Lu Mingfei challenges FGO

Chapter 528 Summoning! The strongest brave man! (Please vote for recommendation! Please vote for mon

61. Summon! The strongest brave man!

[Information currently available to the public]

About the difference between Lu Mingfei’s ‘utopian materialization’ and Erquit’s ‘utopian materialization’

In principle, there is no difference in capabilities between the two parties.

However, due to his shallow knowledge and knowledge, and as a born monster, he is inherently unable to agree with all kinds of things imagined by humans. Therefore, although his abilities are the same, Erquet cannot achieve the true meaning. The materialization of fantasy objects.

Although the abilities are the same.

But when actually used, Elquet can only materialize the 'scenes or things' in his memory. Most of the time, it is an attack that causes various natural phenomena, such as throwing giant mountains, lava washing the ground, etc. Calling for a storm, or the moon and stars falling, or something like that.

On the contrary, because Lu Mingfei has accumulated experience in human life, although his abilities are the same, Lu Mingfei is better at materializing "things that do not originally exist in this world."

On the other hand, Lu Mingfei is not good at materializing existing "scenes or things". Limited by the common sense accumulated in human life and the insufficient amount of natural science knowledge, it is difficult for Lu Mingfei to achieve such a goal. Like Erquit, the power of nature is imagined and realized.

Of course, Erquet herself does not have knowledge of natural science, but she is a part of nature, so she does not need to learn or think when activating her abilities. She can show the power of nature as naturally as breathing.

As a distinction is.

There is still room for further improvement in the realization of Lu Mingfei's fantasy, that is, after completely swallowing Lu Mingze and combining into one, he will return to the posture of a complete Nidhogg (home planet).

If Arquette is the 'tentacle' of the earth, Lu Mingfei is Nidhogg's tentacle - it has nothing to do with the original "Dragon", this is my second setting for this book only.


The 'Shield Hero' Naofumi Iwatani is at the front, and the 'Giant Killer' Levi Ackerman is wandering among the shadows. How many paths are hidden in the darkness? Mingfei can be cloned through the 'Multiple Shadow Clone Art' A transformed fantasy warrior?

However, at this moment, the most eye-catching person is the Scarlet Bullet - Kanzaki Holmes Aria.

From "Aria of Scarlet Bullet", the great-granddaughter of Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes IV, has extraordinary physical fitness and learning ability, but what is frustrating is that only Holmes's most iconic 'mind' This Miss Holmes had no inheritance at all.

Among the many descendants of Sherlock Holmes, reasoning ability is the most common and basic genetic ability. However, Aria did not inherit the intelligence and calmness at all. Instead, she inherited the rarest of Sherlock Holmes' talents-near precognition. The super senses of the future.

In a nutshell, it means skipping the ‘process’, or even skipping the ‘problem’ directly, and knowing the ‘answer’ without knowing what the problem is.


After all, being a descendant of the Holmes family is just a setting in the novel "Aria of Scarlet Bullet".

If we have different worldviews, don’t compare them together——

However, at this moment, many anime characters are besieging Holmes, but everyone will disappear as long as they are touched by the beam shot by Holmes, but Aria is the most special one.

Because she did not hide in the shadows like Captain Levi, nor did she hide behind Naofumi's literal shield wall, but stood out openly and stood in front of Holmes.

As long as a beam of light shines through, she will disappear.


You don’t even need to use the ability of [Elucidator]. Lu Mingfei’s impression of “Aria of Scarlet Bullet” is basically limited to the animated version. The novel version is said to have a very bad character design, so Lu Mingfei has never read it. I'm not interested in reading it, I just saw some illustrations and characters.

In Lu Mingfei's impression, "Aria of Scarlet Bullet" should be a world that has mysterious powers but is not of a high level. It is basically an ordinary world with some not too outrageous ones mixed in. Superpowers and black technology are like this.

In other words, for Holmes, who now uses the sapphire staff to transform into a magical girl with unlimited power, a magic cannon or a charged bullet can kill her.

However, she still stood at the front, and - took a deep breath.


Aria shouted, and then she actually left behind any cover, brandishing her two swords, and rushed straight towards Holmes!

