Mage Joan

Chapter 1046: Reverse (Ⅰ)

The lead shot from Joan's shot hit the drow warlock's shoulder and exploded a large puff of blood. His painful face twitched and the entire right arm could not be lifted.

Compared with the visible gunshot wound, the drow warlock was more horrified that the gunshot also contained an invisible cold magic power, which invaded the body, making him lose the ability of hearing, vision and speaking at the same time.

The drow warlock sweated in the head and endured the panic that accompanied the loss of his senses. He waved his hands and inspired a large dark enchantment. He dragged his footsteps and stumbled into the darkness.

The way the drows use the "dark spell" is similar to the blood spell of the warlock profession, but there are obvious differences.

For them, the "dark spell" that automatically awakens when they reach a certain age is actually a "spell-like spell" that is closer to the "supernatural ability" and can be cast without gestures or spells.

The drow warlock used "darkness" as soon as he was shot, hiding in the depths of the magic dark curtain that "dark vision" could not see through. He thought he was safe, but he did not know that his struggle was a joke in the eyes of Joan. .

Raising his hand and gently touching the right eye, Joan activates the 2 ring prophecy spell "Eye of the Devil" attached to the prosthetic eye.

This spell usually has very few chances to open, but it is very handy at this moment.

Unlike "Dark Vision", "Devil's Eye" can not only see through the darkness produced by nature, but also penetrate the darkness created by magic.

Once you see the exact location of the drow warlock, the next thing is simple.

As soon as Joan thought about it, the "Mage Nether Palm" fell into the air, slapping the head of Drow Warlock and killing him on the spot!

Joan exhaled slowly, recalling that the drow warlock had just fired three magic missiles at a time. This shows that this person's casting level is similar to his own, and perhaps he is proficient in the spells he has not yet learned.

The fierce dogfight continued, and Joan had no time to collect the blood sample of the drow warlock, and he made a trick to give the body a slightly luminous "secret mark", and returned to collect the body after the battle.

As soon as the corpse was processed, Joan heard a familiar exclaim from behind him, and he could not help but fluttered his wings and flew over.


From the beginning of the battle, Holden shouldered three key missions at the same time.

First of all, he held up the short sword of "Daylight" to provide a broader view for his companions in the battle, and also caused an invisible deterrent to the dark elves who were naturally afraid of light.

Secondly, Holden could not be reconciled to just being a "torchbearer" on the battlefield, nor did he forget his own job, singing a Canaan army song in a loud voice, and invigorating the morale of his companions.

To be honest, apart from Audrey, the dialects of the hometowns used by everyone else who sang to Holden were half-understood.

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the lyrics. The emotion and magic contained in the song transcend language and national boundaries, so that all the companions who hear the song feel that kind of passionate fighting spirit, and unconsciously double the courage.

The generous Mr. Poet is not satisfied with just playing a backup role on the battlefield, with the radiant sword in his left hand and the magic gun in his right hand, always ready to teach the dark elves who dare to break into the range of the pistol.

Bards are always positioned as the "great oil" in the adventure team.

Usually this is a slightly derogatory position. You know everything, but you are not proficient.

However, a truly excellent poet can completely upgrade his position from "million oil" to "all-rounder", such as Holden at the moment, standing still in the center of the battlefield, but able to serve three functions at the same time, contributing to the team, only Second to Joanne who summoned a large number of giant servants.

After Joan summoned a large army of insects, he also turned into a "worm" and flew into the sky.

The only flying drow warlock among the enemies has been slapped to death by Joan. None of the remaining drow warriors can fly. The poison arrow shot by the crossbow cannot pierce Joan's worm shell. He hated him, but he had no choice but to stare angrily and simply ignore him.

Holden on the ground, the situation is very different.

The drows hate Joan the most, followed by the poet who is holding the "torch", singing songs, and shooting from time to time. Who can bear it if he is forced to toss them?

Kill him!

It is not rare to see Holden as a dwarf warrior in the eyes.

Holden must stay on the ground in order to maximize the range of light on the battlefield, which gives the enemy an opportunity to siege.

After taking the "Dark Cloak" potion, the drow warriors temporarily overcome their photophobic weaknesses physically, but psychologically, they still cannot completely overcome their inherent photophobia instincts.

The closer to the light source, the stronger the radiation intensity of "Daylight".

The drow warriors did not want to be too close to the light source, so they could not attack Holden with their swords. They had to hide in the dimly lit area, squint their eyes, and frequently fired poison arrows at Holden with crossbows.

Holden didn't need to distract from the poison arrows shot in the dark. The first reason was that his sister stood beside him, holding up a knightly shield to block the dark arrows for him.

Later, Holden realized that there was no need for her sister to stay by her side because Ryan was still standing beside him.

This shy young mage has little to say, but his spell-casting ability and resilience are called genius levels, which is because Joan is so dazzling that he conceals Ryan's talent.

Ryan had discovered at this time that, for some reason, Mr. Poet seemed to be filled with hatred from the drow. At least five drow samurai tried to kill him with poison arrows.

Ryan felt that he had an obligation to protect Holden from the threat of dark arrows, and once again inspired the "wind wall technique" to blow away the poison arrows shot around.

With this wind wall, Holden can shoot back with confidence.

The half-dragon bloodline gave him a much sharper vision than humans, and he could aim at the dark elves a hundred feet away through the muddy wind wall with dust.

The kinetic energy contained in the pistol bullet is much higher than the arrow fired by the hand crossbow, plus the heavy metal material and aerodynamic shape of the lead bullet are better than the wooden arrow, even if there is a wind wall obstruction, it can still be The enemy caused fatal injuries.

On the contrary, the crossbow arrows shot across from the other side were blown by the wind wall without knowing where they were flying.

Holden felt that it was enough for Ryan to maintain the "wind wall technique" by his side to resist the dark arrows from all around.

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