Mage Joan

Chapter 2461: Auction colony

How can we resolve this imminent crisis?

Frank VII and his cabinet ministers tried their best. After repeated arguments, he finally made up his mind to show the courage of a strong man to break his arm and propose a plan aimed at solving the above two major problems at the same time:

The two colonies of the Empire in the New World, Midgard and Alfheim, were sold to the Kingdom of Kolas in the Far East to compensate for a portion of the defeat.

After receiving this proposal from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire, His Royal Highness Roland called the cabinet members to discuss behind closed doors.

Although most ministers believed that this was a godsend opportunity to expand the territory of the Kingdom of Kolas and should not be missed, Prince Roland resolutely rejected this seemingly attractive proposal after careful consideration, and instead suggested that the imperial authorities publicly auction the New World’s The two colonies used the proceeds from the auction of the colonies to repay war reparations.

Why did the prince of the Far East refuse to take over the colony of the Empire in the New World?

So far, Far East officials have not yet provided an explanation.

In the old world, most people couldn't figure out why His Royal Highness would push away this piece of "fat" that was sent to the front and give up the easy-to-reach overseas colony of more than three million square miles.

However, in the New World, when Qiao An saw this news on the "cloud network", he couldn't help but deeply admire the vision and pattern of the Far East Prince.

The colonists of Alfheim and Midgard have never sincerely obeyed the rule of their motherland, and will not change their positions and pay taxes obediently by changing to a suzerain that is also separated by oceans.

So far, the cost of the empire’s input in the colonies has far exceeded the benefits, and the gap in revenue and expenditure will only continue to expand in the foreseeable future.

The major colonial empires knew that this was a loss-making business, and they continued to pursue colonial expansion because of two factors.

The first is to alleviate the local survival pressure caused by the rapid population growth since the Industrial Revolution, and use the colony as a "pressure relief pool" to alleviate the increasingly acute social contradictions in the local area by exporting immigrants.

Secondly, the hegemonic ideology of advocating opening up and expanding territories is at work. Regardless of the monarch or the parliament, most of the ruling classes in today's countries are unable to restrain the ambition of expanding the territory under the rule. The Far East prince is only a special case. In fact, he has received a lot of pressure in the country because of this, and has attracted a lot of criticism.

The imperial authorities did not want to sell the colony unless forced to do so, but Emperor Frank had no choice but to accept Prince Roland's suggestion and announced the public auction of Alfheim and Midgard.

The news spread, and immediately attracted the interest of the world's major powers in Vares. Feizhen, Hailan, Canaan and Baoshua participated in the bidding and started fierce competition.

Perhaps it was privately received the persuasion of the hard-core ally Kolas Kingdom. The Kingdom of Canaan withdrew from the auction in the second round, and the Kingdom of Baoshua, which had insufficient financial resources, abandoned the competition in the third round. Only Hailan and Feizhen continued to compete. In the end, the Feizhen Kingdom, which was determined to win, took the ownership of these two colonies.

To celebrate this victory, King George III held a grand banquet at the Avalon court. Feizhen, the upper and lower houses, and the social circles also generally believed that he had picked up a great deal and realized the success of the past without a single soldier. The long-cherished wish of the true king successfully brought Alfheim, Midgard and Jotunheim into one, dominating the east coast of the New World, and establishing a veritable "sun never sets" colonial empire!

The price paid by Zhen Fei was only 100 million pounds of land purchase money. On the frosty land on the east coast of the New World, only 30 gold pounds per square mile, the empire also gave away more than 6 million residents living on this land for free. King George even optimistically believed that these 6 million subjects were potential taxpayers, and he should share his worries with his loyalty and patriotism.

Unfortunately, the colonists on the other side of the ocean did not show the noble consciousness that George III expected.

From Alfheim to Midgard, the "royalists" and "separatists" were deeply angered by the imperial authorities' auctioning of colonies.

The former believed that Emperor Frank and his motherland had betrayed his loyalty and were deceived and betrayed; the latter completely denied the legitimacy of the "auction" and claimed that the land belonged to the residents of the land, whether Emperor Frank or King George. They have no right to resell free people like them as slaves.

"People who love freedom do not need to worship Emperor Frank, let alone succumb to King George. The best way to express protest is to support independence!"

From Leiden Port to the streets of Midgard, political leaflets and pamphlets are flying all over the sky, and independent slogans like this, full of gunpowder smell, have become popular.

The protests of Alfheim and Midgard spread across the ocean to Feizhen. In this small island country, the nobles and politicians of the upper class have always adopted an arrogant and indifferent attitude towards overseas colonies. The so-called "laissez-faire" colonial policy is actually indifferent, allowing immigrants who go to sea to work hard to fend for themselves.

The current Prime Minister of Fijin’s Cabinet, Lord North and his cabinet members initially learned of the protest from the New World but did not take it seriously. They believed that this was just an inevitable pain in the process of territorial transfer. Midgard and Yalfhai It takes some time for the Mu people to learn to face the reality and improve their upbringing until they are worthy of the gift of fate-to become a glorious Feizhen subject.

Prior to this, the North cabinet still has a thorny issue that needs to be resolved urgently, that is, raising the 100 million gold pounds used to purchase the colony.

As the most powerful colonial empire in the Valais world today, the Feizhen family has big business, large expenses, and financial situation. In order to pay for the huge sum of money to buy Midgard and Alfheim, it has to try to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

Maintaining the empire requires costs. The huge bureaucracy and naval fleet take up most of the fiscal expenditures. It is impossible to reduce expenditure because of millions of ×× food and clothing. Your Prime Minister can only think of ways from the aspect of "income", such as... ...To increase taxes.

Fichen’s local tax burden is already very heavy, and since the implementation of the constitutional and electoral system, the government that raises taxes in the local area is bound to be unpopular, and it is inevitable that it will be ousted in disgrace.

The "Party of Order" to which Lord North belongs once suffered from this kind of loss. Of course, it did not dare to repeat the same mistakes, and could only find another tax base outside of the country.

The two newly-acquired colonies of Midgard and Alfheim, the garrison and administrative agencies have not yet completed the handover, and the taxation is too difficult. Moreover, the local people are unstable and require them to pay taxes and pay for the land purchase, just like Forcing the sheep to shear their own hair, and even asking for a dowry without a betrothal gift, is really not decent.

Lord North and his cabinet were decent gentlemen of noble origin. They could not rush to increase taxes on the two new colonies. After studying around the map, they found that the tax burden of Jotunheim was lower than that of other colonies. It's even more incomparable.

Well, Jotunheim, it's you!

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