually His mental age is not as big as that of Miyu. Oh, by the way, his abilities are quite outstanding."

Kong Ming helped Lu Mingfei summarize it.

"Isn't our next step to find that Dr. Zheng? Then look at the compass. If we have to go by sea, then it will be a probationary period. We will use his servant's ship to go to sea for nothing. We can break up if we are not satisfied when we come back. .”

I didn’t expect you to be such a Kong Ming!

Lu Mingfei took out the pointer and looked at it.

If you need to go to sea to find Dr. Zheng, then you can use Shinji's ship for nothing.

[1. The pointer points in the direction of land]

[2. The pointer points in the direction of the sea]


The pointer pointed in the direction of the sea.

Is it really going to be like One Piece going out to sea to hunt for treasure?

Although this singularity is indeed dominated by the ocean.

But for some reason, Lu Mingfei felt inexplicably frightened when he thought about going to sea.

Lu Mingfei always felt as if he had forgotten something, as if as long as he went to sea, he would encounter some dangerous things at sea.

Is there something wrong with Shinji?

It was very simple to coax him. With just a few words from Kong Ming, he happily provided the ship and went out to sea to do the 'hidden mission' to find Dr. Zheng.

Although his girlfriend and servant could both see it, they all chose to pretend not to know.

Poor Tom was played with

However, it might also be because they can see that the Salvation Team does not have any malicious intentions, right?

It’s always good to have more people and go sailing in a group.

Because Lu Mingfei had to take care of the dizzy Kazuko, he decisively gave the job of taking care of the naughty kid, Shenji, to Kong Ming, and asked Kong Ming to negotiate with Drake.

After Yuli said those words, she calmly retreated behind Shen Er. What she said was actually right. Before the cooperation with the salvation team could be achieved, Shen Er's side was already occupied by Drake. It's so natural and empty.

Nili Yuli, never mind this woman, she has nothing to do with Lu Mingfei anyway, so if she is unlucky, her boyfriend will be unlucky as well.

If Sakura girl Fujimaru Ritsuka is a cute little bitch with some scorn, this Yuri is just a simple bad woman.

Kong Ming communicated with Captain Drake, and then the two reached an agreement and decided to go to sea this afternoon.

The pointer to find Dr. Zheng points overseas, possibly on an island. Because it is unclear how far away it is, this task can only be placed second anyway.

Before that, the first mission when going to sea was to eliminate the snake demon Basilisk. The reason was simple. Sea routes were the lifeline of trading city-states. Although the mission itself was just an ordinary mission to eliminate monsters, the impact behind it was immeasurable.

Without sea routes, large city-states like Athens may be able to survive for a long time, but it is hard to say for other small city-states.

It’s not that Drake wants to be a savior or a hero. She is essentially a pirate after all. However, Drake knows very well that in this context, if he takes the lead in completing this task, it will bring high "invisible consequences". income".

The bonus for defeating monsters is only secondary.

Kong Ming concluded: "Anyway, let's work in groups for the time being. Derek, you guys go find a navigator (navigator) who is familiar with the ocean currents here and can help me navigate. You have this knowledge. Let's continue to try here. Looking for traces of Flatt, Lu Mingfei, you stay on the ship to take care of Akuko, and by the way, you can recruit some sailors and so on with Shinji."

Lu Mingfei originally wanted to complain a few words because he was asked to be a nanny, but Lu Mingfei still held back.

He couldn't help but want to ask: "Who is this Flatt you said you were looking for?"

"Genius. No" Kong Ming was silent for a moment, "I should say geek. Since I'm here, maybe my other students will be here too. Flatt is one of them. His ability is very abstract and I can't be precise. Describe his strength, but if he encounters a heroic spirit, even if it is a being like Hercules, he will win."

"I suspect you are in the Milk Sea."

"That's not what I mean. Under normal circumstances, heroic spirits don't have much chance of winning against him. He is really special. Although with that guy's character, if he shows up, he will definitely come to me, but it may also be because of his playfulness. He deliberately hid. Although he is not a bad guy, he is actually quite heartless, so we must find him to prevent him from overdoing it on a whim and destroying this unique point."

I don't know if it was Lu Mingfei's illusion, but Lu Mingfei always felt that whenever Kong Ming mentioned his student named 'Flat', he would show an expression as if he had a stomachache.

Lu Mingfei didn't quite understand. In short, he is a very talented student who likes to make big news, right?

Although it was unclear whether he showed up, Kong Ming mobilized everyone to take action with the thought "What if that kid shows up?"

In fact, Kong Ming is not the kind of person who likes to borrow the power of students who are much better than himself, but there are always exceptions in everything. In the face of the crisis of human nature burning the world and destroying it, these petty attachments can be let go.

Anyway, the team was temporarily separated.

Because Kazuko was so dizzy, Drake simply summoned his Noble Phantasm, the Golden Road Number, and placed it on the dock, letting Lu Mingfei lift her up to rest.

We were about to set off in the afternoon, and time was tight. Everyone quickly separated and took action. Lu Mingfei had arranged for Kazuko and was about to discuss recruiting sailors with Shen Er.

But in Shen Er's room, he saw an incredible scene.

The ship was glowing. Although it was very abstract, it felt like the ship had its own soul, and then this soul gradually turned into a human form in front of Shinji.

With Shinji's hands, and the translucent keyboard-like thing that appeared in front of Shinji's hands.

Lu Mingfei's brain was a little short-circuited, and one word came out of his mouth without thinking: "ship girl!?"

When Shen Er heard this, his eyes lit up!

"you know?"

He suddenly looked like he had found the organization.

——to be continued!

I almost couldn't keep up with perfect attendance, so I posted it in advance. There is still some content to be filled in later, so I suggest you refresh it.

Speaking of which, Drake can be regarded as the ship girl of the Golden Deer in a sense (bushi)

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