Mage Joan

Chapter 2453: Monster in the Lake

In the fifth zone of the "underground world", large and small caves are nested in each other, forming a complex maze.

Most places in the "karst cave area" are shrouded in darkness, and only a few caves grow luminous moss or open-air fluorite mines, which form a weak natural light source to illuminate the wet and smooth cave walls and the stalactites hanging upside down from the dome.

A glass bead the size of a thumb flies in the air, passing through a dark and rugged tunnel, carefully avoiding the stalagmites in the way, and exploring the depths of the cave.

The glass bead blessed with magic is like an eye with night vision ability, sharing the field of vision with its mage master, flying until it stops in the largest cave in the northern part of the fifth area, and then emits magical light, like a lamp The candlestick hanging in the air illuminates the vast and dangerous waters opposite the cave.

The grotto is not high, the depressions on the ground are filled with green oily liquid, and the water is gurgling with bubbles, emitting a strong pungent sour smell.

To the south of the cave, the sound of footsteps came from the tunnel where the glass magic eye flew. The young mage and the bloated old marsh man came one after another, stopped by the lake, and looked at the green pool opposite by the light from the glass magic eye. Disgusting liquid, that is, the famous iconic natural landscape in District 5-Acid Lake.

Qiao An picked up a stone and threw it to the lake full of natural acid.

With a puff, the rock splashed with waves, and then it was corroded to a sneer, and it completely decomposed before sinking to the bottom.

"It is really rare for the naturally generated acid to maintain such a concentration in a humid cave area. Unfortunately, the transportation is inconvenient and the abundant alchemical raw materials that are available are not available."

The young mage looked at the acid lake with emotion.

Elder Gua nodded in the same sympathy: "The dark region is a magical place. Basic life-sustaining resources such as sunlight, water and food are all barren, but there are also various precious minerals that are rarely seen in the surface world. Just average the resources of the two worlds, the surface and the underground."

This kind of unrealistic idea, the old marsh man just casually said that he and Qiao An are more interested in the ecology of the lake than the pungent acid.

"Brother Qiao An, come and take a look, there seems to be traces of large coleopteran insects crawling over here, are they left by death knell beetles?"

Qiao An quickly walked to the old druid's side, took out a tape measure, and measured the fuzzy traces remaining on the surface, then fell into thinking.

"We think this hexapod is a supernatural coleopteran insect. Judging from the span between the feet, its torso is about one and a half feet wide and its head and tail are about five feet long. It is indeed a large insect, but it is not big enough."

"You mean, the death knell beetle is bigger than the guy who left its footprints here?"

Elder Gamdo is not a native of the Underworld. As a druid, he knows the natural ecology of the surface world, especially the ecology of the swamp area, and is not so familiar with the insects of the underground world.

"I have never seen a live death bell beetle, but according to the records in the literature, adult death bell beetles are usually nine feet long from head to tail. This one is too small. I think it is probably not a death bell beetle."

After listening to Qiao'an's explanation, the old marsh man was disappointed and muttered to himself depressedly: "That stinky boy from Belling is really unreliable. I shouldn't believe his nonsense at the beginning!"

Qiao An didn't think that the dwarf mage deliberately fooled the elders. Perhaps Belling had just glanced at it, so it's better to ask him about it.

Thinking about this, Qiao An stretched out his hand to dig out the communication stone, intending to contact Berlin, but the sudden abnormal movement in the lake caused him to be alert, and he quickly pulled the elders, and hurried to the cave entrance, so as not to be cut off.

The old marsh man also noticed the waves in the acid lake at this time. It seemed that a huge monster was making waves. He hurriedly revealed a ruby-inlaid "wall of fire wand", staring at the lake with swollen eyes, ready for battle.

"It seems that a monster is about to emerge from the lake..." Qiao An whispered.

"This is super corrosive acid! What kind of monster can survive in the acid lake?" The old marshman became more and more curious.

Under the two tense gazes, a group of brown figures slowly floated up. The snake-like head came out first, followed by a flexible long neck and a pair of flat webbed fin-like forelegs, like a large turtle.

When the back half of this monster also surfaced, but there was no tortoise shell cover, the naked body was smooth and soft, with mucus attached, and had the characteristics of a mollusk. It looked more like a mixture of turtles and slugs, no less than 15 feet from head to tail. long!

"Wow! A big sea turtle without a shell!" Elder Gamdo looked at the weird creature that was slowly crawling to the shore with the forelegs assisting the stomach and feet, and was amazed, "Joan! Is this guy's shell dissolved by acid? Is it?"

"You think too much, people don't have shells, and they are naturally immune to strong acid corrosion."

Qiao An noticed that on the ground the monster had crawled on, the original hard rocks were all eroded into mud. Even the sharp stalagmites that touched the monster’s soft body were also eroded by the mucus secreted on its body surface, as if melted. ice cream.

"It seems that this monster is not only afraid of corrosion, but also secretes acidic substances that are strongly corrosive."

Qiao An quickly recalled the underground creatures in the acidic environment recorded in the literature, and compared the strange appearance of the monster that resembled a tortoise but not a tortoise, and soon thought of a strange kind of monster named "Escape Beast".

In order to verify his guess, Qiao An turned on "Advanced Inner Vision" to check the details of this software behemoth.


Reconnaissance target: super large weird (earth subspecies)

Life level: 15

Attributes: Strength 27, Dexterity 13, Constitution 21, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 12

Features: dark vision, tremor perception, immunity to acid erosion, burrowing, soft stone (like "Jiu Shi"), stone shaping (like "stone shaping"), corrosive slime, other (unproved)


"Sure enough, it's a hideaway beast."

Qiao An breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly switched the "flame suppression ball" attached to the "crystal talisman" to the acid-proof mode, and said to the fully guarded elder Gua: "Don't do it first, I'll go and fight Dundi Beast A hello, maybe you can get useful news from it."

"Little mage, are you sure you want to deal with that monster? Are you afraid that it will swallow you in one bite?" the old marshman asked worriedly.

"Except for the very few alien species that are addicted to drugs, most of the Dungeons are mild-tempered and hate violence, and their staple food is minerals, and they are not interested in human flesh.

"Wait for a while!" Elder Gu stopped Qiao An and prevented him from venturing close to Dundei Beast. I'm afraid of everything, my kid! How can you be sure that the guy on the opposite side is not drug addictive and special among Dundei beasts. Violent alien?"

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