While Aria was shouting, the sound of continuous pistol shots sounded at the same time, and countless bullets were shot out from Aria's back. Like an incredible magic trick, Aria's bullet barrage followed closely. , are actually constantly changing their ballistic trajectories through constant collisions with each other!

It even seemed like - the bullets were surrounding Aria's figure, surrounding her, dancing.

——This is outrageous.

It looks like an ordinary shooting, but it completely ignores the laws of physics or the conservation of energy. This is the specialty of the Toyama clan like "Aria of Scarlet Bullet", whose protagonist is Toyama Kinji.

Let’s not mention how it can be done specifically.

Anyway, it was done.

Aria rushed to the front, while Kinji hid in the darkness and used gunfire as cover - it seemed like this was the strategy.

But after all, they are the embodiment of fantasy. In the face of Holmes's interpreter power, this move is tantamount to trying to control the car.

Could it be that the 'Aria' in front of me is not a fantasy clone summoned by Lu Mingfei, but a transformation of Lu Mingfei himself?

Hiding the real body in the clone, and then approaching himself to try to catch him off guard?

——Everything happens between lightning and flint.

Instead of using the Interpreter, Holmes used the projection of the magical girl's power to create a submachine rifle, instilled magic power into the bullets, and responded to Toyama Kinji's 'bullet trick' with the same 'bullet trick'.

Holmes and Toyama Kinji started shooting at each other from afar.

Holmes predicted the location of Toyama Kinji's bullet trick, shot down Toyama Kinji's bullet, and fired at Aria at the same time. These attacks on Aria were predicted by Toyama Kinji in the same way. Determine the location and shoot them all down.

In this dance of bullet storm, Aria actually charged like this. The bullet only scratched her hair accessories and turned the ponytail into an amazingly long hair——

Then, Aria actually managed to rush in front of Holmes.

Although Aria is Sherlock Holmes IV.

But the Holmes in front of him did not recognize this inexplicably extra mixed-race great-granddaughter.

In his opinion, it was just a strange girl wielding two swords inexplicably.


Aria suddenly pulled down the smoke generator hidden under her short skirt, as if she wanted to turn into a demon in the smoke and start her best "gun fighting" battle with Holmes.

But this is of no use to Holmes, who can nearly predict the future through calculations.


Holmes could predict Aria's position even with his eyes closed, pointed the gun at the part without body armor - Aria's forehead and pulled the trigger.


At some point, Aria rushed in front of Holmes, and the girl's voice mixed in the smoke sounded. She pushed Aria away violently, allowing her to avoid the fatal shot.

——But it also exposed its position.

For Holmes, just a voice, just a shout, is enough for Holmes to deduce the location, gender, and body shape of the other person.

Originally hiding behind Aria's long hair.

The androgynous girl wearing the same carmine red sailor uniform with short black hair was exposed to Holmes' deadly magic bullet.

Pull the trigger.

She couldn't dodge the blow as she pushed Aria away.

If you want to ask why, of course, Holmes shot in the direction where she was dodging, and the target of the bullet was of course the girl's forehead.

The smoke did not help Aria and her military reconnaissance team, the Hounds of the Baskervilles. Instead, it blocked reinforcement fire from the rear.

This is a fatal mistake.

Holmes' eyes quickly swept over Aria and another girl with short black hair.

I was thinking while shooting again.

(Which one is Lu Mingfei? Or is there no Lu Mingfei? Lu Mingfei is not here?)

Then, the fatal blow——




Holmes' attack failed.

Even Holmes himself looked shocked.

Seeing that he pulled the trigger but failed to hit the girl with short black hair, Holmes looked at his hand in shock.

This was certainly not a low-level mistake by Holmes.

There is no mysterious power that is disturbing Holmes - he has the effect of [The Explainer] all over his body, so theoretically speaking, no mysterious power can affect him.

But the shot still missed.

It wasn't that he was dodged by the other party, or that he interfered with the shooting, but at the moment when he was about to shoot the black-haired girl in front of him, Holmes couldn't help but feel a palpitation in his heart, and he unconsciously shot the black-haired girl. Off track.

what happened?

why is that?

