Lu Mingfei challenges FGO

Chapter 303 The strongest crown is about to come (please recommend votes! Please vote for me!)

79. The strongest crown is about to come.

——The ancient god is the strongest

It's not that being a god is the strongest.

Rather, it is the embodiment of this planet, as the apex of the power of the ‘planet’.

Countless mortals, weirdos, and gods have pursued the power of the ancient gods.

Because of this, many people easily make a serious misunderstanding.

Because he is called the 'Ancient God', almost everyone, including most of the gods, regard the Ancient God as the 'Old God'.

However this is completely wrong.

It would be better to say that the ancient gods were not gods at all, and had nothing to do with the concept of ‘gods’ in any religious mythology books.

If you insist on speaking, the connection between ancient gods and gods is probably just the word "god" in their scientific names.

It can even be said to be a long-standing translation error.

In Lu Mingfei’s words, “Isn’t it common sense that there is no wife in the wife cake?”

In fact, the ancient gods cannot be related to the word "biology" from any angle.

The ancient gods are not gods, nor are they any existence. Even the names they were given in later generations actually have nothing to do with them.

To be honest, no ancient gods have ever existed in this world.

However, for the sake of research and academic purposes, a 'definition' of the ancient gods was still forcibly made.

Before the age of mankind, before the age of mythology, in the prehistoric era when everything was unknown - no, in the prehistoric world, there were many 'phenomena' that were beyond human and spiritual imagination.

If gods are beings who use the 'power' of the incarnation of nature, then the ancient gods are the 'original environment of the planet' before the concept of 'nature' appeared.

Even the gods cannot accurately define those ancient things in words.

Therefore, in order to avoid the fear of the unknown, humans in the prehistoric era used 'metaphors' to 'assume' the pictures of the prehistoric era into something they could understand.

For example, a thunder pool on the ground that roars violently is regarded as a 'dragon'.

Then, Kuang Lan, who suppressed and destroyed the thunder pool, was regarded as a 'god'.

In this process, real gods were either born or arrived on this planet. They either passively or actively integrated themselves into the stories woven by humans that were both true and false in order to gain power.

This is a slow and long process.

It was also during this process that the gods (super beings), as outsiders, integrated themselves into the rules of this world. While gaining strength, they also calmed down the chaos of the prehistoric era. The rules of the world bring order and are therefore worshiped by humans.

From this, the world entered the age of myth.

However, in the age of mythology, the identities between humans and gods gradually became clearer. In order to rule humans, some gods who were close to the people imparted knowledge to humans. In the process, in order to distinguish the current gods from the disaster phenomena of the prehistoric era. , so the word "ancient god" came into being.

Those ancient prehistoric phenomena have also been given various names. In the process of naming, many beings have benefited from them and gained strength.


"However, after being opened, human intelligence is beyond the imagination of gods."

Looking at the stunning scene of the battle between the ancient gods in the sky, Kenneth narrowed his eyes slightly.

He tells the ancient mysterious wisdom to the companions around him who are protected by him.

"Gods use magic, and humans imitate magic and develop inferior imitations of magic, but in the process, humans are divided into two groups."

"A group of humans believe that even humans can become gods, so they study magic that belongs to humans."

"A group of humans are grateful for the grace of the gods and believe that mystery is an accessory of the gods, so they study spells that borrow the power of the gods."

Kenneth was naturally involved in Circe's magic rampage.

His current situation can hardly be said to be safe.

As a servant, Caesar was not by Kenneth's side. Instead, Kenneth met a girl.

She looks about the same age as Miyu, and is a young girl with hair as red as fire.

"Sola" Kenneth called the girl's name, and asked Sola in a persuasive manner, like an amiable teacher in the classroom, "Which one of these two groups of humans do you think is the first to lose control?"

Protected by Kenneth's magic barrier, the girl Sola had some fear on her face, but she still answered Kenneth's own thoughts honestly,

"Are they those humans who dream of becoming gods?"

"On the contrary, Sora."

Kenneth shook his head.

"Although judging from the results, the group of people who broke away from the contract with the gods became the ones who had the greatest impact on human history. But before that, the first ones to lose control were the people who surrendered to the gods."

Sora shook his head in confusion: "Why is this?"

"It's very simple," Kenneth explained patiently, "because these people who surrender to the gods, although they are [fools] who cannot open up the future, what they surrender to is not a certain god, but a name." for this group of gods'

They surrendered to gods and signed contracts with gods in order to obtain power from gods. In this process, of course, they would choose the god who was more powerful or could provide them with the most help.

In this process, the divine war between gods began. These magicians who are not priests, in order to pursue power or survive, will inevitably follow more powerful gods, so - in this In the process, the fictional 'ancient gods' came into the eyes of these fools. "

Sola frowned: "But according to what you said before, Mr. Kenneth, the ancient gods are not gods at all. They are just some ancient natural phenomena that were woven into stories by people in cooperation with the gods. What on earth do these fools want to do? ?”

"They want to borrow the power of the ancient gods."

"But the ancient gods don't exist at all. Whose power do they want to borrow?"

"This is how magic, which was originally a degraded form of magic, has taken its own unique path."

Sola frowned, but soon relaxed. She was stunned and told an answer that she couldn't believe:

"These fools. These fools! They 'don't know that there is no ancient god at all'! So when they try to borrow the power of the ancient god, they 'assume that the ancient god exists' on the premise of weaving magic!"


This group postulates the existence of ancient gods.

Then, in this almost blind cat encountering a dead mouse situation, the magic was successfully activated.

Therefore, the "Stories of the Ancient Gods", which were originally just lies and misunderstandings woven by the gods and ancient humans, were defined by the activation of these magics.

