Lu Mingfei challenges FGO

Chapter 501 The Myth of Pluto (Please recommend me! Please vote for me!)

34. The Myth of Hades

Lu Mingfei began to feel that something was not right.

He looked at the scene in front of him of the three bragging and spanking, as if they were close friends joking with each other. If this were in a light novel, it would be a scene that only the protagonist team would be described in this way by the author.

Objectively speaking, Lu Mingfei's idea is completely illogical, but considering that it is Lu Mingfei, thinking this way is very logical in his own style.

But what happened to Gareth?

Lu Mingfei resisted the urge to ask.

Although he often uses the power of King Arthur, he is not familiar with the Knights of the Round Table.

I had already agreed before coming here that Lu Mingfei should stop talking and just watch Prelati perform the negotiation. If you really can't help but want to talk, then imitate Bradamante's thinking circuit to think and speak. .

Although Lu Mingfei was not familiar with Bradamante.

However, he was familiar with Charlemagne disguised as Bradamante.

So Lu Mingfei started pretending to be ‘Charlemagne disguised as Bradamante’.

After saying hello to Gawain, Lu Mingfei and Prelati followed Lancelot's army and entered Camelot City——

The City of Camelot, Between the Thrones.

"——Mordred and Lancelot cannot be allowed to enter the city!"

The black knight, who exuded a cold aura and had eyes like a falcon, making people feel uncomfortable just standing there, admonished the Lion King on the throne.

The man's name is - Ageguiwen.

As for the king's auxiliary government, if the most trustworthy white knight Gawain is King Arthur's "right hand of the king", then the black knight Aguen, who is Gawain's younger brother, is the "left hand of the king" of the Lion King.

The black and white knight brothers are the true core of the Kingdom of Camelot.

As for the 'strongest' Lancelot, although his fame and strength are second to none, this Frenchman is only a 'foreign minister' after all.

It can even be said that Lancelot is actually a mercenary of Camelot, the strongest 'Mercenary King' among mercenaries. He is not officially affiliated with Camelot, but is loyal to King Arthur himself. As King Arthur's most powerful Just the favorite private soldier leader.

Historically, Arguevin has always been at odds with Lancelot, because of this - he also hates Mordred, but Mordred is at least King Arthur's child, and Arguevin is Morgan's child. So it is clear that under normal circumstances King Arthur will not have descendants, so - even if it is just for the sake of political stability, a prince should be established.

Even if Mordred is an illegitimate son, even if Mordred is made a prince, it is impossible for him to truly ascend the throne.

But this time is not that time.

The Lion King's eyes hidden behind the helmet mask calmly stared at Agguiwen:

"He was the one who asked for a round table meeting after hearing about Gareth's accident, wasn't he?"

"Even so"

Agguiwen replied without humility:

"King, the so-called Knights of the Round Table are, in the final analysis, nothing more than your private soldiers. Indeed, as long as your royal power is as eternal as the walls of Camelot, the loyalty of the Round Table can be maintained - but this loyalty does not come from Their loyalty to the state power is nothing more than surrender and your charisma."

Agguiwen, who was half-kneeling in front of the Lion King, lowered his head.

"As long as they maintain complete loyalty, mercenaries will still act as they please and put their personal desires before the country - on the other hand, as long as they feel that 'they are right', they will do whatever they want while maintaining their loyalty. It is not impossible to commit an act that actually amounts to betraying you."

Then, he raised his head again and stared at the pure white Lion King on the throne with sharp eyes.

"This has happened before, hasn't it?"

The Lion King was silent for about five seconds.

Then, in his still calm tone, he replied:

"Then let's do it like this. The meeting about Gareth will still be held, but Lord Tristan, Lord Ivyn, Lord Percival, and Mordred who are operating outside will continue to maintain the originally planned action goals. We will not recall, but we will participate in the next meeting remotely.”

Agguiwen did not relax when he heard this. Instead, he frowned: "King, that Lancelot."

"Mr. Lancelot is the knight guarding my rear. Sir Agguiwen, do you understand what this means?"


"Needless to say, I believe in Sir Lancelot's loyalty. He is my most trusted knight. You know this very well. Instead of worrying about Sir Lancelot's betrayal, you should cherish yourself more. , ‘Things that have already happened’, I’m sure you won’t make the same mistake again, right?”

".King, my lord"

"No need to say anything more."

The Lion King interrupted Agguiwen's words again and emphasized his tone.

