Chapter 292

The Rose Garden was in turmoil at the moment.

The people from the moving company had already arrived, but Qiao Chen hid in the room and refused to come out.

Qiao Weimin aged a lot overnight, and the noble aura he gained from being pampered before was wiped away by the recent setbacks, leaving him exhausted. He sat on the sofa and ignored the moving workers coming and going, with a pair of bloodshot eyes fixed on the bag in his hand. cell phone.

Can't send it out!

Still can't send it out!

He sent seven or eight messages in a row, all of which showed that the other party refused to accept them. Then he let out a breath, and fell back on the sofa with a decrepit look on his face, as if he was a little older than before.

Shen Qiongzhi walked over worriedly at this moment, saw him sitting on the sofa staring at the phone, couldn't help but said: "Wei Min, Chen Chen has been staying in the upstairs room since I came back, should I go up and see her? "

Qiao Weimin was sure at this moment that he had been blocked, and he couldn't get excited about anything. He only raised his eyelids, but didn't raise his head, and said: "Leave her alone, let her stay alone for a while."

"Are you really alright?" Shen Qiongzhi still felt uneasy, and frequently raised her head to look in the direction of the bedroom on the second floor: "I saw that Chen Chen didn't look very well when he came back..."

Qiao Weimin was not in the mood to comfort her, and only said sickly: "She is not as fragile as you think. She must have been hit. Let her stay alone for a while and digest it by herself, which is better than you going up to comfort her a hundred times!"

Originally, my family recommended me to a prestigious school in Beijing, but I saw that I was the one who was so successful. In a blink of an eye, I lost my recommended quota for Renyi, and Nian Nian was also favored by Qingda University, a school that is better than Renyi. Head will not be comfortable!

Qiao Weimin understood Qiao An's feelings at the moment, and he knew that instead of comforting him in the past at this time, it would be better to let Qiao An stay alone and vent his emotions...

Shen Qiongzhi saw that he had said that, and didn't mention the words of going upstairs to comfort Qiao Chen. Seeing his decadent and numb look, she pursed the corners of her lips and said, "Wei Min, don't be like this, we haven't reached the end of the mountain yet. ..."

Qiao Weimin looked up at her, with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, and nodded reluctantly: "Yeah."

In fact, only he himself knows how powerless his nod is!

Trader Joe's is like a train with its tail on fire, it can't stop.

The Chengfeng Group is now completely tearing their skins apart with them. Before the birthday party, Chen Chen didn't take action to suppress them, but just announced in a low-key manner that they would not cooperate with them. After the birthday party, it became an explicit suppression of them.

Yuan Yongqin even let out the word that anyone who dares to cooperate with Qiao's real estate would not give her face!

The business district around the city is so big. Yuan Yongqin is backed by the Yuan family in Beijing and owns a large group like the Chengfeng Group. She said, how many people in the city would dare to cooperate with them?

In addition, the projects they applied for development before were frequently frustrated, and the working capital they used to find someone to borrow through official channels was returned... If it hadn't been the end of the mountain, he would not have thought of selling the house.

He knew very well in his heart that the only way to get rid of the current situation was only one person - Qiao Nian!

If Qiao Nian is willing to stand on their side, this dead end is not without room for maneuver.

So he kept sending messages to try to ease the relationship. After these two days of messages like nothing, and the number that was blocked at the moment.

He already understood in his heart that Qiao Nian would not give them another chance...

So, this is a dead end!

(End of this chapter)

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