Mage Joan

Chapter 2469: The Second Continental Congress

The series of battles from Yew Valley to the town of Idalil did not seem to have attracted the attention of General Thomas Convalley. When reporting to Governor Winthrop, he said lightly:

"This is just a small conflict, a small accident."

Lieutenant Colonel Smith’s attitude towards the general was very difficult to understand. He asked the old boss in private why he handled the matter in a low-key manner. Is it not worthy of deep reflection to pay such a heavy casualty?

"Of course we need to reflect on it, but we must not express grievances in front of the governor, let alone review the lessons of failure publicly."

"Why can't we publicly review the lessons of failure? This is not the most urgent thing we need to do right now!"

"The root of the failure of this encounter was that the intelligence was wrong and caught the trap of rebelling against the party. Where did the intelligence come from? Who should be responsible for providing false information, Lieutenant Colonel, do you really dare to pursue it?"

General Cornwalli's series of rhetorical questions made Lieutenant Colonel Smith sweat and speechless.

The information about the Idaril arsenal was disclosed by the Governor himself. Now this information has been shown to be deliberately released bait. If you are held accountable, isn't it just hitting the Governor in the face? It's no wonder that General Kang Huali wants to make big things small and small things small.


The most direct impact of the "Italil Incident" was to force the tax resistance of the colony to completely abandon the illusion of reconciliation with the Feizhen Kingdom, and turn from peaceful protests such as demonstrations to devote themselves to armed struggle.

Driven by this change of thinking, on April 2, 1626, public opinion leaders on the east coast of the New World rushed to Midgard to convene the "Second Continental Congress" in advance.

Since the venue was near his home, Sir Castis, who was absent from the first "Continental Conference", attended the "Second Continental Conference" sickly.

This dying old hero no longer has the strength to walk on crutches, nor the energy to deliver a long speech in the conference hall like other prosperous representatives. The youngest daughter Rebecca enters the venue in a wheelchair and talks with representatives from all over the world. After shaking hands one by one, they sat in the corner of the venue and listened in silence.

In the seat next to Sir Castis, on the left is his son-in-law, dressed in a straight military uniform, and the same low-key and majestic as his father-in-law, Colonel George Vasa, the representative of Alfheim’s public opinion; On the right, seated the revolutionary leader of Jotunheim, the most active and eloquent Mr. Joseph Adams in the entire venue.

In the first few days of the conference, the topics discussed were mainly the continuation of the "First Continental Conference," but the delegates soon found themselves in an awkward position.

On the one hand, the "gunfire of Idaril" means that the war has actually broken out. The local armed forces of Jotunheim who advocate independence are heading to the Yew Valley spontaneously, vowing to fight to the end with the garrison in New Avalon.

On the other hand, in places other than Jotunheim, the local residents are not yet ready to fight side by side with the compatriots in the north, both materially and psychologically.

When you are on the streets of Midgard or Leiden, find a passer-by to find out if he supports the resistance of the Jotunheim people. The other party will probably nod his head happily, or even shout "No representative Sonorous and powerful battle slogans such as "pay taxes" and "don't be free or die".

However, you have to ask him what he is willing to do to support the Jotunheim people's resistance in addition to verbal solidarity, such as donating money and materials, such as volunteering to go north to participate in the independent armed forces, and the other party will most likely make a haha ​​in embarrassment and avoid it. talk.

Let’s spend a little time with my family and peace and happiness. However, I don’t hesitate to throw my head and blood to support the “Yankee” who can’t be beaten. This kind of thing can only be done by a few idealists. As for the majority of people in society Regardless of how beautiful the slogans are, they are all exquisite or not so exquisite egoists in real life.

The representatives of the "Second Continental Congress", especially the representatives of Midgard and Alfheim, have no shortage of idealistic tendencies, but they also understand the tendencies of the local people. If they only value their revolutionary ideals, they ignore them. Realizing public opinion, they are not qualified to serve as representatives of public opinion.

Fei Zhen, the colonial empire with the strongest comprehensive national power in the Valais world today, the title of "The Empire That Never Sets" is not blown out, not to mention the invincible Royal Navy fleet, even if it is not treated much in Fei Zhen. The army I saw is also world-class in equipment. How can this battle be fought only by the rabble of Jotunheim, who has an average of one gun for every ten men?

Delegates to the Continental Congress knew in their hearts that the Jotunheim’s militias were in short supply of equipment, funds, and logistical supplies. They needed to be reorganized and trained. They must be transformed into a regular force as soon as possible. Otherwise, if they suffered a defeat, they would be like gangsters. So collapsed, each went back to each house, and couldn't play anymore.

So where do the funds and equipment come from?

Can only rely on the funding of the Southern Brothers.

However, the meeting has been going on for several days. The representatives of Midgard and Jotunheim talked loudly in the meeting hall, but once it was implemented to raise funds, materials and recruit rebels, they all pretended to be confused, and no one was willing. Stand up and take responsibility.

On April 8th, the Jotunheim militia gathered in Yew Valley reached 10,000. These young people who rushed to the battlefield spontaneously were still farming in the fields and carrying packages on the docks, not to mention military training. Many people have not even touched a gun, armed with simple weapons like farm tools, and rushed to join the army with all their blood.

These high-spirited militiamen gathered together and learned that no one paid them military salaries, and felt that they would not be able to make the climate. They elected representatives to form a "soldier committee" as the temporary leading body of the militia and gave them to the mainland in the name of the "soldier committee". An enthusiastic petition was sent to the meeting, urging the Continental Congress to incorporate them into a "regular army."

With the establishment and signing of the contract, the militia can receive weekly wages, guarantee its equipment and logistics, and perform well on the battlefield. It can also be promoted and awarded medals. This is a tangible benefit of turning into a "regular army."

The delegates of the Continental Congress circulated the "petition" from the northern front. They were deeply moved by the high morale of the militia, but they were unable to reach a consensus on incorporating this force. In the final analysis, Midgard and Alfheim The public opinion representatives in the two places just don't want to assume the obligation of war.

The establishment of a regular army means that everyone has to contribute money and efforts, but now the fighting is limited to the Jotunheim area. Is it necessary for Midgard and Alfheim to burn themselves? Can people in both places accept such sacrifices?

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