Lu Mingfei challenges FGO

Chapter 330 Lu Haihuang’s crazy score increase (please recommend votes! Please vote monthly!)

7. Lu Haihuang scores points like crazy

The true identity of Lilim's pet chipmunk is disguised as Lilim's hidden servant, Jack the Ripper.

Considering that Lilim herself is a mole with evil intentions, Jack, as an accomplice, can naturally be said to be a mole as well.

However, the reason why Lu Mingfei revealed the identity of Jack's mole was not because he, who was usually confused by beauty, saw through all the disguises.

Simply because, in the original "Harry Potter" story, the pet rat owned by the protagonist's companion was disguised by the villain using transfiguration.

Lu Mingfei just said this smoothly.

It's just another meaningless rant from Lu Yanyu, but it's different when this kind of meaningless rant falls on the ears of smart people who are not familiar with him.

——Lilim was imprisoned

The woman (BB) who could be regarded as her mother completely strangled and sealed her, but the man who was her father, created her, gave Lilim a chance with great interest.

The initial opportunity is luck. As long as you are lucky enough to be selected, you will have the opportunity to leave the shackles.

But luck did not favor Lilim.

Fortunately, as Chaldea's performance became more and more outstanding, BB, who had calculated everything possible, encountered the biggest and most uncontrollable variable in Chaldea.

That is the legacy of the Holy King, the materialized idealistic power - [The Power of Friendship and Bonds].

After this power fell into the hands of the First Emperor, BB became worried, thinking that even though the First Emperor's power was intentionally deleted by her, it was still difficult to control it.

So the woman approached Lilim, hoping to make Lilim her mole.

Lilim agreed without hesitation and told the First Emperor about it without hesitation.

The First Emperor's plan was to let Lilim be his mole on BB's side.

Lilim, on the other hand, once again did not hesitate to tell BB that she had become the Emperor's mole in BB.

These two old foxes must have their own plans.

But in terms of ambition, Lilim was definitely not inferior to these two, and was even far ahead of BB and the First Emperor, who was a life after death and had ignored many power flows.

Taking advantage of the intrigue between the two, Lilim finally got a chance to breathe for herself in the gap.

——If you are so afraid that I will lose control, then don’t give birth to me.

Although it is still very weak now.

Although the power is basically sealed now.

However, as long as you can take action, you will definitely have a chance.

(Calm down, calm down Lilim)

Lilim speeded up her thinking process, stared at Lu Mingfei in front of her, and tried her best to analyze his micro-expressions.

(It was impossible for me to be exposed so quickly. No, those two people probably knew that I had evil intentions, but they both thought they could control me, so the key to me breaking the situation was Lu Mingfei)

(It would be best if I could eat him, but before I can accumulate enough strength, I have to maintain a good relationship with him)

(This guy doesn’t look like a smart person at all, and micro-expression analysis has yielded no results. There’s no way he can see through my secret——)

(.But what if these are all his disguises?)

(Think about it carefully and look at his resume. He has conquered Hercules, King Arthur, Athena, the Witch of Original Sin, and even the Holy King. Such a person may really just rely on luck and the companions around him. Someone who has come all the way?)

(He may be pretending to be stupid. His seemingly careless and unthinking stupid remarks are probably trying to test me)

(. Do you want to abandon your pawn to save your commander? If it has been seen through, maybe I will directly reveal this part of my identity, and instead try to reach a cooperative relationship with him. In other words, he has seen through my multiple mole identities, and he did this on purpose. Test me?)

(Or is this old fox’s real purpose to plunge me into a state of indecision!?)

Lilim vividly demonstrated the PTSD caused by struggling to survive between BB and the First Emperor.

Everyone thinks he is evil.

After all, it was BB and the First Emperor Ying Zheng.

——If you are so afraid that I will lose control, then don’t give birth to me.

Lilim didn't know how many times she cursed in her heart, venting her resentment with curses.


Couldn't help it.

Lilim, who was a little out of control, clicked her tongue.

This is a flaw. It was Lilim who deliberately exposed the flaw to Lu Mingfei.

If Lu Mingfei had seen through everything, he would definitely be able to see the meaning from this move.

"You are right to think that I am a mole. I admit it, but we can continue to cooperate. Don't expose my secret yet. We can continue to cooperate like this."

——That’s probably what it means.

So, what was Lu Mingfei's reaction?

Lilim tensed up and watched Lu Mingfei's expression intently.

Lu Mingfei showed a panicked expression for a moment, looking distressed and confused, as if he really didn't understand where he had offended Lilim.

Lu Mingfei originally stretched out his hand to tease Jack, who was disguised as a chipmunk, but he could only take it back.

Lu Mingfei scratched his head, as if he really didn't have the slightest pretense. In a very apologetic tone, he began to nod and bow to Lilim: "Then, what's that? I'm sorry, did I say something to make you unhappy? If so? Then I apologize, I apologize! Well, uh, it’s okay if you don’t let me touch your pet. I definitely didn’t mean anything wrong! Oh, by the way, look, the leather case I’m using now is not Are you also a woman? That's nonsense! We are good friends now!"

