Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 36: Asking questions

Lu Bocheng's eyes met Su Qingyu's eyes, and she trembled when she stared at him intently.

I hurriedly sniffed my body...

Bah, he didn't go to drink or go to the Flower House, so what's the taste? As for something like that. Without looking at her, he ran to the bamboo couch and leaned on it.

"Wu didn't act like a monster during dinner today, did he?" he asked, lying down comfortably and resting his head on his hands.

Su Qingyu didn't answer and looked at him.

Lu Bocheng touched his nose and cursed, what did she want to hear, what did she want to ask?

"I went to the Yangwei Martial Arts Hall to have dinner with my master and brothers."

Women just like to ask questions and inquire about men's whereabouts, for fear that men will run away to meet women. Tsk, that’s true. Like Mr. Wu, every time his father came back he would ask endless questions about his whereabouts and details, tsk tsk, woman.

Lu Bocheng cursed, and after finishing speaking, he was puzzled when he saw that Su Qingyu still didn't speak. I confessed it, and it’s true, and I didn’t hide it. Are you still not satisfied?


Just as he started to speak, he was interrupted by Su Qingyu: "Why don't you have a piece of paper or ink in your room? Where are the books you read before?" Su Qingyu said calmly.

When Lu Bocheng heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. Just to put it bluntly, how could his woman be like the Wu family and other common people who would catch a man and ask questions, which is annoying.

"Oh, those, I put them away. I got angry when I looked at them, and I remembered that my father told me that I wasn't as good at studying as Lu Bozu, that bastard, and asked me to learn more from him. 6̾̾Learn from him, learn from his yin and yang weirdness! If you I’m bored and want to read, so I’ll look for it. Liu Juye’s family is a scholar and he has some books at home. If you want to read them, I’ll borrow them for you.”

Su Qingyu rolled her eyes after hearing this. After another pause, she found that she rolled her eyes more often when meeting this guy.

He said calmly: "Find me some pen, ink and paper tomorrow."

"What?" Lu Bocheng asked, twisting his body.

"What do you care about me? You ask so many questions. Don't you want a military book?"

Lu Bocheng suddenly jumped up and ran towards her in a few steps. His big face came close to her: "You got it back? Show me quickly!"

Su Qingyu pushed his face away in disgust: "No, my family threw the stove into the fire before."

"What! How could it cause a fire? Your family is really, really..."

"Cut the nonsense, do you want it?"

"Yes, but you said it's already on fire?"

"I'll give it to you silently!"

"Ah? You, can you say it silently? All of it? Not a single word?" Lu Bocheng was surprised and stared at Su Qingnao, trying to figure out the truth or falsehood of her words.

"Do you want love?"

"You want it! I'll get it for you now!"

"How late it is!"

"It's okay, I'll get it from Lu Bo's ancestral house! It'll be quick!" He said as he ran away.

This guy, it’s true, the wind is like rain.

After a while, Lu Bocheng came in like the wind again, carrying a large bundle of paper and an inkstone and pen. There are several pens, with different nibs and peak lengths, and they are available in large, medium and small sizes.

"Are you afraid that you have looted all the four treasures of the study from Lu Bo's ancestral home?"

Lu Bocheng raised his head and said, "My father bought it with money, and it's not his."

"This is gangster logic." He said as he went over to check and select a brush.

I chose a pen with a small tip, laid out the paper, and was about to grind the ink when the guy grabbed it and said, "I'll do it. I'll do it. Just think about the content, don't be distracted, and you'll miss it. If you miss it, it's ridiculous." Thousands of miles.”

"You still know that there are thousands of miles of mistakes? Tsk tsk..."

"Tsk, it sounds like I am illiterate. I was also very talented in reading when I was a child."

"Yes, you are very talented. You can entertain cats and dogs, drink in flower houses, invite people to fight, and the children on the street will hide when they see you."

"You! You. How can I be like that? It's all rumors spread by others. I have already said that I just drink sake and don't do anything. Besides fighting, if others don't provoke me, how can I hit them? Where can I not fight? Can I be favored by my master? If not, how can I go to a martial arts school to learn my skills?"

"Yes, you are reasonable and you have the ability."

The two people were joking and began to write a military book. One was writing and the other was polishing the ink. There was an unusual harmony in the room...

It wasn't until the cicadas chirped and the birds chirped and the summer morning dawned that Su Qingyu finally finished the 6,000-word "The Art of War", a total of 13 chapters.

My hands are almost broken.

Lu Bocheng rubbed her wrist and used a hot towel to apply heat to her. Although his hands and feet were diligent, his mind was not on it. His eyes were astonishingly bright, staring at the papers spread out on the table, as if staring at a treasure that glowed with colorful golden light.

Su Qingyu felt sleepy at this moment, pushed him away and walked to the bed.

"Read it for yourself first. I'm going to sleep first. If you don't understand, you can tell me when I wake up."

Lu Bocheng nodded repeatedly, and diligently went over to help her lift the curtain and spread out the quilt: "You sleep, you sleep, I will see for myself. If I don't understand, I will go to the master to study it."

Su Qingyu reacted and held him back: "See for yourself, I'm afraid this is not good enough to be seen in this world."

Lu Bocheng was stunned for a moment, then he figured it out and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, I'll watch it myself. I'm not going anywhere. I'll just watch it in the house."

Su Qingyu glanced at him sleepily: "You're not sleeping?"

Lu Bocheng shook his head: "I'm not sleepy, you can sleep." He also covered her with a quilt.

Su Qingyu glanced at him and saw that he was in high spirits and there was no trace of fatigue or sleepiness in his eyes, so she had to let him go and fell asleep with his head tilted.

When she woke up hungry, she found the man sitting at the table, looking like he was in trance.

"You didn't sleep?"

"Are you awake?" Lu Bocheng turned to look at her. Run over and lift the curtain.

Su Qingyu looked at his eyes, which were full of blood, and said, "I'm hungry. Go see if Aunt Zhou has left any food for us and bring it to the room to eat."

Only then did Lu Bocheng realize that he had not eaten breakfast or lunch. Su Qingyu said that he was also very hungry and rushed out of the house: "I'll get it."

After a while, as soon as Su Qingyu finished washing, Lu Bocheng ran back carrying two food boxes.

"I didn't even notice it unless you told me, but now I realize that I'm so hungry that my chest is touching my back." As he said that, he put out the rice in the food box and called Su Qingyu over to eat.

The guy didn't know whether he was hungry or something, but he was picking up the rice very quickly, as if he was about to be robbed.

Su Qingyu couldn't see it and patted the back of his hand: "You are rushing to reincarnate, eating so fast! It affects my mood when dining."

Lu Bocheng paused and said: "Master said that you must eat quickly on the battlefield, otherwise the war drums may sound before you finish eating. I don't want to be a starving ghost. Besides, you eat quickly, I still have There are a lot of things I don’t understand.”

Hearing that he didn't want to starve to death on the battlefield, Su Qingyu felt a little sad. Later, he urged me to eat again, and I hurriedly suppressed my emotions. I'll eat it slowly, I'll kill you.

After the meal was finished, Lu Bocheng collected the bowls and chopsticks attentively, and quickly carried them to the kitchen. When he came back, he pulled Su Qingyu to sit at the table.

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