"My left hand, just carry out the strategy you originally planned. I also trust you, but your problem is just like what you said - other people's problems. Ageguiwen, is your loyalty to the right? Me personally, or this throne?"


"That's it. What's more, I have recalled Sir Lancelot, and he should have returned to the Holy City by now. Since you don't believe him, then continue to maintain this mood and monitor him. Now, Agguiwen "Qing"

Suddenly, a solemn knight came to the Lion King's side and whispered something to her.


Although the face underneath could not be seen through the helmet and mask, for the first time there was a hint of 'surprise' that seemed to be an illusion in the Lion King's tone, which was always as calm as a superior god.

"Are you sure?" Lion King asked.

The solemn knight lowered his head: "It was Sir Lancelot and Sir Gao Wen who informed me."

"Just in time, Mr. Aggui Wen, before the round table conference is officially held, you should go meet one of our 'old friends'."

Lu Mingfei was startled when the black knight with a dead face suddenly appeared and stopped in front of him and others.

Although Lu Mingfei's poor vocabulary could not think of how to describe this person. But this person's expression left a deep impression on people. The word "dead face" cannot even be said to be an exaggeration when used on him, but a simple description. Just facts.

Agguiwen stopped in front of Lancelot who was taking the lead. Then, both sides made no secret of their feelings of resistance to each other. Lancelot was the first to speak:

"Agegui Wenqing, I came back under the king's orders. As required, I brought back the trophies of enemy weapons that you asked for for research - now, can you please let me go? I want to report my duty to the king."

Although his attitude was obviously hostile, Lancelot was still polite.

The Ague regulations are different.

"Shut up, Lancelot, you just need to do the tasks I assigned you. Who asked you to do unnecessary things?"

Neither the attitude nor the content of the speech was meant to cover up at all.

Lu Mingfei was in a daze. It was obviously fine when I met Gawain before, but why did he change after arriving in the Holy City? What happened to this Ageguiwen?

Lu Mingfei wanted to ask Chaldea behind. However, as expected, after entering the Holy Capital, the communication between Lu Mingfei and Chaldea was interrupted again.

To be precise, it was blocked. There should be some incredible spellcasters in Camelot City. When it comes to the spellcaster around King Arthur, it is naturally Merlin. Lu Mingfei said nothing, but in his heart he began to worry about whether Li Gui would meet Li Kui, or whether Prelati's fake Mei Li would meet the real one. Merlin.

Agguiwen roughly put his hand on the sword at his waist, trying to get closer to Merlin, but was stopped by Lancelot with an expressionless face.

"Watch your attitude! Qing Aggui Wen, Qing Mei Lin is the king's teacher and the sage of the kingdom no matter what!"


Agguiwen sneered, released the hilt of his sword, and glanced at Prelati, who looked troubled.

"Haha, I'm afraid it's not Lancelot, but you're attracted to women again, right? What's the matter, even that Merlin, who is both male and female, don't you care as long as he looks like a woman?"

"You!" Lancelot looked sulky.

"Hmph, no matter what, she must really be Merlin. You wouldn't have brought an impostor back with the intention of treason, right?"

"Agegui Wenqing! Don't bully others too much!"

"What's wrong? Then do you want to explain to me why your son Galahad didn't respond to the king's call?"

"I'm not familiar with that traitor in the first place——"

"You can't even take care of your own son, so you still have the nerve to talk to me, who is in charge of internal affairs? Then again, your rebellious son was born because you didn't take care of yourself, right? Are you attracted to this woman again?"

"——" Lancelot was so angry that he couldn't even say anything.

Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded. Who is this Ageguiwen? I don’t know him, I’ve never heard of him, why does he look so unexpectedly cruel?

"Get out of the way, I don't believe you, I want to confirm it myself."

Agguiwen pretended to be rude and pushed Lancelot away, and came to Prelaty who still had a frivolous smile on his face. Then he bent down and put the 'dead face' close to Prelaty's. In front of him, gray eyes stared at Prelati's face.


"Are you sure? A-chan?"

Lu Mingfei's scalp went numb after hearing Prelati's provocative 'nickname'.

"Tsk." Agguiwen clicked his tongue, then took two steps back as if avoiding something dirty, "I can't see through your illusion, maybe it's really Qing Mei Lin."

What reason is this? Lu Mingfei, who was disguised as Charlemagne disguised as Bradamante, was confused.

At this time, Agguiwen's eyes came to Lu Mingfei behind Merlin.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I am Bradamante, the white-feathered knight of Charlemagne's Twelve Paladins. I am Lord Merlin's disciple, right?"