In fact, in this process, the efforts of those gods who "believed that the ancient gods really existed" were naturally indispensable.

The ancient star tentacles, which originally did not have any entity but were just false concepts, gained manifest bodies due to the magic of these humans and gods - the Fools.

"But lies are just lies after all. Even if the fictitious things gain a body, they also get a personality similar to that described in legends from the stories woven by lies, but it is impossible for them to follow the fictitious myths. As far as the results are concerned, These ancient gods are not so much gods or deities as special summoned beasts.”

Thunder and lightning flashed.

blue lightning

dark lightning

Two energies are colliding and fighting.

"The existence that was born from myths, but does not follow its own myths, is not a god but uses the name of god and the definition of god. It is almost impossible to see it in modern times. It is better to call it [the god of disobedience] ”

Compared to Veleslana.

Mekar is obviously more in line with Kenneth's definition of "The God of Disobedience".

In the heavy rain, in the constantly flashing thunder and lightning, and in the tornadoes turned into tens of millions of tons of sea water that surged up into the sky, one could vaguely see that every muscle seemed to be carved out of huge marble like mountains, a giant. figure.

The shaggy hair has nothing to do with a haircut, and the beard that covers the lower half of the face. He is obviously wearing very rough clothes, with dirty rags and leather covering his chest, and a tattered cloak draped around his body. Full of majesty.

great warrior

The strongest dragon hunter

King of Gods, King of Kings

It can only be said that no matter what era humans are from, they will always have a subconscious preference for the past over the present, even for these imaginary ancient gods.


"Since something that did not originally exist has appeared in front of us, it has broken away from the seal-like myth that people gave it. This gesture is exactly the display of the characteristics of the [God of Disobedience]."

Saint George, Bar, Beelzebub

The power used by these saints, gods, and demons all originated from it.

He is the god of storms, the god of the sea, the god of the sun, the god of the sky, and the god of life in charge of harvest and waste. He uses winds so powerful that they can blow away the cities where people live, and he is called out from the underworld. The army of the dead is like a wave that destroys the world, like the spear of heaven that continues to roar with tens of millions of thunders.

He wielded two rough wooden clubs, one of which was named Yagrush and the other Aymur. Legend has it that Mekar used these two tools to separate the torrent and the The Dragon King 'Yamu' was pulled down and killed on the throne in the whirlpool and lava.

It is impossible to know what the facts are.

After all, it was an existence born out of fabricated myths.

So powerful, so great, it is naturally impossible to follow those hypocritical things.

It is not born because of existence, but exists because of birth. This is the God of disobedience.

Although the process of advent and manifestation is similar to the summoning technique, it is not a 'summoning technique' in nature, but a 'manifestation technique'.

Not all ancient gods can gain powerful power after appearing as gods of disobedience.

If you think about it from this perspective, Mekar, who was worshiped in Sardinia at the gateway to Rome, and then appeared as a non-conformist, may be regarded as a typical example of the "ancient god" in the usual concept.

Why should we emphasize this point?

Because Veleslana is also an ancient god, but he is not a typical example like Mekar, but a special case among the ancient gods.

"From a practical point of view, Veleslana is not an ancient god, but a god. However, the Mithras served by Veleslana is an ancient god, and Veleslana's identity comes from Mithras. A personified incarnation separated from the body, so even as an ancient god and a god of disobedience, Veleslana is a special existence."

Kenneth's eyes were slightly dazed.

Red magic light flashed on the back of his hand.

"The forged 'Command Spell' spell can be activated with restrictions - Sora, look at me carefully. This is a crown that only I, Kenneth Archibald, can cast under such circumstances. 'magic."

Confident and proud, elegant yet a bit ferocious and wild.

"My magic will kill the god of disobedience here!"


When Lu Mingfei and Circe were engaging in, well, what seemed to outsiders to be 'flirting', Circe, one of the parties involved, was about to be pissed to death.

Kenneth 'happened' to meet Sora when he was a child. Under his protection, everyone invariably paid attention to the decisive battle between the typical ancient god and the atypical ancient god.

Whether it's storms, lightning, or the sun, these two ancient gods have too many similar characteristics.

Surely it won’t be possible to tell the winner for a while, right?

So, in the meantime, what is everyone else doing?

Chaldea was already in chaos at this time.

There is no super-ancient battle scene in the surveillance screen. It is still Caesar and the sirens singing every night.

As if what happened to Lu Mingfei had nothing to do with them,

Da Vinci looked at the report in his hand with a headache: "Are you sure? During Circe's magic rampage just now, these few people disappeared?"

Roman nodded, looking as if he was about to die: "The monitoring data on physical condition can't be found either. Where did they go!?"

Disappeared person——

Lu Mingfei

Chu Zihang





Nili Yuli



Except for the above eight people, the others still stayed on the original island. Oh, including the mysterious young man next to Chu Zihang, nine people disappeared.

Chaldea scanned the area as much as possible.

Still no trace found.

"Where did you go? What happened just now?"

——Observation divergence point appears——

[Drake, who was eager to ‘find the treasure’, what happened to him at this time? 】

【1. Mecha-Icarus】

【2. Mecha Astraea】

【3. Ares, the God of Machines】


【5/6, Ark of the Covenant】

[8. Odysseus’ Trojan Horse God]

【9. Machine God Kaos】

【10. Super expansion of chaos】


[1D2=1 (big success!)]

grass! Drake seems to have found something really amazing! ?

Is this the result of Lucky EX meeting the God of Opportunity? ?

——to be continued!

Sad news, because I miscalculated the number of words, and it was 30 words short of perfect attendance, which means that Lu Mingfei’s book has no perfect attendance this month.

Good news, because of this, I decided to take a day off tomorrow to rest and adjust my body (go get a good sleep)

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