Mage Joan

Chapter 2505: Mysterious Cave

The hole leading to the beholder's lair is blocked by a large "eye of the air spore", and it will explode when approaching, emitting deadly spores.

Qiao An can use the "Stay Robe" to turn into an incorporeal ghost form, and pass directly through the blockade of the "Eye of the Air Spore" without triggering a self-detonation, but he still knows nothing about the situation in the nest and does not want to rush. Breaking in, and leaving behind this dangerous bunch of fungi is a hidden danger after all, it is better to destroy them completely and leave a smooth escape route for yourself.

If you meet the "Eye of Air Spore" in the open, it is not difficult to deal with, just use a "fireball" to blast all the "Eye of Air Spore" together, and then use a "wind-making technique". , Just blow away the tiny spores flying in the sky.

However, in an underground closed environment, this simple and rude approach will not work. Once the "eye of air spores" is detonated, a large number of spores will fill the cave, the consequences are more terrible than the gas explosion in the mine.

Although "Eye of Aerospore" looks ugly, it is not an evil fungus. The positive energy stimulated by "Branch of Ilminthul" cannot kill them. Qiaoan thinks about it a little bit and decides to use one that is particularly suitable for killing plants and Necromantic spell of fungus.

Opening the magic casting material package, Qiao An took out a small piece of black agate, wrapped it in a sponge, held it in his hand, and started casting the spell.


Chanting a spell symbolizing "withering and declining" in a low voice, Qiao An's left hand pointed towards the area where the "eyes of air spores" clustered.

The cold and gloomy negative energy flows out through the magic net, silently drowning all the "eyes of air spores", frantically squeezing the vitality of these supernatural fungi, making them dry and dehydrated.

Even if you don’t consider the double damage to the fungus, the basic damage of up to 20 levels of the 8-level "Wither" is enough to kill any "eye of the air spore" in a second, and the negative energy magic has another advantage, not like the wind. Elemental magic such as fire, thunder and lightning causes violent fluctuations in airflow, and of course it will not explode the "eye of the air spore".

The "eyes of air spores" near the cave are all eroded by negative energy, like a deflated leather ball, which has shriveled and withered, and the spores that have lost their vitality are scattered in the mud and turned into dust.

After clearing these dangerous obstacles, the cave entrance became flat and wide.

Qiao An took out a piece of black agate from the spell-casting material bag again, considering whether to bless the gemstone with "soul soul technique" and "resonance technique" to induce the beholder hidden deep in the lair to come out and die.

If the beholder can't resist the temptation of "resonance technique" and voluntarily leaves the lair, and can't help touching this piece of black agate that acts as a bait, the soul will be sucked into the black agate and sealed, leaving a good corpse for Joan Anatomical research.

This plan to lure the enemy out of the hole seemed very good at first glance, but after careful consideration, Qiao An discovered that there were two hidden dangers.

First of all, he still didn't know how many beholders there were in the depths of the cave. If more than a dozen were rushed out at once, it would be troublesome.

What's more, the "anti-magic cone" released by the beholder can suppress all magic and supernatural effects, with a range of 150 feet. As long as you stare at the black onyx from a distance, the bait you hollowed out will be scrapped on the spot, isn't it a waste of time? One?

In fact, the persecution is paranoid by the suspicious nature of the beholders, and it is not normal to see suspicious objects without "anti-magic cone".

Taking these variables into consideration, Qiao An had to dispel the idea of ​​enticing the enemy out of the cave, and instead used the "advanced peeping eye", turning 38 glass beads into a detector with its own "true knowledge", and flew into the cave first to find the way. .

Qiao An continued to cast the spell, using a piece of crystal wrapped in gum as a material to create a "smart magic ball" around his body, using his mind to control a transparent sphere supporting his body to float up, following the glass magic eye to explore The road goes to the depths of the cave.

Benefiting from the "high-level sacred seal of different eyes", Qiao An's left eye and different eyes at the back of the neck have obtained supernatural vision similar to "true knowledge". Without the help of light sources, the line of sight can penetrate the darkness and see the scene in the tunnel clearly. .

There are more than one tunnels leading to the depths of the cave. Qiao An only explored for five minutes. On the way, he encountered no less than double-digit forks. The level of intricacy is comparable to the maze built by the tauren. Each fork is arranged with a glass magic eye. Exploration, according to this momentum, 38 magic eyes may not be enough.

Qiao An kept switching perspectives between the various glass magic eyes, and soon noticed an interesting sign.

The tunnels in the cave can be divided into two types according to the excavation method.

The walls of most of the tunnels showed irregular scratches, which looked like the work of death knell beetles.

There are also a few tunnels excavated in hard rock. The inner rock wall is very smooth, and the cross section is all a regular circle with a radius of 10 feet, just like drawn with a compass!

This is the typical feature of beholder residence.

Including the death bell beetle, most of the underground creatures that burrow to live in consideration of labor saving, always tend to bypass the hard rock layer, looking for a softer soil layer to dig tunnels.

But the beholder does not need to detour.

As we all know, a pure-blood beholder must have eleven eyes. Except for the "main eye" located in the center of the body, the other ten smaller eyeballs grow at the ends of tentacle-like eye stalks.

In addition to being a visual organ, these ten eye stems can also emit unique magic rays, one of which is "dissociation."

The beholder is good at using "dissociation rays" to dig tunnels. No matter soft soil or hard rock formations, when a dissociation ray is hit, they will instantly be opened in a regular cylindrical cavity 30 feet long and 10 feet in radius. A large amount of dissociated soil and sand are automatically decomposed into invisible material particles, which can be called the most convenient and efficient burrowing method in the world.

It is precisely with this supernatural talent that can freely release the "dissociation ray", the beholder will always dig a maze-like tunnel in his lair. If outsiders are careless, they will go astray, with bad luck. It is also possible to step on the trap.

Qiao An has encountered several traps along the way.

For example, at this moment, not far in front of him, the seemingly smooth ground is actually only a layer of rock as thin as potato chips. The bottom has been hollowed out, and a cluster of "air spores" grows at the bottom of the sinkhole as deep as 100 feet. Eyes".

If a heavily armed explorer stepped onto the trap, he would immediately collapse the ground, fall into the sinkhole, and explode the "eye of the air spore", and he would have to peel off his skin without dying.

The beholders love to set up such "pressure-triggered" traps in their nests, because they have the supernatural ability of floating and drifting, and can easily float over the traps, and those from outside explorers in this rugged and narrow underground In the tunnel, it is inconvenient to fly even if it has wings, and it has to pass through traps with difficulty.

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