Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 70 Countermeasures

From that day on, Mrs. Wu never went to Su Qingyu's shop to get food.

Aunt Zhou is no longer given the task of buying groceries, but Wu goes out to buy them herself.

Now she doesn't have to go to the dirty vegetable market. The vegetable shop is clean and hygienic, her clothes are not dirty, and the meat can be bought separately. Wu takes over the job herself.

I'll go to that house today, go to Aunt Su's house tomorrow, and change to another house the day after tomorrow. Go to whichever store sells cheaper, go to whichever store has activities.

Su Qingyu didn't care at all what she did.

Lu Bocheng was not here, so she was like an outsider in that family. There was a scene, and he became more and more incompatible with that family. When Lu Yuzhu and others saw her, they not only didn't even say hello, but also treated her as if they were a stranger.

Su Qingyao was not welcomed by the Wu family and her son in that family, and she loved staying in the shop more and more with her sister Yaya and her brothers and sisters. I ate all three meals in the shop, except when I went back to sleep.

After several similar vegetable shops opened in the town, they had a big impact on Su Qingyu's shop.

The immediate impact was that Su Dahu told her that her parents would no longer sell vegetables to her.

Second Aunt Su collected vegetables from Qiaotou Village and nearby villages at a high price. Many families in the village changed their ways, and even her natal family sold vegetables to her Second Aunt.

Her father also listened to her second aunt's words and replanted several acres of land at home with vegetables, and opened up a large piece of wasteland to raise chickens and ducks, just to supply her second aunt and sell meat and eggs.

Her step-grandmother Wang also found a job for her fourth uncle. Like Su Dahu, she helped Second Aunt Su go to the countryside to collect vegetables, fruits, chickens, ducks and other poultry.

Su Qingyu was silent for a long time after hearing this.

Then he asked: "Is it because the vegetables can't be collected?"

Su Dahu was silent and replied: "With the help of your grandparents in Qiaotou Village, we can't take it in. But overall, it doesn't have a big impact on us. We have signed agreements with people outside Qiaotou Village before, and they don't dare to They didn’t want to sell it to us. But they complained about the high prices of vegetables in the surrounding areas and asked us if they could increase the prices. The amount of vegetables they supplied us was reduced, and I couldn’t figure out why they couldn’t harvest the vegetables from the fields. Those who have not signed a contract and collected them piecemeal cannot be collected.”

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Although Su Qingyu felt uncomfortable, she had nothing to say.

It’s not easy for farmers to make a penny, so who wouldn’t want more money from selling? She understands.

But I just felt so anxious.

Now several vegetable shops are obviously working against her, charging high prices and selling low prices, trying to seize the market and share her customer base. But she cannot follow up and charge high prices and sell low prices. Vicious competition will lead to adverse effects and the market will be chaotic.

Now that the number of customers has decreased, the number of dishes sold cannot be as high as before.

But we have to accept the food from the villagers who signed the contract. The vegetables are ripe in batches, but if they are not harvested, they will rot in the ground. Although some people may wish she would charge less so that they could sell it to someone else for a higher price.

But since she signed a contract, she had to fulfill it.

Sales volume is low, and she has no intention of lowering prices accordingly. But when the food is put on the shelves, it has to be sold and left to rot...

That night, she carted away the remaining vegetables in the store and said she wanted to give them away, so she didn't ask for help. She pushed the cart by herself, found a place where no one was around, and put the vegetables into the system.

Read another book instead.

In the next few days, she made some changes to the store.

The leftover eggs and duck eggs are all pickled into salted eggs; the leftover meat is sold as braised pork; the leftover vegetables are tried to be made into pickles, dried vegetables, and dehydrated dried vegetables; the same goes for fruits, which are made into preserved fruits and dried fruits.

Anyway, the leftovers of the day, except for eggs, will not be kept for sale the next day.

Dried vegetables and pickled vegetables are also available locally. The cooking methods are similar, but the taste is different in each house. Su Qingyu mainly wants to make dehydrated dried vegetables and dried fruits. She wanted to think about these two things that others couldn't do.

Everyone was depressed for a few days, but when they saw that Su Qingyu had a countermeasure, they suddenly became more motivated to fight.

Granny Zhou said with a tone of experience: "That's right. How can there be no setbacks in doing business? You just have to become more courageous with more setbacks. I have been idle for a few days, and I am not used to it. The busier I am, the more energetic I am. "

Next, while everyone was groping about making kimchi and dried fruits and vegetables, the store also provided various services.

Since everyone sells the same thing, I have something that no one else has, and something new that everyone has.

For regular customers, as long as they pay a deposit, they will be delivered to your door. The few noodle shops and small restaurants we talked about before have not changed owners even after signing contracts.

Su Qingnao was grateful to them and helped them wash, cut and prepare the vegetables, saving them time in secondary operations. Occasionally, I would also give them some advice on the store. Several noodle shops and small restaurants have become more and more convinced of her shop, and others will not leave if they promise that the food prices are 10% or 20% cheaper.

As for the special guests we talked about before, such as those with handicapped legs and feet, widows and young girls, and those whose identities are unknown and inconvenient to go out, Su Qingyu also visited them one by one and presented them with cakes she made. Because of her considerate service, This group of people also identified her shop.

Yangwei Wu Guan, Lu Bocheng's friends, Liu Juye and other people's families also expressed their willingness to support her. Su Qingyu also personally sent cakes to express her gratitude.

Now Grandma Zhou doesn't kill so many chickens and ducks in a day. Su Qingnao asked her and found out that she was good at making pasta. The store immediately followed and put out dumpling wrappers, wonton wrappers, wrapped dumplings, wontons and All kinds of noodles.

People who come to the shop are dumbfounded. Someone has already rolled out the dumpling skins for you? And the wrapped raw dumplings, wontons and rolled noodles?

Doing the math, it's not much more expensive than buying it and making it yourself.

Look at the shelves again. Are the melons and vegetables peeled? Have you peeled the green beans and lentils too? Do you peel garlic and sell it?

So fresh.

There is less rubbish thrown away at home.

This action immediately attracted a wave of customers. Look, a lot of strange people have returned, and the daily flow has also increased a lot.

However, the excitement in the store only lasted a few days, and the other four stores followed suit.

The guests dropped back visibly.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little discouraged and hated those families. Xiaoqing, Yang and Xiaoqingxing would drag Xie Qiyou angrily to the door of other people's stores every day and stare at other people's stores. They would stamp their feet in front of other people's stores and call them bad people.

Su Qingyao was also amazed at the ability of other companies to imitate them.

If you have this time, why don't you think of some ideas of your own and just stare at her?

After being sullen for a few days, I immersed myself in the study of dried pickles, dried vegetables and fruits, etc. Everyone was quietly trying to make them. I don't plan to release it for sale now. Covering it like this, no one can imitate it.

For Su Qingyu, all this means that costs have increased and profits have decreased.

But thinking that these dried vegetables and fruits would bring her good profits in the future, she suppressed her anxiety.

But everyone didn't see the profit, they only saw that there were fewer customers and less turnover in the shop, so they all became a little anxious.

So she worked harder and served more meticulously. When a customer came, she wished that the other party didn't have to do anything but just use her mouth, and everyone would help her get the things she wanted and put them in the basket.

Su Dahu travels farther and can often bring back fruits and vegetables that are not common in this county and town...

This has also given the shop a stable group of regular customers.

Originally, the vegetables from the vegetable market were sold in the shop and all they did was provide services. However, Su Qingyu did not engage in price wars and emphasized service, and she also has a group of loyal customers.

But the shop was still visibly quiet.

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