"You are indeed great-grandfather, the real Sherlock Holmes."

Aria got up from the ground again and looked at Holmes with complicated eyes.

"The most obvious characteristic of the Sherlock Holmes family is their reasoning ability, but as long as you understand the story deeply, you will know that although Sherlock Holmes is the most famous detective, in many cases, Sherlock Holmes does not so much arrive at the correct answer through careful logical reasoning. It is the possession of some kind of super-sensory ability that is close to predicting the future, which allows 'us' to skip the 'process' or even the 'question' itself, and perceive the answer unconsciously."

"...Medic of the Baskerville Squadron, Al Watson, your partner, great-granddaughter of John Watson."

Al, who was aware of the gap between himself and the enemy in front of him, took a deep breath and pointed his gun at Holmes.

"——Sure enough, it's the same as Kinji's reasoning!"

Aria grabbed Watson's words.

"Great-grandfather no! Criminal Sherlock Holmes! Your abilities are not perfect when facing mysterious forces! Mysterious things cannot touch your body, and they will be 'destroyed' as long as they touch your body. ——This is wrong! To be more precise, there is a hidden condition for [The Explainer]'s ability to break the ability that touches your body, and this condition is that you must realize that the other party is a mystery!"

Holmes narrowed his eyes slightly.

As smart as he was, he instantly deduced the truth behind the failure of his attack just now.

"Al Watson. Although it is a fantasy that has been embodied, you are indeed a descendant of Watson. At least the person who embodied you recognizes it, so you took advantage of my super intuition and made me unknowingly Under such circumstances, I unconsciously realized that you were a descendant of Watson, and then showed mercy."

"That's right! After we get this clue, the method to attack you has already emerged! We will summon the 'strongest brave' to defeat you and arrest you for kidnapping a young girl!"

Aria wiped the blood that fell from her forehead, her face a little ugly.

".However, you unconsciously realized that Al was a descendant of Watson, so you showed mercy to me unconsciously. But you knew that I was a descendant of Holmes, but you had no intention of showing mercy to me."

Holmes shrugged.


Originally, he did not feel that his life was more important than Watson's safety.

He is indeed such a person.

"But your courage and recklessness are quite similar to mine - although most future generations have a stereotype of me as being smart, and naturally associate me with impressions such as 'absolute calmness'. Um?"

Holmes suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the original large cave under the Atlas Courtyard.

At this moment, on the other side.

Holding a huge parasol, Jiubiao Danxi, the user with the ability to move coordinates in "A Certain Magical Index", returned to the original big hole while having a heated game in the underground labyrinth of the Atlas Academy.

If you think about it carefully, fighting Holmes and destroying Holmes while maintaining restraint was not the purpose of Lu Mingfei's trip.

What is the purpose of Lu Mingfei coming here?

Find the Messiah and bring her back.

What about the Messiahs?

Holmes said he had the Messiah imprisoned.

Of course, this could also be Holmes lying. Although the missing person cane did point in the direction Holmes said, Lu Mingfei had not had the opportunity to confirm with his own eyes whether the other party was there.

So Lu Mingfei summoned Jiebiao Danxi, used the coordinate movement ability to kill the enemy, and returned to the big hole with the light of the interpreter covering the entire big hole, rushed into the dim room, and confirmed that Lu Mingfei The target, the female Messiah, was crucified with a scarlet spear.

The spear that can do this is not a Noble Phantasm, but the real holy relic, the Spear of Longinus, right?

It doesn't matter.

Jiebiao Danxi immediately prepared to use the ability of 'coordinate movement' to teleport the Messiah, the Holy Relics, the Spear of Longinus and the Cross. As long as he was away from this battlefield, what could Holmes do?

Zhen ran out, and when the communication was restored, Achilles ran directly over and kicked a knight, and Holmes was willing to take half his life even if he didn't die!

With this thought in mind, Jubiao Danxi was already taking action——

Suddenly, the people in the room behind them closed.

Above, below, left and right, including the ground, the light of the Interpreter illuminated the entire room where the Messiah was imprisoned.

——to be continued!

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