[Lilim's degree of 'wariness' towards Lu Mingfei: 1D100+1D100 (Lu Mingfei's previous achievements) = 2+97=99 (the two 1D100s are respectively a big failure and a big success. This kind of thing is really human. Can it be made?)]

Lilim stared at Lu Mingfei.

——There is no trace of disguise at all.

As if he were really a clown.

But the more Lu Mingfei behaved like this, the more Lilim felt there was something wrong.

After all, that exaggerated resume was there, and the person who told Lilim what Lu Mingfei had done in the past was the First Emperor. Although Lilim hated her 'parents', the reason why she was slightly nicer to her father was because the First Emperor treated her father better. Her attitude was not just about being imprisoned, but also a sense of arrogance that she felt she could control Lilim.

The First Emperor's arrogance disdained lying.


Is Lu Mingfei really an idiot with a bad mind? He got to this point just because he was lucky enough to be surrounded by talented people and strangers.

Break! none! this! kind! Can! able!

Lilim firmly believed.

[Considering the strict detention and blockade of BB and the First Emperor before this, let’s determine Lilim’s ‘understanding’ of the current situation]

[1D100=8 (How dare you be so ambitious?)]

[It seems that Lilim is very blocked. Although she has done some things secretly, she actually knows very little about the situation in the outside world]

[Then, of course, her level of understanding of the original story of "Harry Potter" is: 1D100-40=4-40=-36 (not at all possible)]

【.Is it possible that this Lilim is actually a fool? 】

[This Lilim’s ‘IQ’: 1D100=90 (Isn’t he an idiot!?)]

Lilim took a deep breath.

Arrange the thoughts in your mind.

After all, she is not a fool. Her pursuit is freedom, and she uses freedom and a beautiful living area to take revenge on the guys who allowed her to be born but imprisoned her.

She has always been trying to survive in the cracks. She is weak and has to rely on various things. In this case, now she is just relying on one more thing.

Compared to old monsters like BB and the First Emperor, the Lu Mingfei in front of him was no matter how much of a follower he was, no matter how good he was at pretending to be stupid, he was still essentially a young and energetic boy.

(Come on, no matter how you want to use me, I don’t care, use me to your heart’s content, and then, I will also use you, live on, and eat everything!)


Lu Mingfei patted his head, as if he thought of something and suddenly realized something.

"Oh, oh! I understand! Look, my reflex arc is a bit long, why didn't I react? Lilim, you don't know the original "Harry Potter", do you? Looking at your reaction, I should have thought of it earlier. , ahem, before Hermione comes, let me tell you."

Lu Mingfei cleared his throat and told the story of "Harry Potter" in one breath. After finishing speaking, Lu Mingfei thought in hindsight: "Oh wait, what if this mouse is a mole?" , then wouldn’t all our communication be heard?”

Lu Mingfei immediately put on a look of preparation.

Lilim snorted coldly in her heart: Just pretend, you just pretend. If you want to act, then I will act with you.

Lilim caressed Jack, who was disguised as a chipmunk: "No, he is not an animal of unknown origin that I picked up, but my pet. He was kept in a cage after I was 'born' by my so-called parents. A pet for yourself.”

"Electronic pets? Digimon, this is it." Lu Mingfei clicked his tongue in surprise, "Since they are all magical animals, how about an electric mouse? Little guy, can you turn into a Pikachu?"

What a mess of out-of-the-box thinking. Lilim muttered to herself. Is this also testing me?

Lilim secretly ordered Jack in her mind.

Jack faithfully carried out the master's order, first turning into the appearance of Lu Mingfei in front of him, then turning into the appearance of Lu Mingfei, then the appearance of Lilim, and finally he became a hitchhiker who looked like The fluffy yellow electric mouse, which felt good in the hand, was held in Lilim's arms.

Lu Mingfei whistled and clapped his hands.

"Can I touch it?" Lu Mingfei asked.

Lilim tried to put a smile on her face that was stiff due to nervousness: "Yes (accent)."

Although Lilim's reaction was strange, Lu Mingfei was very happy when he clicked Pikachu next.

In terms of feel, it’s not even inferior to Fufu!

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei suddenly missed Fufu, Miss Sakura and Masu.

It seemed like I hadn’t seen him for a long time.

A little distracted.

This distracted scene was naturally noticed by Lilim.

The queue heading to the Magic Academy continued to accelerate, and the scenery outside quickly passed away, and then it seemed to have entered the interior of the passage, falling into darkness. The light became dim, and there seemed to be something shady hiding in it.

[Lu Mingfei thinks Lilim.]

[1/3/7, a little strange, but I have seen a lot of strange people, and I have long been used to it (a little suspicious)]

[2. Chinese people do not lie to Chinese people! Of course Lu Mingfei believed in the people introduced by the First Emperor (complete trust!)]

【4/5. Is there something wrong with her? (more doubtful)]

[6. I feel like she has a familiar, lonely and fearful feeling. Maybe I should pay more attention to her? Ahem, this is not a guide! Just a simple and well-intentioned concern! 】

【8.Option 6+9】

[9. "Are you hungry?\

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