‘Bradamante’ shook his body as if he was frightened by Agaguiwen’s attitude.

[Age Guowen’s ‘impression’ of Lu Mingfei, ‘Charlemagne disguised as Bradamante’: 1D100=85]

"The loyal White Feather Knight? I have compiled relevant information and have been waiting for serious heroic spirits like you to appear in the world, but the results are all strange."

Agguiwen shook his head.

Perhaps it is because the aura of an honest person in 'Bradamante' is too strong. Agguiwen's face, which was originally one of the few serious people in the round table, changed when facing 'Bradamante'. The harsh attitude has softened a lot——

Then he looked at Merlin with even more explicit disgust.

"Ma'am, I understand. This shameless outfit must have been forced upon you by this shameless and dirty guy, saying, 'This is how a Paladin should dress.'"

'Bradamant' was stunned for a moment: "Ah? Is that so?"

"Because the outfit you are wearing is the same style as the 'mature knight king' costume this guy prepared for the king when he becomes an adult. This guy is as evil as ever."

As he spoke, Agguiwen took off his robe and put it on 'Bradamante'.

And he didn't forget to glance sideways at Lancelot next to him, and said in disgust: "Of course, some guys expect this kind of dressing up, right?"

Lancelot seemed to be unable to bear the continuous insults: "Is your mother's dress any better!?"

Ageguiwen's eyes widened immediately when he heard the word 'mother'. Although he didn't speak, the cold murderous intent was overflowing. He saw that the two were about to fight, but a certain solemn person remained silent on the side. The knight quickly tried to persuade him: "You two, the king's imperial meeting is about to begin. Please. Please restrain yourself."

Agguiwen and Lancelot turned their heads together, snorted coldly, and stopped looking at each other.

"I will go and place the trophies, and then I will go to meet my king, Lord Merlin, and Lady Bradamante. I will follow this family first. Lord Agguiwen, he will arrange the next residence for the two of them. "

After saying that, Lancelot left in a hurry, obviously not wanting to stay with Agguiwen anymore.

As for the Ague rules——

"Merlin, please don't talk in the meeting later, just listen to me."

This attitude is so rude.

Prelati didn't seem to be surprised, and just shrugged, saying that he didn't care at all and just listened to Agger's rules.

"I still trust you a lot, A-chan? Even though you don't like me, after all, you are the most indispensable person around Artoria."

at this time.

Lu Mingfei, who was disguised as 'Charlemagne disguised as Bradamante', suddenly couldn't help but speak.

His 'personality' at this time was telling her that she should ask at this time, otherwise it would be OOC, and Lu Mingfei himself felt a little uncomfortable with this question.

The problem is

"Is it really okay not to let Lord Merlin speak?" 'Bradamant' asked cautiously, "Since it is a war meeting, what if Lord Merlin, as King Arthur's military advisor, does not speak?"


Agguiwen frowned and interrupted Bradamante's words.

"Strategic advisor? What are you talking about?"

'Bradamant' blinked in confusion: "A person who is responsible for operations and strategies? For example, there are people like Zhuge Kongming around Liu Bei. Isn't the military advisor around King Arthur Merlin?"

"When did he become my king's military advisor?" Agguiwen said, seemingly annoyed.

On the contrary, Prelati said with a smile at this time: "Bradamant, you have always been wrong. Artoria is not only a king, but also a warrior who charges into battle. She does not need so-called tactics. She is a strategist. I have to say that the strategist beside her is similar to Zhuge Kongming who is beside Liu Xuande. The one in front of you has always been in charge. From internal affairs to strategy, he is responsible for all planning. .”

'Bradamante' looked even more confused: "Then what is your job, Lord Merlin?"

Agguiwen's face was expressionless: "Merlin? He is just a jester in front of the king."

Lu Mingfei: "."

Agguiwen stood calmly between Prelati and Lu Mingfei.

"In short, Ms. Bradamante, for the sake of your personal safety, I don't recommend that you continue to hang out with this guy. Maybe it has changed into a female appearance now to take off your guard. It just so happens that in Before the strategic meeting for 'Pluto' begins, I would like to introduce you to a true sage - she is a lady like you, and lives in Camelot City, so there must be a common language between the two of you."

"Is it a certain woman from the round table?"

"No" Age Guiwen shook his head, "It's the sage from the East, Master Tripitaka."

Lu Mingfei: ".?" Wait, is there any strange name popping up?

——to be continued!

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